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  1. kejourou
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I do have a question regarding the creatures you animate with the spores.
    will they be effected by the ai control mod for summons 
    I have linked it for reference.

    Also thank you for this mod it’s awesome 
    I plan to use it to revive all the goblins and become the new goblin lord 
    1. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      It all depends on how the mod looks for summoned creatures and how it checks creatures so it’s easier for you to install and test .
      Later I will download it and have a look.. and I will give a more detailed answer
    2. kejourou
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i have been testing it but i wasn't sure if i had done something wrong with loader order or something.
  2. Garrett1988
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hi. Thanks for the mod. Tell me how to get rid of the resource that gives the ring? I take off the ring, but the Essence icon and accumulated Essence remain with my character.
    1. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      Well, that's right.. it's like an infection. . using the ring you also partially become... a mushroom this is a joke joke..) there was no provision for getting rid of the resource, and the resource itself is stored on the character, so it doesn’t disappear... and the mod itself will not allow you to lower the resource below 1 unit... at the moment this is a rollback to saving before installing the mod ..) or tell me what exactly you want to do or I can help you by writing commands for the console...
    2. Garrett1988
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I just tried on the ring on my Tav, but I was going to give it to Jaheira in the future. Now my Tav has a resource that cannot be removed. This is not essential, I will use early saving, I just wanted to make sure that this is not provided for by the modification functionality. P.S. It would probably not be superfluous to hang a warning about this so that people playing in Honor mode do not have such problems.
    3. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      As an option, add the ability to share essence with another character
    4. Garrett1988
      • member
      • 2 kudos
  3. SwordSaint21
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    First off, I love the idea to this mod and it goes perfectly with the party my Dark Urge has. Thank you for your efforts. 

    Unfortunately, I havent had any luck with using the essence of spores for raising the corpses. Collecting works just fine, but whenever I try to raise a corpse, I get the invalid target over any enemy type I have tried. Any advice, tips or updates are of course welcome!  Wont let me add a picture without a URL and the mod list has 127 lines that I doubt you want on this comment. If I can find a way to add it, I will reply back to this comment. 
    1. SwordSaint21
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Invalid Target
      Picture connected to the Link. 

      Mod list as followed with your mods bolded in the load order, though be warned, its quite alot. If this is too much, I will delete. This after changing the load order to being before any class mods or changes such as the druid level 6 glut ability. Currently I have no druids even in my party yet.

