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About this mod

What if long lasting story buffs were really long lasting? As in permanently. And more convenient too?

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We know and love long lasting buffs we acquire through quests, or interracting with interesting things.

But they go away, and you could be tempted to time the moment you acquire them to use them exactly when you need them, instead of organically playing the game. You could also be tempted to take a habit of renewing them after every long rest, for those you can (looking at you, Ethel's well).

No more! With this mod, you get to keep those buffs. No more unimmersive planning!*

Some of these buffs are very powerful however, so they have been tuned down to accomodate for their new duration. 

But that's not all, some other things I found not useful enough got buffed or altered as well. 

Keep in mind this is somewhat modular. If any of these changes are not to your taste, it is easy to remove/alter them for yourself, I'll explain how.

Note as well this is balanced towards a modded increased difficulty. If any of this is too much for your personal game experience, that's why it's modular. 

If you like my work and would like to support me, it would mean a lot.

Changed Various Buffs:
Gray text = unchanged from vanilla
White text = context for changes
Brown text = changed from vanilla
Green text = made stronger
Red text = made less powerful
Blue text = QoL/UI/visuals
Gold text = Brand new

Bliss Spores
Affected entity has a +1d6 bonus to 
 Attack Rolls, Ability Checks, and 
 Saving throws until the next Long Rest
After Long Rest, becomes a permanent passive (no HUD clutter). Bonus of passive is +1.

Affected entity has a +1d6 bonus to 
 Attack Rolls, Ability Checks, and 
 Saving throws until the next Long Rest
After Long Rest, becomes a permanent passive (no HUD clutter). Bonus of passive is +1.
New icon.

Dark Lady's Erudition
Has a +5 bonus to Intelligence until finishing a Long Rest.
Retain a permanent +1 afterwards.
Passive (no HUD clutter). New icon.

Dark Lady's Grace
Has a +5 bonus to Charisma until finishing a Long Rest.
Retain a permanent +1 afterwards
Passive (no HUD clutter). New icon.

Dark Lady's Awareness
Has a +5 bonus to Wisdom until finishing a Long Rest.
Retain a permanent +1 afterwards
Passive (no HUD clutter). New icon.

Ethel's Well
Refreshed condition, which will increase the character's max Hit Points by 10 until their next Long Rest.
(Note that temporary hit points will be removed at the same time.)
(Doesn't share a stack with temporary HP anymore) 
After a Long Rest this is replaced with the Nauseated condition, which inflicts vulnerability to Psychic and Acid damage until another Long Rest. 
Becomes a permanent buff after long rest (no HUD clutter).
Scales with level (same as Tough).
Also pointless to try to get it again now. New icon.

Loviatar's Love
Pain is the path to clarity.
When you have 30% Hit Points or less, you gain a +2 bonus to 
Attack Rolls and Wisdom 
Saving Throws for 3 turns.
Gain +1 bonus to
Attack Rolls and Wisdom
Saving Throws per 20% missing HP (up to +4).
No duration. Made permanent (not removed by death).

Morninglord's Radiance
Your weapon attacks You (with every damage source) deal an additional 1d4 1
 damage until Long Rest permanently.

Anointed in Splendor
Has a +2 bonus to all 
 Saving throws.
Becomes a permanent buff after long rest (no HUD clutter).
New icon.

BOOOAL's Blessing
 Advantage on 
 Attack rolls against Bleeding creatures, as long as there are Kuo-toa to worship BOOOAL.

Turned into a passive (no HUD clutter).
Isn't removed by death.

Githzerai Mind Barrier
Having assimilated a splinter of githzerai knowledge, mental barriers have been erected in the affected entity's mind. It has 
 Advantage on Intelligence Saving Throws.

Turned into a passive (no HUD clutter).
Isn't removed by death.
New Icon.

Nightsinger's Favour
Affected entity is Resistant to 
 Necrotic damage until your next Long Rest.
Turns into a permanent passive granting
Necrotic damage reduction equal to Proficiency bonus.

Potion of Everlasting Vigour
Permanently increases your Strength the ability of your choice by 2.
The choice is made with a spell.

