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  1. KuaiBan
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    5.2 update has been released. This is by far the biggest overhaul to date for this class, with new items and abilities, reworks of existing stuff, fundamental mechanic changes, and more.

    Portal: Scrounger update 5.2 patch notes

    [Latest] 5.2.3 update has been released. Fixed a bug where Handheld Supernova's explosion leaves unwanted debris.
    5.2.2 update has been released. Now your cat can help you remove certain negative status effects! (terms and conditions apply because it's a cat.)
    5.2.1 fixed a description error of Lung Impaler and Sunken Maul. It was implied they apply their respective status effect for 1 turn, which wasn't true. It's 2 turns actually.
    06/27/24: Originally 5.1 update was to be released today, but due to the amount of content and changes in this update I will need to do some extensive testing before release. So no update today.
    5.0.3 update has been released. New passive for Makeshift Harpoon. Reverted a nerf for basic and advanced bombs. And more. Check Logs for briefs.
    5.0.2 update has been released. Eldritch Dynamite now applies disadvantage on wisdom saves.
    5.0.1 update has been released. Increased spell save dc of delayed status effects. (This update has been rolled back.)
    5.0 update has been released. Reworked all mutagen. New abilities. Massive balance tuning
    4.3.5 update has been released. New ability for Malformed Experiment. Relaxed Defective Larvae infection requirement. And more.
    4.3.4 update has been released. Partially reworked Improvised Chemstick and Atrophic Canister to increase their synergy with Bolt of Decomposition. Updated Scrounger's Field Manual to reflect this change.
    4.3.3 update has been released. Med Pump now automatically recovers you on next turn when Downed, once per Long Rest. Atrophic Canister movement speed adjustment.
    4.3.2 update has been released. Balance tuning for Shell of Sonic Boom. Adjusted Adrenal Fatigue.
    4.3.1 update has been released. Adjusted Adrenal Fatigue. New ability for Malformed Experiment and Oozing Biomass. Mapped a hotkey to Palico Meow's fly action. Balance tuning for some bombs. And more.
    4.3 update has been released. Med Pump now heals you based on your missing health. Minor balance tuning for non-legendary mutagen.
    4.2 update has been released. Item rarity changes and balance tuning.
    4.1 update has been released. Resource economy changes. Items and abilities tuning. Readability improvement.
    4.0.3 update has been released. Relaxed activation requirement for Mutagen of Unleashed Beast.
    4.0.2 update has been released. Chemical Support Tank's active ability now costs Morph Sludge to use and fully heals on activation
    4.0.1 update has been released. Buffed Motion-Assist Prosthesis. New ability for Chemical Support Tank. And more
    4.0 update has been released. Fabricable armors, new items and abilities. Important bug fixes and balance changes.
    3.8.7 update has been released. Bug fixes and balance changes to Optical Melanophores. Minor balance changes to Flash Flare.
    3.8.6 update has been released. Massive changes to Malformed Experiment. Minor changes to Clairvoyance Brew.
    3.8.5 update has been released. Fixed a bug where Megafungi Blister's duration is shorter than intended.
    3.8.4 update has been released. Buffed Tonic of Perfect Body. Reduced the cost of all legendary items.
    3.8.3 update has been released. Fixed a bug where mutagen and extracts have incorrect icons for their status effects.
    3.8.2 update has been released. Buffed Extract of Raw Arcane and updated its description. Update models and icons of various concoctions to make them more visually consistent.
    3.8.1 update has been released. Slightly adjusted the damage of Advanced Bombs granted in 3.8.
    3.8 update has been released. Massive buff to Advanced Bombs, minor buff to Superior Bombs. Added custom tags for Scrounger (for extra immersion).
    3.7.2 update has been released. Reduced the cost of Vivisection Instrument. Check Logs.
    3.7.1 update has been released. Fixed a bug where Rusty Crowbar deals no damage to objects without Sturdy or Toughness keyword. Adjusted Handheld Supernova's damage variation, max damage unchanged. Check Logs.
    3.7 update has been released. Reduced cooldown of Depth Tow and Abductor Parasite. Check Logs for details.
    Note: if you already fabricated Abductor Parasite prior to 3.7, you need to fabricate it again to update its cooldown.
    3.6 update has been released. Fixed a bug where Ghastly Reagent incorrectly costs Structural Integrity to use.
    3.5 update has been released. New abilities and some substantial balance changes.
    3.4 update has been released. Fixed a bug where Sunken Maul had incorrect weapon label, causing its proficiency to grant different abilities than intended.
    3.3 update has been released. Balance changes to some items. Check logs.
    3.2 update has been released, with some visual and text updates. Check logs.
    3.1 update has been released, with some balance changes. Check logs.
    3.0 update has been released. New items, ability reworks, balance changes and more. Check out Articles tab for patch notes.
    2.0 update has been released, including balance changes, new lore, new abilities and new items. Check out Articles tab for patch notes.

