Post news Report RSS Wanna cat a pet? Ehm, pet a cat?

It’s a common opinion among gaming folk that all the best games have one feature in common: you can pet the animals! So, wanna pet that cat? Or scratch a doggo behind the ears? In DDS2 you can!

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It’s a common opinion among gaming folk that all the best games have one feature in common: you can pet the animals! So, wanna pet that cat? Or scratch a doggo behind the ears? In DDS2 you can!

And we will do you one better: you can actually HAVE PETS! Like, the ones that follow you around and everything.

So let’s dive into another devlog! Here’s what Rafal has to say.

Considering DDS2 has a larger, more populated world – as well as a lot of dangers and hostility in it – we also wanted to add more features that will allow the player to simply have some fun and pleasure in addition to making the hideouts of choice feel more like home. One of those features is pets.

Aside from their joyful presence the animals also serve gameplay purposes. They affect your hideout stats when you leave them home and yours as well as other players when you take them for a walk with you. So, choosing the right companion can also make a gameplay difference.

So about them following you around: after adopting a pet you can either leave them in your hideouts or take them on walks all around the island. In both cases, you’ll get different bonuses. And if you decide to leave your companion behind, don’t worry! They’ll have a comfy bed to nap in.

All the different pets you can adopt will grant you (and the other players close to you) various bonuses. All the animals are unique – you’ll get to discover them while exploring the world or doing quests. And after you unlock them, you can then adopt them. Ah, and it’s just like if you were adopting a pet from the shelter, they’ll have names already but you can change them as you please!

Different breeds of cats and dogs will have different buffs to share with their owners. But, there will also be special animals in the game, and their bonuses will be totally unique to them. What kinds of animals? Well, here you will need to play to find out *wink wink*

So, do you wanna pet that cat? Let us know in the comments and stay tuned for more info next week!

Also, check out our Reddit. Yes, we’re there as well, expanding like a good cartel should.

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