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  1. lostsoulman
    • premium
    • 154 kudos
                                           WARNING - NO I MEAN ACTUALLY READ

    1.SAVE GAME before updating mod. If you have issues you can try the following:  Use REMOVEL ALL option Before Updating Mod
    2.Long Rest After Turning Off Potion Before Updating Mod.
    3.Please Read ALL pinned messages before posting or making bug reports.
    4.    Feats Extra is only required if you want to use feats from Feats Extra.
  2. lostsoulman
    • premium
    • 154 kudos
                              HOW TO GET THE POTION
    1. Trade with Armor Trader in The Grove (Dammon).
    2. Trade with Withers.
    3. Start the game. If you don't get the potion use F5 F8. After this time when you reload a game save it will check if your party has the potion in their inventory. If not it will be added to your main character. KEEP ONE POTION UNSTACKED  NOT IN A BAG in your inventory otherwise more potions will be added each time you load.
    Note: V1.55 Amend: you get a passive- leave on to summon potion on reload; turn off and the potion will not be summoned
    4. Use cheat engine or other name:  OBJ_Potion_Of_ChooseYourStats
                                                                 UUID fe2e100d-2135-41bc-bc66-909b48b030f5"
    5. If you have script extender console enabled use Osi.TemplateAddTo("fe2e100d-2135-41bc-bc66-909b48b030f5", GetHostCharacter(), 1, 1)

                                                HOW TO USE THE POTION
    1. Drink the potions - new icons should appear on your hotbar.
    2. If the icons do not appear, double check your hotbar.
    3. Press K and find the new icons - you can drag the icons onto your hotbar (if you cant just unlock your hotbar)
  3. lostsoulman
    • premium
    • 154 kudos
                                     HOW TO INSTALL MODS:

    1. Download mod from nexusmods
    2. Unzip mod
    3. Place mod .pak in mod folder (mine is: C:\Users\Gamer\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Mods
    4. Vid to watch (older video)
    5. You (currently) need patch3 Mod Fixer to be in mods folder (doesn't need to be installed via BG3 Mod Manager
  4. lostsoulman
    • premium
    • 154 kudos
    MODSETTINGS.LSX (mine is: "\Gamer\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\PlayerProfiles\Public\modsettings.lsx")

    This is an example with a few mods installed (and working)
  5. lostsoulman
    • premium
    • 154 kudos
    ADDING ANY SPELLS (Option 1- does not use spellslots).

    So I dont plan to add the option of adding every single spell from the game (and from mods) into this mod. But it is possible with Script Extender to add spells.

    I have found a method that uses Script Extender console. This is for advanced users only, not part of this mod. The spell added is just known to your character. It wont appear in the same spot as your other spells but if you press K (or check your hotbar) it will be there.


    Download the extender: Extract DWrite.dll to the Baldurs Gate 3\bin directory (eg. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Baldurs Gate 3\bin)
    **Install via BG3 Mod Manager- this is the best option** And enable console.
    Using SE Console to addspells
    Switch to SE console window
    Press Enter
    Paste          Osi.AddSpell(GetHostCharacter(), "Projectile_Fireball", 1, 1)
    Press Enter
    Type Exit, Press Enter
    Tab back into game (dont close the console)
    You will need to know the name of the spell.

    Norbyte has a search function:
  6. lostsoulman
    • premium
    • 154 kudos
    ** TO-DO LIST

    Up to date:
  7. SprayBottleJim
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hey, very helpful mod, but is it possible to add an option to reduce initiative and bonus actions? I see that movement speed has the option to add -1, but for initiative and bonus actions there's only the options to add more or reset it to the base value.
    1. lostsoulman
      • premium
      • 154 kudos
      You want -1 you won't have any?
      So...why? I'm genuinely curious 
  8. festivehands
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Is there an option to add the ability to learn spells from scrolls? I couldn't find it, but maybe I wasn't looking in the right places. Excellent mod, by the way!
    1. Savitar03
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      There's plenty of mods that do that such as: Everyone Can Learn From Scrolls
  9. Savitar03
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hello! I was wondering if you could add support for Additional Fighting Styles . It'd be wonderful :D
  10. jdel17
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hi there lostsoulman, would it be possible to add the 11th level subclass ability from draconic bloodline sorcerer which is just "flight"? And if it already exists within the mod, could you direct me to it? Thanks for all the work put into this great mod over the years, I have been a user since early access.
    1. lostsoulman
      • premium
      • 154 kudos
      V1.73 Add: SORCERER- Flight, CLERIC- Thunderbolt Strike, Blindsight (Need Blindsight Mod), Status Immunity- Charmed & Frightened, BARB- Frenzied Rage.
    2. jdel17
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I just tried it out - works like a charm. Thanks so much, lostsoulman! 
  11. katrina2093
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Thank you for the Blindsight!!!
  12. GrayNish
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hi, I have come with another request yet again.