    The mod contains a built-in dummy level 13 for those who need it. Also, the optional files are standalone versions, work independently of the main file.
  2. KuaiBan
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    These tips are now included in a new book introduced in 2.0, offering an immersive way to read them.

    Some tips for this class:

    • Capsule of a Meow: The basic capsule, the cat, is an extremely good scout. It can turn invisible and also see invisible things (on a successful skill check, which happens every turn). It can also fly (great mobility option) and open doors. Use it to explore areas and mark important locations. Its Meow can also attract npcs. You can use it to lure and isolate enemies, taking them out one by one, or draw them to your designated barrelmancy/bombmancy spot.
    • Bolt of Choke: An advanced arrow, it is not just a crowd control tool against enemies. It can also serve as a defensive option. You can hide yourself inside the cloud after you finish an action or bonus action.
    • Bolt of Decomposition: An advanced arrow that reduces movement speed in a large area. It synergizes well with bombs that requires targets to linger inside an aoe.
    • Uncanny Husk: An advanced grenade, is very useful for distracting melee enemies. It will spawn friendly hatchlings after a round. Hatchlings can't be controlled but they can perform opportunity attacks, which will draw enemy aggression. Plus they explode into toxic cloud on death or when despawn, which deals poison damage.
    • Concoctions: Concoctions includes potions, coating and mutagens (functions like elixirs). Mutagens last until long rest and provides powerful boosts to your character.
    • Weapons: Weapons only cost a bonus action point to fabricate, unlike other items they don't drain Battery Cells Biofuel (your class resource). They also use your spellcasting ability as their attack modifiers, so feel free to summon them whenever you want. Note: after a long rest, the summoned weapons will revert back to their default modifier (i.e. Strength for pickaxe, Dexterity for crossbow), this can be fixed by just summon the weapons again. Fixed in 2.0
    • Packaging your bombs: if you have a destroyable container you don't care losing (like a random backpack you picked up), you can put your bombs into that container and throw it at a great distance. The container can be destroyed but bombs will remain intact, so you can blow up all bombs at once for some great damage (cheese). Note that if bombs are in a stack, it may sometimes not detonate all at once. Try split up a stack if that happens.
    • Sharing is caring: Excluding your weapons and tools, fabricable items are not bound to your inventory, you can let your companions use your fabricated items. Enemies out of reach for melee companions? Caster out of spells? Fabricate some bombs and let them toss it, which will use their spell DC instead. Rangers out of arrows? Fabricate some for them! Want a summon for every party member but don't want to spec for a summoner? Give them your capsules. Sharing with your companions is a great way to utilize your arsenal.
    • Item descriptions: Lots of efforts were put into item descriptions to make them as intuitive as possible. Each item also has immersive flavor texts that fit the Scrounger theme.
    • Elemental surfaces and conditions: Try combine different elemental surfaces and see what you get. Scroungers are very good at creating surface effects. Some surface, like water and steam cloud, applies wet condition. If a target is already Chilled, applying wet to it will freeze it instead.