Auntie Ethel's Charm
After long rest, keep +1 to Ability & Skill checks.
(Requires the Hag Eye)
Unlocks a spell for the day it is used. Spell allows to heal the Hag Eye condition, removing the effects and visuals. You keep the dialog tag. You can undego Volor's operation afterwards. This consumes the Enhanced Ability effects. 

Hag's Hair
Added icons to the passives, they were missing one.

Mirror of Loss
Bonuses no longer cap at 24.

New Hag's Hair:
Want to play a rightous character, but not miss on Ethel's hair while killing her?

Help yourself, her head is right there. And why only take one strand? Take the whole scalp.

A new item is added to Ethel. It acts as an all stats hair, isn't consumed when used, so can be given to all characters, but works only once per character.

Extremely powerful, but it can feel wrong to have only one party member get such a buff, which is useful to everyone. 

Note: There is an optional file to choose the stats via a spell, the main file gives all 6 stats.

Changed Playable Characters' Powers:

Astarion: Vampire Ascendant
Behold, the Vampire Ascendant! Thousands of souls have bought you power, granting you 
 Ascendant Bite and 
 Gaseous Form.

You also have a +1d10 +1d4 (scaling)
 damage bonus to weapon and unarmed Attack Rolls every offensive action you do.

Gale: Mystra's Benevolence
Gale has Advantage on Concentration checks. 
Transforms the status into a permanent passive (no HUD clutter) after long rest.
Changed icon.

Gale: Mystra's Blessing
Gale ignores up to 10 points of incoming elemental damage.
Retain half the effect (and the tag) after long rest.
Changed icon.

Minthara: Soul Branding
Bestow the Absolute's flames on a creature. Its movement speed increases by 1.5m and its next attack deals an additional 2d4 + 1 1d4 +1
 damage. This condition ends upon landing a successful attack.
Is no longer consumed on an attack (acts as day-long buff). 
Corrected the movement buff to match the tooltip and fit with the new effective duration (1.5m instead of 5). 

Hag potion: Broken Promises
Grants +2 Strength until long rest, then turns into -1 Strength forever. 
If you remove the curse before you get -1 Strength, you can keep the +2 forever (as a passive).

Racial Blood Elixirs:


Spells are once per long rest.
Display as a passive instead of a status for UI clarity.


Display as a passive instead of a status for UI clarity.


Spells are once each per long rest.
Display as a passive instead of a status for UI clarity.


Added a recurring aoe heal every 10 minutes. 
Changed value from supposedly Constitution value (was actually 1d20 + Con modifier) to 1d10 + Con modifier. 
Display as a toggleable passive instead of a status for UI clarity.


Relentless available once per long rest. 
Display as a passive instead of a status for UI clarity.


Deliberately uncovered. Will be implemented as part of Illithid Powers Overhaul 2.0

Survival Instinct
Deliberately uncovered. Will be implemented as part of Illithid Powers Overhaul 2.0 

You can deactivate any of these changes for yourself to get just what you want. You can also tweak the values, if you know what you're doing. 

I conveniently separated every change listed above in one file for each. For most of them, you can simply delete the corresponding file to revert my changes.

I also commented the code and isolated what I actually changed from the game, so if you want to play with values, look after these lines.

There is one exception to this: the new hag hair. If you really don't want it, you should also delete the RootTemplates folder, and the TreasureTable file. 

Limitations/Known issues:
*: You still only get the buffs on the current party members only, so it still involves some planning.

I intend to look for a way to remove that limitation, and add each of the group buffs to all the party, even if not present, or not recruited yet.

If you can help in that regard, please contact me.

Use BG3MM.

No dependencies.

Can be Installed mid-playthrough.
Changes will be retroactive, but you won't get back the bonuses you lost.
If you want them, you'll have to use console commands.

Will likely conflict with other mods altering these effects.

You can play around with load order to adjust which mod takes precedence in case of conflicts.

You can also delete modules from this mod (advanced users). 

