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  1. DynamicCrusher
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    What's the console command to get the new ethel's charm? I killed her after getting the hag's eye but didn't get the bone to break.
    I looked up the base game UUID and this command didn't work: Osi.TemplateAddTo("f3b1fff1-33c1-4283-8f02-84abfdc5e84e", GetHostCharacter(), 1, 1);

    EDIT: I'm guessing it never drops naturally for her since most people wouldn't kill her the way I did since I really didn't want to do her regular fight and used the acane lock trick. Using the trick after she gives you through dialogue doesn't work since arcane lock only lasts for 10 turns ( I probably shouldve tried turn based mode now that I think about it)
    1. Siaell
      • premium
      • 96 kudos
      It's a special item, you need to be in act 1 and use command Osi.ToInventory command instead.
      Maybe do Osi.SetOnStage("f3b1fff1-33c1-4283-8f02-84abfdc5e84e", 1) before to be sure.
    2. DynamicCrusher
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      @Siaell Worked like a charm, thank you. Quick question, is heal hag eye not supposed to have an icon?
    3. Siaell
      • premium
      • 96 kudos
      If I recall correctly, the spell is supposed to have the hag-eyed condition icon.
      However, healing the eye shouldn't be available if you don't have that condition (wich if you had, you shouldn't need console command to get the item). 
    4. DynamicCrusher
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Siaell Yeah, a few of my mods has the ? icon. I had the condition and didn't get the charm because I didn't reach the second dialogue set that gives the charm and just killed her. The CC worked, so everything worked out in the end.
    5. Siaell
      • premium
      • 96 kudos
      Since it's a vanilla icon, I can imagine a game update changed the icons names or paths so mods using them have this issue. If this is what happened, it'll take some time to update all the stuff we have to. 
  2. TKTaKo
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    would it be possible to remove the shadowheart mirror of loss restriction(where she cant benefit from it if not loyal)?
    1. Siaell
      • premium
      • 96 kudos
      I looked at the scripts and it looks complicated to intercept and bypass that behavior. Maybe it's possible, but it doesn't sound worth the effort. There's narrative reason for this too. 
  3. SilverrDoom
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    I have a problem with the cheat version, heal hags eye doesn't work. It disappears from my bar, but then immediately comes back, the buffs and debuffs are still there. I am running a whole modlist I found in the collections tab so it's very possible it's a mod conflict, but even so is there anything I can do? Manually remove the buffs with a console command maybe?

    edit: nvm just removed the cheat version
    1. Siaell
      • premium
      • 96 kudos
      Yeah the cheat version alters how this part behaves, should it change? 
  4. Redkins
    • member
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    too bad I found this mid-playthrough, but planning to use it on the next run
  5. densefire64
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    What is the SE code for Nightsinger's Favour ? I'm applying the buffs that I lost before downloading this mod but that one is missing from your list of commands.
    1. Siaell
      • premium
      • 96 kudos
  6. lambdadelta528
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    Broken promises cannot be safely dispelled. Do I need any special procedure? I drink a potion, get cursed, but as soon as Shadowheart removes it with Remove Curses, I immediately get a -1 Strength debuff, as if I had a long rest. After a long rest, nothing changes.
    1. Siaell
      • premium
      • 96 kudos
      It sounds like another mod is messing with that buff then, try loading this mod lower in your load order and try again cleansing the curse.
    2. lambdadelta528
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      No, it did not work. I put a mod both at the very beginning of the list and at the very end. The result has not changed. Maybe one of the mods changes the hug's potion, but in the description of each this is not declared. Or I am dumb and I don't understand something. Just in case, my sheet of mods on this passage is higher.
    3. Siaell
      • premium
      • 96 kudos
      Put it at the end, and don't forget to hit the "Export order to game" button.
      Also you shouldn't keep mods in the inactive section, some of them will still have some effect there, either set them in your load order or uninstall them while you don't use them.
  7. dellmadsen
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks for this essential Mod. I've one issue and one suggestion. 

    Is there anyway to remove the "Camp Supplies" from the Hag's Hair? It always ends up auto-sorted into my Camp Chest and I loathe having to make sure it isn't selected as food when I long rest.

    Secondly, Is it possible to add a boost from the Idol of Silvanus? Maybe just for the Player Character and just +1 to Nature.
    1. Siaell
      • premium
      • 96 kudos
      Just uploaded a version to make the hair no longer food. 

      Regarding the Idol of Silvanus, it's already somewhat covered in Interesting Origins, though it could be a little better in general, like a conditionnal boost for Druids. 
    2. dellmadsen
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for the quick fix! Love the idea for it just being for Druids. 

      Always felt like if it opened up Arabella's powers so fully it should have some effect on Tav.
  8. Acired
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    So I feel truly stupid for asking this, but...

    Is the Hag's Hair plot marked or anything?  I did finally get it, after starting a new play, and I used on my party.

    I recall putting it into my bags for safekeeping, but I remember it's categorized as a "food" item.  I was about to try and use on a new character I picked up, but I could not find it anymore.  I am now suddenly panicking that it might have been consumed during one of my recent Long Rests.  

    Is there anyway to check this or to console code a new one in?
    1. Siaell
      • premium
      • 96 kudos
      Chances are it got consumed during a long rest. I just uploaded a version to no longer make it a food item.
      You can get it back with this command:
    2. Acired
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      Thank you!

      Console Command worked for a new one!  I am laughing at the thought of the party accidentally cooking the scalp and commenting on the especially tough dinner...
  9. TheZeroGeass
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    On lastest version make my cleric can't respec, this never happened before new updated.
  10. BigJamaal
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Nvm I'm trippin on crab dust my bad