Everything explode from soldiers to bases even airplanes, Crazy Ivan wants more, nothing stands in feet.From explosion without much damage to a chain explosion. He wants a war dynamite. He like Dogs, but no every kind of dogs his like exploding dogs, also like vessels which explode of course, even airplanes are geting explode after crash.Crazy Ivan has started working (to distroy). To show the folly of Ivan, Sla Company has created mod for him (I hope to be grateful), his more than crazy.If Crazy Ivan explode, why not would explode all (it would be total carnage). More Exploding stuff on next version ! Fast Ifantry, crazy use of sharpnel , TOTAL CARNAGE !

Current Version His 0.21
Current Version Release: 14.11.09
Next version His: 0.31
Next Version Release: TBD
If you want an explosion, you came in right place!

Stan Laurențiu Alexandru (SLA = sla.ro)

E-mail: (please no spam or viruses)
sla.ro @ hotmail.com

We can play online on Hamachi!!!

Network: SLA.CRZ
Password = N \ A (none)


YR Argentina
Windows Movie Maker
Windows Vista
RA2 Apocalypse Rising (graphics dynamite)
Opera 10
Microsoft Paint
SHP Builder
VXL Viewer
Sfx Tool

"Crazy Ivan is a nice mod on multyplayer but is a little more borring on singleplayer, we want to make it more fun on the next version of the mod" - sla

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RSS Articles

The first version of Crazy Ivan has been released here on ModDB , download it and play it ! Have FUN !

Installation & Playing Help:
The download his one executable file, open it , install it (remember to select Ra2 Folder !), after installation on desktop will be create a shortcut for starting mod, open it and play it (you can play this mod with computer, on network with same mod and version installed and on-line with Hamachi see "on-line play") after you have played will appear a message "press any key.." , you need to press any key (this bug will be repair in next verison) and the mod has been removed temporally and if you want to start it again , open again the shortcut.

Computer Playing:
No modification for computer has been added on this mod but his play very good , play on skirmish and campaign (doesn't tested but his need to work correctly).

Network Playing:
If you want to play with a friend on network , you need to install this mod on all computers and after this you can play.

On-Line Playing
If you want to play on-line , you can't play on Westwood Online (or other provider) but you can play on Hamachi (search ho to play ra2 trough hamachi), his very simply and you can play with others on internet this mod:

Network Name: SLA.CRZ
Password: No Password

What His This MOD ?
This mod his a YR modification, his added a crazy things on YR , all soldiers, all buildings , all airplanes and units can explode and create a chain explosion, this his not the only thing, his got to all forces Crazy Ivan and others crazy things for FUN and Total Destruction World, more than ever !
Vote Please !

Mod Relase 14.11.09

Mod Relase 14.11.09


Mod release on 14.11.09 ! Explosions after Explosions ! CrazyIvan his more than crazy ! More Fun Than EVER ! ! !

RSS Files
Crazy Ivan 0.21b Installation Mod

Crazy Ivan 0.21b Installation Mod

Full Version

This is it, the mod installation of version 0.21b and his been tested , verified and his work. Download this file and install it in (remeber to select...

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