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  1. Likeaboss9827
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hican u added shadows plz 
    1. FluffySpider
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      You mean "shadow" npc from act 2? I've tried, but it breaks character's animations when you dispel the disguise or use another form 
      So I wasn't sure if it was a good idea haha 
    2. Likeaboss9827
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      oh dang ok
    3. AmonRa1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Summon the shadow through the lantern and transform it into any shape; you'll see what kind of things happen :D
  2. blightings
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    i might just be stupid, but i can't seem to figure out how to dismiss a wildshape?
    1. FluffySpider
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      the ring has a "dispel disguise" spell. it can be seen on the very first screenshot. and transformed npc/creature should also get this spell automatically. this spell dispells both wildshape and disguise self
    2. blightings
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      yeah, i've tried that icon but it doesn't seem to work on wildshapes for me, only the disguises. i'll have to try again
    3. FluffySpider
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      tested it and it worked for me. which version was causing you issues? or which exact form? just all wildshapes?
  3. AmonRa1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I am grateful to you; you have provided me with renewed fun in the game BG3. I have one more request: could you also add Wyll (with horns, very important), Gale,  Shadowheart, and the Spectator  , Meazel  ,Archivist (house of hope this guy) [ and could you add abilities ?]
    and Dark Urge maybe? 

    from the gods: sharr, loth meybe ? ( and could you add abilities ?) and ofc Bhaal,Bane, I don't know what it would look like or what abilities it would have, but I'm looking at the BG3 wiki and I'm excited about it, What could you do with this.. Of course, you don't have to add these gods, which is why I'm separating this from the rest of the text.
    11/10 the best mod
    1. FluffySpider
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      can add the characters you mentioned. idk about gods though. if you have a clear idea about their looks then i can try adding them. i just doubt they had any data about their looks in the game files (Shar might have a model though. she has her statues, right?)
      oh, and by dark urge you meant just the default white dragonborn? this could be done too

      edit: and what about normal Wyll? you need a horned one only? haha
    2. AmonRa1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It's a shame that the characters aren't shown outside of the in-game image, but oh well, I'm still happy with how this mod works. Regarding Sharr, her character model appears in the game just like the Queen of Githyanki. It would be a good idea to add some abilities, but that's up to you. As for the characters: Wyll, I care about the horns because I'm creating a demon grove :D
      The replacement of main characters is also nice, even if they don't have abilities. Thanks again for fixing some characters so they appear in Act 2 of the game. <3
      White Dragonborn? Answer: Yes.  and pls add MEENLOK :] 
  4. beardietwitch
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Looks cool, but does it let you have an extremely awkward and kind of horrifying half-melded phase like the covers of the Animorph books by K.A. Applegate that came our between June 1996 and May 2001?
    1. FluffySpider
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      sadly, no. but it would've been fun to have a transformation right from the book covers lol
  5. AmonRa1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Mod 10/10 unfortunately has some flaws. I noticed that when moving to Act 2 of the game, you can't transform into certain characters like Kagha, Ethel, BOOAL, and more. There aren't many, but they are there. Additionally, when you have a romance, the option to kiss the disguised person disappears. Could you fix these issues?

    And another thing: for me, the mod is amazing, but could you add Zethino, Shadow, and it’s great that you can change Minthara's outfit when disguised. I was wondering if you could also add these playable characters: Jaheira, Karlach, Astarion... I like changing appearances

    And pls demon Raphael DEMON (3) (final act)
    1. FluffySpider
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      Hmm, maybe I've missed a few forms when I've tested the mod in act 1 and act 3. Gonna see what I can do with that
      I'm not sure about kisses though. Maybe it's because transformation changes character's tags and bodytype (just like "disguise self") and it messes everything up. But "kisses" mod by cerberry still works while transformed, so if I won't be able to fix that you can use it to kiss the characters
      And I can definitely add others, but Raphael though... Do you want it to be a permanent form? I've already added this form to a version with skills, but it's temporary and only available to Cambion Raphael 

      edit: i've tested BOOAL, Zethino, Kagha and Ethel and they only seems to work in certain acts where they appear, looks like when you leave the certain act their models get unloaded and can't be used anymore. idk how to fix that
      i also managed to fix the kuo-toa by picking another model. and i can't make BOOOAL work, but  can add another red cap that seems to work in all acts
      oh, and about the shadow. i could add it, but it completely breaks character's animation after you remove its form.
    2. AmonRa1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      When it comes to Raphael, I meant the form Raphael Boss when you fight him in the House of Hope, how he transforms into his divine form, and additionally, if you could introduce his powers and abilities, that would be great.
      As for the kisses, I've just noticed that they disappear, which doesn't bother me at the moment. As I said, the mod is perfect anyway.
      Really, I'm just asking to add the divine form of Raphael because he's the only one missing among all those bosses.

