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  1. tufantastic
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hey there, love your mod and thank you for the work you did. Don't know why I got this issue but after I activate my astral arms, whenever I move in a close proximity with an enemy, it automatically knock them down, even when astral arms is off which is very op
    1. sumradagnoth8
      • premium
      • 210 kudos
      i have not seen this happen... my guess is something in your other mods?  
  2. circuitmewtwo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    My only suggestion would be to make an optional version that changes the Astral forms to last until long rest, to bring them in line with things like wildshape.
    1. AviAnLV
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Agreed. This would be such a good addition 
    2. RavusSapiens
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      I agree that it would be a good optional file, but in the meantime it's not very difficult to do it yourself:
      Just open the .pak file (I used the "BG3 Modder's Multitool"), go to the folder at
      and edit all the instances you find where it says something like "ApplyStatus(Astral_Self,100,100)" to read "ApplyStatus(Astral_Self,100,-1)"
      Note: each level of the ability has its own name so they are actually called "ASTRAL_SELF_ARMS", "ASTRAL_SELF_VISAGE", etc.

      You don't even need to go through all the text files, I think the only ones you need to edit are AstralSelf5e_Spell_Shout.txt and AstralSelf5e_Status_BOOST.txt
    3. sumradagnoth8
      • premium
      • 210 kudos
      It would take changing the shout spells to apply a status duration of -1, and then all of the associated statuses in the chain changed to match … there’s a domino effect of statuses and vfx that get applied when the spells are cast … if you don’t change them all then they will fall off at different times and break things
  3. AndrewTheMage
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm really enjoying this mod but it seems to have a couple of problems. Once I've activated Arms of the Astral Self for the first time the character is permanently doing Force damage on unarmed attacks even without the ability active and doesn't revert back to Bludgeoning damage, not normally a problem but very annoying in certain fights (like Grym). 

    Also, can we get rid of the sound effect when Arms... is active, that low buzzing noise lasts for 10 minutes and is very annoying. Otherwise great mod.
    1. sumradagnoth8
      • premium
      • 210 kudos
      1. you need to use the toggle after you cast arms - it will indicate if the arms do force or normal damage - i tested this and its working
      2. i dont hear any sound effects when the arms are active
    2. sumradagnoth8
      • premium
      • 210 kudos
      Wait, are you saying the force damage conversion remains once the astral arms effect expires and the toggle disappears?  Please explain
    3. sumradagnoth8
      • premium
      • 210 kudos
      This should be fixed now
    4. AndrewTheMage
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Didn't see your earlier post but yes, the Force damage effect continues after Astral Arms expires, the update does not seem to have fixed that, though the annoying buzzing sound I was getting when Astral Arms was active seems to have been fixed now.
    5. sumradagnoth8
      • premium
      • 210 kudos
      i cannot reproduce this at all.... and i did not change anything that would affect a buzzing sound from the status effect
    6. sumradagnoth8
      • premium
      • 210 kudos
      Please tell me if for your game, toggling OFF the astral arms toggle while the arms status is active changes it to bludgeoning? Please confirm

      also please confirm if you are arms only, or visage/body/awakened?

      EDIT: OK i see the issue... fixing it now
    7. sumradagnoth8
      • premium
      • 210 kudos
      This is now fixed v1.2.0 - thank you for your diligence in reporting the issue!
  4. RexAspidis
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i found a "bug" maybe its intended basically tavern bravler not working with this subclass at all and the dmg modofier is still dex or strenght
    1. sumradagnoth8
      • premium
      • 210 kudos
      Send me a screenshots of the combat log? One shot and of the whole damage list, then hover over each one and screen shot that too… please :)
      (bg3 tavern brawler is soooo bad. And the bonuses are hard coded)
    2. sumradagnoth8
      • premium
      • 210 kudos
      Sorted this out with the OP
      Working as intended, however, as previously mentioned, Tavern Brawler (Larian's Version) will still put the second strength bonus to damage as bludgeoning... hard coded.  I may look for a way to fix this, but honestly, I would rather just advise people to use the 5e Tavern Brawler mod and the associated grappling system (because I thoroughly dislike Larian's Tavern Brawler implementation)
  5. pauloati13
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Hey i love those mods but i have no idea how i can play in using 1-12lvl from base game...
    Or maybe someone could point me/recommend me guide how to balance game so this 1-20lvl is not game balance breaking? (i play on honor) 
    1. sumradagnoth8
      • premium
      • 210 kudos
      Just play the class 1-12. It’s balanced for the base game if you just play without using the level expansion mods like unlock level curve. 
      these subclasses are taken from tabletop source material which runs 1-20. The 13-20 abilities are not meant to be available within levels 1-12. So just play the subclass within the game’s level cap and you are playing the game in a balanced way since the game only scales to level 12 anyways
  6. 27MP
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    It is not showing up for me. you need to put the monk 5e adjustments above it or it wont show up
  7. AlmigthyZeus
    • member
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    First, I just want to say, love the mod and amazing work on the visuals!! I was just wondering, is there a way to dismiss the astral self? The only way I have found is by stunning my PC lol. Again thank you for your work. 
    1. sumradagnoth8
      • premium
      • 210 kudos
      oh jeez I did not consider that hmm... I think the reason I missed that is the source material doesnt actually say you can dismiss it before it goes away after the 10 minutes are up or you become incapacitated .  I need to read more and see if thats possible raw and if it is, I will add the feature
  8. bernardino43
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Loving your Samurai mod. Any chance you'll get to the kensei monk?
    1. sumradagnoth8
      • premium
      • 210 kudos
      Taking a break to do art for some other modders.
      Kensei isn’t really planned - dr kekyll’s implementation in the 5eE monk rework mod would be tough to beat.
    2. bernardino43
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      No worries. Appreciate your work
  9. ChaoticNoseGuy
    • member
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    Hey, I haven't tried this out yet as I've just started to run a clean install of BG3 and was browsing while it downloaded, does the astral self actually visually appear? Do you have any images of it?
    1. sumradagnoth8
      • premium
      • 210 kudos
      the monk does receive a series of stacking vfx based on what components of the astral self are active, and they sort of hover around and outline the character.  if youre looking for actual spectral 3rd and 4th arms it does not have those, as i went with the description in the source material that the astral self can cover the monk (raw all the descriptions are sort of "however you want it to look" but it does call out that it can appear as a sort of overlay, so I went with what was easiest to implement).

      Here is a shot of astral visage + astral arms + astral body.  When you attack with the arms they attack at reach and show force energy impact on the target
  10. besalamto
    • supporter
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    Any chance of buffing it to measure up to OH's power? (e.g. by adding the UA version of 11th level's 3 hit flurry).

    Maybe even as an optional file.
    1. sumradagnoth8
      • premium
      • 210 kudos
      it’s not really my thing to customize this stuff beyond what’s written in the source material. Check out the Monk 5ee mod from Dr K which homebrews some of the Monk features and may be what you’re looking for. Astral self should work with it without issue