    Overall, Scrounger is a very versatile class that can provide great utility for teams, while also being viable for a solo playthrough (the bomb packaging trick can really murder beefy targets). Hopefully you can have fun playing as a Scrounger. It is an almost entirely consumable-oriented class, which offers a pretty unique playstyle. 
  3. SilverrDoom
    • premium
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    How is this with compatibility? I noticed it doesn't seem to use the framework
    1. KuaiBan
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      It's a standalone class with a unique progression table, and it does not insert into or overwrite any vanilla entries. So far I haven't heard any reports of compatibility issues with this mod. Hope that helps.
  4. DemonEyesZero
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    ******Looks around****** So no more update, can i use it now lol
    1. KuaiBan
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Update 5.1 should come out today or tomorrow, with new items and abilities and the biggest overhaul to this class. You can play it now and update it when 5.1 comes out.
    2. DemonEyesZero
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      You lied u said 5.1 would be the last -_- lol
    3. KuaiBan
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      I took down 5.1 in the middle of the update due to a large amount of typos on the new items. 5.2 is basically 5.1 but with less typos.
    4. DemonEyesZero
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Naw no worries just messing with u lol update away lol
    5. KuaiBan
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      All good lol, enjoy!
    6. KuaiBan
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Hi there, apologize for another update. There was a description error in two superior weapons. It incorrectly stated their status effect would be applied for 1 turn, when it's actually 2 turns. This typo was fixed in 5.2.1. 
    7. DemonEyesZero
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      lol ok and its all good 
  5. Entropy7373
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Every update can bring such a big surprise! A very cool shield! (So this should be the last update recently?)
    1. KuaiBan
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Yep, last one for a while~
    2. KuaiBan
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Hi there, my apologies, there was a description error in two of the weapons. It was incorrectly stated that they apply their status effects for 1 turn. It's actually 2 turns. Update 5.2.1 corrected the description. 
  6. Entropy7373
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    It's really gratifying to see this mod improve to its current state! However, I am currently experiencing some confusion: when can I get a relatively stable version to play? It is a pleasant surprise to see mod updates every day, but constantly updating it during gameplay can indeed make me feel overwhelmed.
    1. KuaiBan
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Hi there, sorry for the constant updates. I am currently working on some new items and and some important balance changes, as well as quality of life improvements. Next update is 5.1, which should be the last update for a while if everything goes well.
  7. vulgarprophet
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Absolutely stellar work, friend. This is just 110% my kinda theme/aesthetic, and I cannot overstate my gratitude for sharing your work with all of us. 
    1. KuaiBan
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Thank you for the appreciation. Wish you a wonderful playthrough.
  8. GrayHollow
    • member
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    hey i wanted to ask if i load this before or after compatibility framework cuz been trying to play with a bud who wants to be artificer but it wont let us connect
    1. KuaiBan
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Do both of you have the exact same mod list?
  9. amon10
    • member
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    Can fabricate armor with this class??
    1. KuaiBan
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Hi there, armor isn't fabricable.

      Edited 06/11/2024: 4.0 update added fabricable armors.
  10. DarthFalcon
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    Just realized I'm a version behind with this mod in my current playthrough, is it safe to update from 2.0 to 3.0 mid save? or should I start over if I download a newer version?
    1. KuaiBan
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      I recommend backup your save first. But theoretically it should be safe to update.
  11. kesnit
    • member
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    Does the class get anything new past LVL 10? I'm currently LVL 10 and need to decide whether to multiclass out now or later.
    1. KuaiBan
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      More class resources and be able to acquire all unlocked evolutions, but other than that no.
  12. 250412433lpdmw
    • member
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    Hi, I love this module, but I found that after installing this mod, my character can't use special arrows, only Scroungers can fire their own arrows. Is this caused by compatibility, similar to mechanic mod. It is worth mentioning that I am using the previous Chinese version and do not know if 2.0 has this problem.
    1. KuaiBan
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Hello there. I tested it, other party members with different classes can fire special arrows no problem. Could you be more specific? What arrow are you having trouble with? What is the mechanic mod you mentioned that you suspect causing compatibility issues? This mod doesn't overwrite any base game items or mechanics and is completely standalone, whether it is 2.0 or pre 2.0 version.
    2. sztrzask
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I have had the same issue with Artificer mod - and the solution is to add this mod (or the Artificer) before starting new game (i.e. not adding the mods in the middle of a playthrough)
    3. KuaiBan
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      That's interesting to know, thank you for the info. I will try look into it in a future time.