      0Mod Configuration MenuVolitioBG3MCM_755a8a72-407f-4f0d-9a33-274ac0f0b53d.pak
      1CommunityLibraryBG3 CommunityCommunityLibrary_396c5966-09b0-40a1-af3f-93a5e9ce71c0.pakAPI, Core, Library
      2Kekyll's Lab (Core Library)drkekyllKekyllsLab_021a277f-a31c-4047-bcdc-c7a753d1473e.pak
      42e SpellsGycicada2eSpells_cb92db0c-634d-438c-8580-f45555555555.pak
      6Valkrana's SpellbookSailor CatValkrana's Spellbook_9deeb371-f01e-41b4-b20e-c5eee0751b12.pak
      12Vemperen's Other HeadsDufresne12, vemperen, Kartoffelvemperens_heads_ef0fb0e3-a4e1-4672-84b3-bc63260e12af.pak
      14Tav's HairpackToarieDFHairPack_da0b99ca-4406-49c1-bef9-3a08621280a2.pak
      16Wings And Halos By RenRENWingsAndHalos_53a60364-2db0-4556-ae35-95ed9fcf9703.pak
      20Invocations ExpandedWinterbrickInvocations Expanded_1d6ece6c-b9e1-430e-8263-InvocationsExpanded.pak
      21Additional Fighting StylesRecatAdditionalFightingStyles_6ed1f4e3-c53a-4b66-bbfe-03620e8c956b.pak
      22Tasha's Fighting StylesdrkekyllTashasFightingStyles_a9efdc45-2c5c-4bda-8b2a-824bb7cb8afd.pak
      37Glut's Ring Controlled FollowersAtamgGlutRing_companion_a11cdd18-803d-41d5-9a19-bff4610f5bac.pak
      38Glut's Ring Controlled Followers no visual effectAtamgGlutRing_companion_no_v_e_5872f2ba-6f13-47aa-81f7-
      40Aberrant MindHavsglimtAberrantMind_1999672d-97f0-45aa-893c-f4ed5e800485.pak
      42Wizard - HexcraftxararaHexcraft_be02a930-2bca-49fc-aa53-79e7d58f00db.pak
      47Wretched BloodlineHavsglimtWretchedBloodline_a429b3b6-9f94-478b-988a-c6cee3e1aa05.pak
      48Oath of RedemptionHavsglimtOathofRedemption_3933b821-ccb1-48d6-b2ac-f5a4d7d5a375.pak
      49Oath of the Bleak WalkersHavsglimtOathoftheBleakWalkers_a18a9e91-e25a-4954-82d4-2bfe570fa0c6.pak
      50Blood HunterWolfeBlood_Hunter_411d5c6e-2bd5-4e4e-ab72-67dcc37b8c0e.pak
      51Blink Dog WildshapeCorianderBoiBlinkDogWildshape_fd68e5f7-dae0-45c5-83fa-58fb3c8ec55d.pak
      55Circle of the ShepherdHavsglimtCircleoftheShepherd_9f5832ae-2cf3-49c5-9c9a-69d91d05a778.pak
      56Circle of StarsHavsglimtCircleofStars_7588b857-8bae-4967-a73c-20f7833ae26f.pak
      57Circle of WildfireHavsglimtCircleofWildfire_26cc7a9c-f2f5-48ee-b829-f69b9698edb1.pak
      61Wizard UnleashedMhariusWizard Unleashed_1d6ece6c-b9e1-430e-8263-WizardUnleashed.pak
      62Green KnightHavsglimtGreenKnight_465084ab-5656-4893-b295-d5210aff4fbc.pak
      63Graviturgy MagicHavsglimtGraviturgyMagic_c62ae435-c1a4-41b7-b887-4f24a6dcd846.pak
      64ArtificerLykon, multiple authors, see
      65Artificer-5e-AddonMultiple authors, see
      70Death SoulZeysirDeathSoul_4e7b12d6-f7e7-47c3-ad16-e5732bd43688.pak
      725eE Monk Reworkdrkekyll5eEMonkRework_25eeb987-d8c1-4462-9f80-b7932e8d09ca.pak
      75AlternateMonk5ESpells PatchOhhLozAlternateMonk5ESpells_58cfcdb2-c1b3-440c-8742-078f2b0e7a32.pakAlternateMonk5ESpells
      78Sorcerer UnleashedMhariusSorcerer Unleashed_1d6ece6c-b9e1-430e-8263-SorcererUnleashed.pak
      865e Spells Compatibility AIOxarara5eAIO_681340e0-3c0d-464a-998a-6fec834f3b7a.pak
      88Homebrew Spells Compatibility AIOxararaHomebrewAIO_71c4a919-f376-452a-b0d7-b7be7811d2e4.pak
      89Half-Angel Aasimar - CC Patches - AIOEchelonHalf-Angel Aasimar - CC Patches - AIO_8c0e79e0-3279-4652-a6c8-aaa2840e190f.pak
      90AD++ and Valkrana's Spellbook SubMod FixSailor CatADPPnVS Submod Fix_a9fbfcea-ff68-4884-85cb-90c6086cce25.pak
      92Animate Dead++Sailor CatAnimate Dead++_f323b958-b845-4c79-b139-d39570658fbb.pak
      95Extra WeaponsBornTreacherousBT_Extra_Weapons_f3413eb8-df24-46da-98c1-bec004ac3125.pak
      96Extra GearpooteeweetPTW_Extra_Gear_2cd6c65a-71cc-4db6-bfb2-70116ccd2b94.pak
      97Extra Gear - Tutorial Chest Add-onpooteeweetPTW_Extra_Gear_TutorialChest_f2004946-eb73-4b4e-8603-29597e39b259.pak
      98Crate of Lost GoodsLeyllaraCrate_Goods_51dae19f-65a9-4651-a41c-766d5bcf89d2.pak
      103Scantily Camp OutfitCrosscrusadeSCO_73928ffc-07c0-46ac-8cf4-86a693b0cd92.pak
      104Weapons and Armor - IO's Outfit CollectionIOCentricOutfitCollection_2c19252b-7c26-4c65-9881-dff98fda497a.pak
      105Rings Expanded - CheatySeymordiusRingsExpanded_rings00-0000-0000-0000-xxSeymordius.pak
      107Orochigago's Equipment Homebrew LibraryOrochigagoOrochigagos_Equipment_436f90ee-50c7-42c4-91c7-f922d97acb82.pakWeapon
      108Teleport To YouFallenStarTeleport_To_You_ff4697d0-133a-4d23-802b-f99f0e5210db.pak
      110Everybody Dyes Unlimited Dyeing.LoktideEverybodyDyes_bad404aa-feed-a0ee-9999-feedfeed0002.pak
      111TransmogEnhancedEralyne, WaydenTransmogEnhanced_82c1f53b-5ed3-4e2e-95f5-f84ca6ff0c81.pakCustomization, Utility
      112Simple Sorting BagsretroversionSimple_391ebb1f-c243-c5c6-6024-7ac8f9289780.pak
      113Mark Book As ReadFallenStarFallen_Mark_As_Read_c72d9f6a-a6e4-48b1-98c0-0ecdc7c31cf7.pak
      114Loot AutosellerFallenStarAuto_Sell_Loot_0662253d-1cbf-479f-80c2-5878c6eb5a80.pakBG3MCM
      115Party Limit BegoneSildurPartyLimitBegone_1d6c4030-67b9-4b0a-b3ab-caf6dd73d1af.pak
      117BG3SXLune, Skiz, SatanBG3SX_df8b9877-5662-4411-9d08-9ee2ec4d8d9e.pak
      119Daughter of Lolth - Chosen PathRukongaiDaughterofLolthChosen_e64e2e53-92c3-444e-a374-0d6638ed4e99.pak
      120AppearanceEditEnhancedEralyneAppearanceEditEnhanced_7b8366bd-abc1-4f9f-ba9d-585549b4a750.pakCustomization, Utility
      121AppearanceEditOriginsEralyneAppearanceEditOrigins_60de8215-7e9f-4cb6-9763-05aa6aecf257.pakCustomization, Utility
      124Dr. Kekyll's Grappling FrameworkdrkekyllGrapplingFramework_239127c3-1efe-493d-85d3-8518c8d8819b.pak
      125AV Item Shipment FrameworkAetherpoint, VolitioAVItemShipmentFramework_e6333436-9cf0-4464-aaf2-39246292575e.pakVolitionCabinet
      127CompatibilityFrameworkBG3 CommunitySubclassCompatibilityFramework_67fbbd53-7c7d-4cfa-9409-6d737b4d92a9.pakTemplate
      OverrideImprovedUI AssetsGame_C:\Users\TheSm\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Mods\ImprovedUI Assets.pak
      OverrideModFixerGustav_C:\Users\TheSm\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Mods\ModFixer.pak
    2. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      .. I added a skill that causes an acceleration effect or something else.. they use 50 essences and check if they work? Do you play online? I haven't tested the mod in a multiplayer game The screenshot can be downloaded to and then get a direct link and paste it into the answer need more information...since I checked the latest version..and everything works without any problems... but... there may be some kind of mod conflict...
    3. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      Thank you for the information, I will try to repeat this mistake..
    4. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos

      I installed the core libraries 
      So far everything is working, there are no conflicts with libraries...
      yes you have a lot of mods...
      try to see if there are any errors in the console?? 
      Most likely there is some kind of conflict with some mod... 
      I'll check it out anyway...
      I don't promise anything for now
    5. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      Thanks, I found the conflict and fixed it in 0.0.7
    6. SwordSaint21
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      No, thank you! You are awesome for taking the time out to research, respond, and successfully fix the issue. Much appreciated, and thank you for the shout out in the changelogs. Works like a dream now :) 
  4. TheSpy14
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Is there some kind of restriction on creatures that can, or can't be resurrected? I thought maybe it was level based, since I got "Invalid Target" whenever I try resurrecting a Mind Flayer, or Cambion during the opening. However, I also get "Invalid Target" when trying to do the same to Imp, Hellbeasts that are level 1. 
    1. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      this might be a bug! and this bug has already been fixed in 0.0.6!!! update the mod

      if you have 0.0.6 then send a screenshot description of the creature.... Well, perhaps the list of mods and the saving itself, and then we’ll figure out what’s wrong... easiest way to share bugs and discuss something with me in the group discord
    2. TheSpy14
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Discord URL doesn't work, and despite installing it on a fresh computer, on a fresh install and on a fresh character still can't actually resurrect anything. No imps, Mind Flayers, Cambions Hell beasts or even the dead thralls scattered about the Nautiloid.
    3. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      where are the screenshots? where is the list of mods? Upload your save... Without more detailed information it is not possible to help you! The discord link will work if you go to the official Larian channel! there is a section with mods and there is my mod there! the link leads there! since I have already calmly reached the second act version 0.0.6 and everything works... no problems...
  5. atamg
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    Upcoming Update DescriptionIn the upcoming update, a new mechanic will be introduced - Essence of Spores.
    Key Changes:

    • Essence of Spores for Raising Corpses:

      • Raising a corpse will now require Essence of Spores. The amount of essence needed will be equivalent to the corpse's maximum hit points.

    • New Skill - Essence of Spores Extraction:

      • A new skill will be added, allowing you to extract essence of spores from corpses. The amount of essence obtained will be equal to the corpse's maximum hit points.