Uninstallation instructions: 
Before attempting to uninstall, you have to remove every status added by this mod. Here is the list:

ORI_GALE_MYSTRABLESSING_ALT                  (on Gale if you did the interraction)
SIAEL_UND_BLISS_SPORES                       (on every character present at the moment of obtention)
SIAEL_BLOODPOTION_HALFELF                    (on the character that drank the half-elf blood potion)
SIAEL_BLOODPOTION_HALFELF_TOGGLE             (simply toggle the associated passive off)
SIAEL_BLOODPOTION_HALFORC                    (on the character that drank the half-orc blood potion)
SHAR_CHARISMA_PERMANENT                      (on the character that got Dark Lady's Grace)
SHAR_INTELLIGENCE_PERMANENT                  (on the character that got Dark Lady's Erudition)
SHAR_WISDOM_PERMANENT                        (on the character that got Dark Lady's Awareness)
HAG_HAIR_GLB                                 (on every character that ate the new Hag Hair)
SIAEL_LOW_STORMSHORETABERNACLE_GODBLESSED    (on the character that got Anointed in Splendor)
SIAEL_WYR_NYMPHGROTTO_RAPTURE                (on the character that got Rapture)

Be sure to be above 80% HP with the character having Loviatar's Love
Use Script Extender console or Cheat Engine to remove them. 
Here are approriate commands:

If there are other buffs/abilities/items you feel I have missed, let me know.

I will at some point look into how to have the party buffs be available to even the party members not with you at the moment of obtention. 

I may make an uninstaller if there's an actual demand for it. 

Here are the items, statuses and passives uuid or names, in case of testing needs:

Console commands:

Osi.ApplyStatus(GetHostCharacter(),"STATUS_NAME",-1,1)         for statuses
Osi.AddPassive(GetHostCharacter(),"PassiveName")               for passives

Various Buffs:

Buff                      Name                                  Type

Bliss Spores              UND_BLISS_SPORES                      Status
Rapture                   WYR_NYMPHGROTTO_RAPTURE               Status
Dark Lady's Grace         SCL_PLAQUES_CHA_PASS                  Status
Dark Lady's Erudition     SCL_PLAQUES_INT_PASS                  Status
Dark Lady's Awareness     SCL_PLAQUES_WIS_PASS                  Status
Ethel's Well              HAG_WELL_GOOD                         Status
Loviatar's Love           GOB_CALMNESS_IN_PAIN                  Status
Morninglord's Radiance    CRE_MAG_LATHANDER_PUZZLE_BOON         Status
BOOOAL's Blessing         UND_BOOOALBLESSING                    Status
Githzerai Mind Barrier    COL_GITHZERAI_MIND_TECHNIQUE          Status

Strength Hag Hair         HAG_Hair_STR_Passive                  Passive
Constitution Hag Hair     HAG_Hair_CON_Passive                  Passive
Dexterity Hag Hair        HAG_Hair_DEX_Passive                  Passive
Intelligence Hag Hair     HAG_Hair_INT_Passive                  Passive
Wisdom Hag hair           HAG_Hair_WIS_Passive                  Passive
Charisma Hag Hair         HAG_Hair_CHA_Passive                  Passive         

New Hag Hair:
Item UUID                 2156e23b-a8e8-4c3f-b566-d16f79fabe2a

Character's Buffs:
Astarion                  LOW_Astarion_VampireAscendant          Passive
Gale                      ORI_GALE_MYSTRABLESSING_1              Status
Minthara                  GOB_DROWCOM_BUFF                       Status (cast via spell normally)

Racial blood potions:
Half-Orc                  b4b4a84c-95a2-46f5-9cb3-c0c53af11bde
Human                     04edf181-9063-417f-a197-2d0c008b5943
Halfling                  dbeafcaf-825d-4b49-b36e-11aaf11ec794
Gnome                     65e56bb5-909b-4f52-99e9-18fd1f39ef19
Dwarf                     7196e628-a512-4447-94b3-49b2a9d1c182
Elf                       9c96bc7d-5546-4f0b-8980-286325050e23
Tiefling                  9cd26812-b428-45be-9fa9-8ef55856c52b
Half-Elf                  293ffe17-abc1-4842-b338-cd9482e3bcbc
Githyanki                 ff858bad-e2fa-499b-bb43-c36349a09e4b
Dragonborn,Fire           e258a58f-eda6-44f8-bba6-689b275d9d8f
--Ice                     5e556eca-2989-42c7-a018-95770ae779a2
--Lighning                b86d9910-d55e-4a16-a6b5-9f221071efa2
--Acid                    f21d19ce-b550-4d08-8eaf-55129772c6f2
--Poison                  f737ed58-b467-4d6b-b1d0-76df984ec092