      And if those shadows are getting messed up, then don't add them since they are causing issues.
  6. Rynfri
    • premium
    • 31 kudos
    This is such a fun mod, thank you!!
    1. FluffySpider
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      I'm glad you liked it ;D
  7. cl1314nhj
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    您好,我想问一下,如果变为NPC后,能使用该NPC所有原有的法跟被动技能吗? 比如他们自带的传奇技能
    1. FluffySpider
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      Yes, it acts like a disguise from a spell "disguise self", so all skills would be avalable. But some forms (mostly animals) are missing spell, ranged and sneak animations, so there may be a slight delay when using those skills.
    2. cl1314nhj
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    3. FluffySpider
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      yes, that's how it works. i thought about giving the disguises their intended abilities, but that way they may be too overpowered
      so i only gave the flying creatures the ability to fly
    4. cl1314nhj
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      • 0 kudos
    5. FluffySpider
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      I might try creating a version like that in the future, but it'll definitely take some time to make.
      Having some unique abilities that only available to npc may be interesting though 
  8. AmonRa1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I just wanted to take a moment to commend you on your fantastic mod. It has truly enhanced the game and provided hours of fun and excitement. The level of detail and creativity you have put into it is truly impressive.
    I have a small request that I believe would make the mod even more enjoyable. Could you consider adding the following characters?

    • Raphael (- pls pls pls pls )
    • Orin
    • Thorm
    • Gortash
    • Mizora
    • Myrkul
    • Auntie Ethel (x2)
    • Balthazar
    • Sceleritas Fel
    Thank you once again for your incredible work. Your dedication to creating such a high-quality mod is greatly appreciated by the entire community.
    1. FluffySpider
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      Ohh, it sounds like fun. I could definitely add all of them ;D
      and which Raphael form would you want to see? His human form? Cambion form? maybe both? haha
      And you want Auntie Ethel's hag form, right?
    2. AmonRa1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      That's fantastic to hear! I would love to see all forms of the characters. For Raphael, both his human and Cambion forms would be amazing. And yes, for Auntie Ethel, please include her hag form as well.
      Thank you so much for considering these additions! I can't wait to see them in the game :D
    3. AmonRa1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I truly appreciate your time and effort in creating such an outstanding mod. Could you let me know approximately how long it might take to add these characters? 
    4. FluffySpider
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      i think i may release an update tomorrow. and if not tomorrow then probably a day later
    5. AmonRa1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to you with a humble request regarding the masterpiece you are currently working on. I am truly impressed with the work so far and have a few additional character suggestions that I believe would greatly enhance the final piece.
      Could you please consider adding the following characters?
      Araj Oblodra
      Malus Thorm
      Gerringothe Thorm
      Thisobald Thorm
      Mystic Carrion
      Akabi the Djinn
      Hook Horror
      I sincerely believe that these characters would add more depth and richness to the overall presentation. Could you also let me know when I can expect this update?
      Thank you for considering my request, and I must say that I am having a great time with your work. I look forward to seeing the continued evolution of your remarkable project.
    6. FluffySpider
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      yeah, i could add those along with some others that i had plans to add. is there any other creatures you'd like to be added?
    7. AmonRa1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      maybe: Merregon, KAGHA, Gut, Minthara, Ragzlin, Sister Sinda :D
    8. AmonRa1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I wanted to kindly inquire about the expected timing of the upcoming update. Could you please let me know when I might anticipate it?
    9. FluffySpider
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      probably tomorrow. or later/earlier. 
  9. clairesquire
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Would you consider making different versions of the ring? E.g. an all-in-one version, humanoid morph version, animals/beast-only version

    Asking as the number of options may be a lot on the hotbar/controller dial lol. But if it's too much trouble, that's okay too!

    Also hey, it's you! You made Less Smiley Tav/Durge! Absolute essential when playing with my more stoic characters btw, thank you so much for sharing it (it doesn't seem to be linked properly on this mod's description page though, just a head's up)
    1. FluffySpider
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      I was actually planning on dividing animal/beast-like and humanoid-like transformations into 2 different spells and putting them on the same ring. It was getting a bit cluttered, so i'll probably try organising it a bit better too
      And i'm glad you've enjoyed my other mod ;D
    2. clairesquire
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ooh, I see. That'd be great, too! It would definitely make using the ring spells more streamline. Thanks!
  10. laurenzobrando
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    would you add a pigeon? :D
    1. FluffySpider
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      sure, i can add it in the next update ;D