    Example Usage:

    • To raise a corpse with 50 hit points, you will need 50 units of essence of spores. This means you could use two corpses with 25 hit points each to gather the necessary essence.
    This new mechanic aims to create a more balanced gameplay experience, preventing the skill of raising corpses from becoming too overpowered.
    I am currently testing this update and would like to hear your thoughts. What do you think about this mechanic and balance?

    1. cl1314nhj
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    2. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      like the version without restrictions is better??
      than the fact that you gathered a crowd?? ... and at least this is no longer some kind of cheat, but more like a real ability
    3. Presidente4566
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      The mod don't work with that, when i try on a corpse, it's say "Invalid target", so why ?

    4. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
       "Invalid target"
      Either it was a bug or you really didn't have enough Essence of Spores
      In the new version you will see a notification next to the target
      I ask you to install version 0.0.6, check it and let me know if the problem is gone??
    5. xnotx
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      hi, 40 years experienced lead game designer here.

      The most important thing to do when you create a limit to a power is do not interfere with the reason which makes the original power fun.

      Essences are no fun, it kills the idea of combination of powers of npcs, as you have to be limited by what you kill and at the same time you have no limits because people can abuse this system by killing no combat npcs or killing over and over npcs which revive like nurses in act 2. So it literally attacks the gameplay people seeking this mod wants to enjoy.

      Here is a much easier way to limit the power, limit the summons at one given time to proficiency or spell casting modifier, simple easy and truly enjoyable because this way people will start creating combos of npcs creating builds.
    6. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      I will take into account your wishes) even so, I would like to leave it .. since in the future I wanted to use it as a resource for improving a minion (so to speak, buying a passive skill for a minion) So you will have to choose who to keep and who to recycle and use as points for an upgrade! And about nurses...can you be more specific? since I killed them .. and it seems they didn’t resurrect... Are there any conditions for their resurrection?

      and in general, Yesentsy is just an initial idea... I have no experience in game design... but the power has to come from somewhere? It’s not like you resurrect a corpse out of thin air and subdue it... although perhaps you’re right.. I was thinking of creating another resource like a creature’s cell... initially it’s given 1.. and then you have to spend resources, so to speak, improve your skills and get more cells and every time the cost of the upgrade becomes more... mb also tie some kind of passive strengthening of minions to this... the stronger you are, the stronger the minions... but for now these are ideas... I'm more of a programmer than a designer of gems, and for me it's a little difficult

      I'm just a fan of anime Solo leveling - and I like how the system was invented there... there you can also carry subordinates in the shadow space. . I have them also portable but in my inventory with a weight of 0 I want something like this but in the world of the game...
    7. xnotx
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I totally see where you coming from on the last paragraph, using the system of essences you describe as an ingredient for the recollection of a permanently acquired summon safe on a dimensional pocket type of palworld system, pokemon system, magic the gathering and so on, this is good, then you use the essences as limiter of the recollection and summon and they will only stay for a limited amount of turns or/and you re-recollect them saving back some of the essences used in the summoning. (helps with the no difficulties you seam to have about being unable to make them hold on in a spot in case you want to stealth or RP go alone to the next room, or simply to keep mobs out of the way)

      This is good ONLY if you also limit the number of summons, you see for example the githyanki inquisitor and other npcs with legendary abilities, like the hag... and many other bosses or miniboses including the Thorms, the beholders and true souls(not to mention the items you equip them) can be used to create combos tho keeping an innumerable unlimited number of summons at all times quickly overpowers everything and it is boring due to the management of the minions becoming a "task", even if you make them automatic, because you have to wait for the endless turns.

      This could create a think tank storm of people in its own niche community discussing about builds for your mod. ;)


      Another idea is to limit the summons on their hit-points total say 100 per proficiency or spell-casting modifier, then you can support even more "builds" or combination of mobs while at the same time keeping them more balanced. I think this could be a good idea, tho the number should be thought out well some bosses have enormous hit-points bases.


      Another idea is to keep different customization in mind when creating the different levels of restrictions to allow people to sort of pick their own limits, the optional for no fungi visual clue was the way to go as this allows for more people to enjoy your work, if that is your thing.


      Another idea is to use spell slots depending on the hit-points count of the collected future summon instead of essences to avoid to have to force the player to learn a new system, this would also unfortunately limit the builds you can use this with and even in the case of full spells casters limit their spell-casting. In my opinion this is a good way to restrict the system taking consideration on the entire game, but perhaps reduce your audience significantly.