    Can you add the tags related to size and weight? there are a few mods out there that allow you to change size but all of them are aesthetic. For example, you could make yourself a 10 feets tall behemoth yet you only weight as much as your true form was. and can still be easily shove as ever. but if the size tag were properly set to large, I believe this would allow you to truly experience the weight of that should come with that size.
    OR better yet, you could also integrate said size choosing mechanic as one of the option in your repertoire.

    Also, I'm not sure if it existed but a tag for body type. in the same vein, if you play body type 2 scale up to body type 4 size. when in cutscene it would still show you the scene for size 2 but if it was possible to fools the game into thinking that we're using body type 4? so we could have proper cutscene with scaleup body type 2

    Thank you in advance
    1. lostsoulman
      • premium
      • 154 kudos

      Im not sure there are tags for different player character size.
    2. GrayNish
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I see, so it must be something else that govern it then. because things did change differently based on different body size. like camera angle and how strong body type pick up astarion in his scene.
      perhaps it's the model itself. in that case, I presume we can do nothing about it.

      Thank you for taking your time looking into it
  13. Velldon
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    can you add friended strike/throw from the berserker subclass?
    also, wild magic seems not to work on my barbarians.
    1. lostsoulman
      • premium
      • 154 kudos
      V1.73 Add: SORCERER- Flight, CLERIC- Thunderbolt Strike, Blindsight (Need Blindsight Mod), Status Immunity- Charmed & Frightened, BARB- Frenzied Rage.

      Not sure about wild in wildmagic sorcery?
  14. VETOVaz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can you add immunity to each status condition ie. frighten, charm.Also, please add blindsight - preferably with cross-implementation from this

    thank you
    1. lostsoulman
      • premium
      • 154 kudos
      V1.73 Add: SORCERER- Flight, CLERIC- Thunderbolt Strike, Blindsight (Need Blindsight Mod), Status Immunity- Charmed & Frightened, BARB- Frenzied Rage.
  15. Drirlake
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Greetings dev. What an amazing mod. I am really appreciative it is still being updated. Please add thunderbolt strike from Tempest cleric subclass.
    1. lostsoulman
      • premium
      • 154 kudos
      V1.73 Add: SORCERER- Flight, CLERIC- Thunderbolt Strike, Blindsight (Need Blindsight Mod), Status Immunity- Charmed & Frightened, BARB- Frenzied Rage.
  16. Nightsparow
    • member
    • 2 kudos

    First this is a modding question so feel free to ignore if you do not want to deal with this. I'm trying figure out modding a bit to adjust my own games. Given that I’ve always had your mod installed on BG3 as it is my clear favorite I decided to open it up to see if I could understand how it works.

    I set a small goal for myself to show I could follow everything. It was to make Arcane Recovery and Create spell slot work for rank 6 slots. I made it work with Arcane Recovery by creating a bit of an addon but create spell is stumping me as when I try to do the same thing with Create that feature gets greyed out on your mod.

    On Passive_chooseyourstats.txt under SORCERER you have all the UnlockSpell if I add one for slot 6 it does not work. Is this because the base game doesn’t have it set up for rank 6 and your mod is just piggie back on that hence if I try to just add it on your mod it doesn’t see it and if I recreate it like I did with Arcane Recovery your mod isn’t recognizing that change one I create?

    Hope that made sense.
    1. lostsoulman
      • premium
      • 154 kudos

      The game has level six spell slots.
      Im not sure exactly what you have tried.
      If you want to post your code ill have a look.