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  1. thrive4
    • member
    • 30 kudos
    update 07/02/2022 v1.1
    - a custom shader upscale.hlsl (3dmigoto) replaces reshade
    - no longer use smaa by reshade switched to smaa internal of game
    - tested on windows 10 (v1903)
    - reworked distance fog, cone now starts further away from avatar
    - reduce outline npcs
    - increase presence ambient occlusion for hbao high (formely hbao low)
    - tweaked frame based fx global contrast and brightness with fog
  2. vmyrdge
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Awesome mod. I've tried several of the reshades posted however almost all of them (in my opinion) are over the top be it with effects, colour, saturation, etc.

    Your mod is amazing in that it compliments the original art style and gives it a bit more of a modern look. Very, very well done.

    Quick question - I'm using the latest version, what settings should I use for anti-aliasing and AO? Thank you in advance and thanks again for this great mod.
    1. thrive4
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      Thank you for the feedback!
      Regarding settings see:
      or direct:
      Note regarding anti-aliasing used to use smaa by reshade however from v1.1:
      - no longer use smaa by reshade switched to smaa internal of game

      Also from the 'description'
      'The visual tweaks are listed below how ever a word of caution
       regarding the hbao / ssao the tweak centers around the setting
       'hbao high' other settings might give less desirable results
       see 'further tweaking' for tips on how to disable specific shaders.'

      Hope this helps.
  3. portgasDace08
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Dunno if related but I'm using 120/240 fps mod and disable annoying effects mod and if combined with this one I got a black screen view on spyglass and mortar. I also use reshade.

    Fixed it me self.
    1. thrive4
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      Curious what it was....
      But any way good to hear!
    2. portgasDace08
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      It has something to do with vignette in the shadercache, I disabled it and it's good to go. Thanks.
    3. thrive4
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      Okidoki thanks for passing this on.
    4. Hutmir
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I also had that problem, thanks man.
      Had to delete this 5FC7C89F0F8E3FDC-PS_REPLACE.TXT 

      Great mod
  4. deleted45905807
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    What exactly is doing upscale.hsl?
    Do other shaders work w/o that?
    1. thrive4
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      From the 'description':
      The  package has a customized shader 'upscale.hlsl' which
      does some fullscreen tweaks as sharpening and color modification.

      Yes, other shaders work without it.
      upscale.hlsl can be disabled by opening d3dx.ini in a text editor
      then goto line 19 and change from:
      include = ShaderFixes\upscale.ini
      ;include = ShaderFixes\upscale.ini
      save d3dx.ini then start the game or if in game press F10

      d3dx.ini is in the same folder as AC4BFSP.exe

      Hope this helps.
  5. owwkmidream
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    why this???
    ver 1.08
    1. owwkmidream
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Through troubleshooting, it's upscale.hsl that's causing this
    2. thrive4
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      Thank you for reporting this.
      A bit odd since upscale.hlsl is the one shader
      that is not bound (or replaces an existing shader).

      I suspect that a possible cause is the game version
      ver 1.08 ... I tested with v1.06  (see description under
      'tested') might take a look at this in due time.

      For those who like to tweak try changing upscale.hlsl
      at line 135 from:
          color = cartoon(color, tex);
         // color = cartoon(color, tex);
      save upscale.hlsl
      and either start the game or if in game press F10

      Hope this helps.
  6. dwz2392003647
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I really like this mod! I want to increase the distance fog, how can I modify the file.
    1. thrive4
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      Try experimenting with:
      ---------- 1AD8ED0CE390E845-PS_REPLACE.TXT
      // reduce distance fog
      // ---- Created with 3Dmigoto v1.3.16 on Thu Dec 17 14:18:41 2020
        r0.z = (g_FogParams.y + -g_FogParams.x) * 1.8f; // reduce mist landmass layer

      Hope this helps.
  7. corpiss
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hey someone asked about using this with rogue and you gave him a link but its not working anymore. Do you have more info for using this with rogue? I HATE the lens and screen effects with a passion.
    1. thrive4
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      The forum has been updated regrettably old links
      no longer work so this is the reply I gave back then
      (regarding using the mod with rogue):

      Well the method would, using 3dmigoto then hunting
      for the correct shaders and modifying them,
      however  the modified shaders in this package most likely
      will not work nor the bundled dll's.

      On the plus side, since the shadercache folder contains
      the unmodified versions it is possible to compare them
      with the modified version and deduce some tricks for
      modifying specific shader functionality.

      I don't have the game myself but from:'s_Creed_Rogue
      It looks like it is using dx11 x64 (64bit) which is supported
      by 3dmigoto. Bye the bye black flag uses dx11 x86 (32bit)
      so the dxgi.dll and d3dcompiler are not usable

      A good primer into working with 3dmigoto can be found here:

      If you are tempted good luck.
  8. maxfreek
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, would it be possible to disable volumetric fog during cutscenes? If I disable volumetric fog in the settings, it disables it in the cutscenes but then you shaderfix for reduced distance fog doesn't work. Thank you!
    1. thrive4
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      Hmmm I think that will be quite
      difficult never the less I'll keep
      it in mind thank you for reporting
      the issue.
  9. Scaredgirl
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is the greatest mod ever. Vanilla Black Flag looked so terrible that I was almost unable to play it, but this mod fixes most of that. Everyone should install this right now. Thank you very much for your work!
    1. thrive4
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      Thank you for the feedback,
      always nice to hear that the
      mod has a positive impact.

      Enjoy the game!
  10. Djwhitegold007
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    This is an excellent shader pack that substantially improves the quality of the graphics. I tried a number of alternative reshade presets and packs but most had oversaturated colours, exaggerated contrast or over the top effects. This pack is outstanding and the lighting is a different class to the unmodified original game and the colour balance is superb also. Thanks for sharing this and removing my disappointment with the look of the original game. This is the best way to play Black Flag! 
    1. thrive4
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      Thank you!
      Good to hear that it ticked most of the boxes I was trying
      to address with this mod for you as well.
      Enjoy the game.

  11. pharogamo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Game was working perfectly, added the files to my directory and the game crashed when loading the save. Took the files out and tried loading again but still crashing on load. It can't be anything else because I was playing the game 5 min prior to installing this perfectly. Not a single crash. now I can't load into the game at all despite the files not being there. Going to have to reinstall and start from scratch smfh