      For the nurses you need to let the doctor alive for them to keep popping, de doctor can endlessly resurrect them unless you delete the body when you do the essence extraction.


      So to summarize, destruction of corpses when you assimilate(using essences and/or spell slots) the new summon to your collection so they cannot be exploited for unlimited essences, limiting the summons number at each given time, using spell casting or proficiency per X number of hit-points to produce the necessity to choose between instead of just keeping all your mobs all the time.


      Pleasure to speak with you, weather or not you take and use my ideas as my kick is to think about these systems. ;)
    8. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      So, essences are a limited quantity unless there’s a boss who can summon new allies from thin air. This means there are only as many essences as there are NPCs multiplied by their max HP in the game world.By the way, I had a similar idea of creating a special type of energy. Initially, an example of 100 was given. This means you can keep two minions alive, each with 50 HP, or one with 100 HP. Then you can recharge 100 at a time:
      200 SP = 5000 E
      300 SP = 10000 E
      400 SP = 20000  E
      500 SP = 40000 E
      and so on...
      However, I don't quite understand how many essences I can collect yet, as I’m currently replaying the first act and testing what I have so far. This will help me understand how, what, and for what purpose in the future.I’m not sure how soon this will happen, as, like everyone else, I have a job.Nevertheless, thank you for your ideas...
    9. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      Or . as an option to adjust the cost! since now I was able to collect 8 ilithids .. and at the beginning of the game I have a pack of imbos ... which will destroy everything and everything with its scattering in the area. .. For example, make the cost of revival lvl*maxHp... this way, at the beginning of the game you will have less awesome allies... and make collection levels at first you collect little but then as your level increases you collect more...essences

      In General, I don’t know yet.. I’m wondering how it will be better.... and I want to please everyone.. and I want to fit this into the game..
    10. MabelTheBraixen
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm having the same issue even when using version 0.0.6. No matter what all I get is invalid target whenever I try to resurrect someone (I had 300+ spores)
    11. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      screenshots of effects on the target? a screenshot of the save itself and a list of mods? so how should the problem be solved? is there any conflict possible? Need details to figure it out write to me in personal mail... Or create a bug report with a detailed description and screenshots and a list of mods and a link where to download the save
  6. MrMadTeaHatter
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    would it be possible to add dismiss to them?
    1. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      so the unit under his command has the ability to use spores on himself and he will quit .. and die... since without spores he’s just a corpse) Well, either kill him, he'll quit too
    2. MrMadTeaHatter
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ok thank you
  7. robynjayne95
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    There's an issue where the raised corpses don't follow Tav and when you try to group them, it says they're too far away.
    1. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      In the latest version, they are forced to follow you... (but for this you need to control them at least once) the game will unfreeze them... and they will follow you 
      In your case, this is what you need!
      Return to the camp and then exit the camp again; this action will teleport your raised corpses to you 
      Well, if an error is programmed then you need to send me the logs
    2. robynjayne95
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      going to and from camp fixed it, thanks!
  8. DuxGaeilge
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I keep getting invalid target when trying to use glut's animation spores - Decompose corpse works and I have enough essence of spores to revive what im targeting. I have both the main file and optional file installed.
    1. DuxGaeilge
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      rolled back to version 3, before the addition of the decompose and essence spore system and it works fine
    2. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      A place to figure out what’s wrong, etc., and help in the development of this idea, so to speak, you decided to roll back, your choice 
      I warn you in advance, version 0.0.3 has bugs ..
      and it is not supported! since bugs will be fixed only in new versions!
  9. cl1314nhj
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    1. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      don't understand you
    2. cl1314nhj
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    3. cl1314nhj
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    4. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      Fixed in 0.0.3
    5. cl1314nhj
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    6. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      version without visual effects is an optional file you should have it like this main mod file and then immediately after it the optional
    7. cl1314nhj
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Now it's normal after a long rest! Thank you very much! I am currently using an artificial AI MOD, and it seems that the skill of this MOD cannot be applied to NPCs resurrected with robes. I wonder if this problem can be solved in the future?
    8. tuski16
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    9. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos

      I'm not sure if I added sellers in Act 3 
      So use this mod
      Tutorial Chest Summoning
    10. tuski16
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    11. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      I don’t know what’s not working for you, everything works great for me!
      As for the version without Essence of Spores, I think there’s no point right now, since you can collect a lot of this essence by going through from the very beginning of the first act.. there’s just a lot of things you can decompose and get essences)
      Later I want to add the ability to use essences as a resource with which you can get a temporary boost during battle!
  10. SAVYO98
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    1. atamg
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      Not necessary !
      but useful in that it allows you to manage the hotbar of followers and summons