Victoria 2 Cold War Enhancement Mod (CWE)

CWE brings Victoria 2 into the Cold War era and beyond. This is the ultimate Cold War mod with a slew of special features such as ideological blocs, dynamic international institutions and decolonisation chains to accurately simulate the Cold War and Post-Cold War world.


Creator: settintotrieste

Major contributors:

ChrisFox, TheRop, Pippo_Franchino, ARR8, echasovikov, LooseTongue, Yard1, HKKNNTT, Etaglibash, Radical-Rust, arandomperson5000, LaTueur, JohnLockers, KeyboardMonkey95, RyongJin, TK3600, Elia, domper59, Outta-my-way-burrocrat, DoktorKure

With special thanks to:

simsulla, HPM

Start dates available in CWE:

  • 1946
  • 1950
  • 1992

East vs West - 1946

From Stettin to Trieste, an Iron curtain is descending upon Europe. Germany is divided in between the victorious nations from World War 2, the United States, the Soviet Union, the UK, and France. In south of Europe a power struggle in between communists and governments is raging. Italy is edging between Communism and Democracy. In Greece a civil war is raging with communists in the north and government control in the south. Eastern Europe is under the Soviet orbit and with each passing moment the USSR's stranglehold increases. In Asia, Iran is struggling to regain control over the northern part of the county. China is engulfed in the Chinese Civil War between the nationalists and the communists. Manchuria is occupied by the Soviet Union and Korea is divided between the USA and USSR. Japan is under American occupation. The Vietminh has rebelled against their French colonial overlords while in South East Asia the Dutch are struggling to maintain control over their empire and with it the era of decolonisation has begun. The Old World has been swept aside in the storm of war and a new one is taking shape but for better or worse this is the American Century.

1950 Start 2

The East is Red - 1950

Communism has triumphed in China. The East is Red. Confronted with this new reality and the end of the American atomic monopoly in 1949, the Truman administration quickly moved to escalate and expand its containment doctrine. Starting with the rearmament of Germany and then later Japan in the Western Bloc, the US attempted to form a bulwark against further communist encroachment. On the other side of the Iron Curtain, the Soviets are consolidating their power in Eastern Europe and building greater ties with China and India. While the Superpowers grow stronger, the colonial empires of old are becoming weaker. With the decolonisation of India, the winds of change are blowing against the imperialists. It is only a matter of time before those empires are consigned to the history books. A more immediate danger would be the tensions growing in the Korean Peninsula where nationalists are actively agitating for a War of Unification. This is a time of great upheaval that needs a great leader to guide the country forward - will it be you?

New World Order - 1992

"Gorbachev tear down this wall!" Few would have thought that the Iron Curtain would have fallen so quickly but yet it did. This sparked a chain reaction that reverberated throughout the world and started the decent of the USSR into a pulpit of pandemonium that would culminate into its dissolution. American is now the world hegemon. However it will not last long in this new multi-polar world with the rise of new centres of power in the ambitious and populace east. China and India are aspiring to seize the top spot and end the American hegemony though soft and hard power. And with globalization and the shift in geopolitical power towards the east, this is increasingly not a matter of if but when. In this renewed competitive multi-polar world, nations will join what initially are trade blocks, and eventually in some cases large centralized union states like the European Union, the South American Union and the African Union to keep up with the world. In light of these developments, the end of the Cold War can hardly have said to deliver the decisive realisation of international peace but it still has profoundly altered our world and whether it is for the better or worse is up to you. This is the beginning of the New World Order.

Important Notices:

Supported languages: English only

Some people have asked whether not being able to justify war is a bug. It is not. The ability to justify war is tied to ruling party war policy, government type, world tension levels and being in a war. So unless you fulfill at least one of those conditions then war justification will be possible.

Social Corruption can be reduced by increasing literacy while Government Corruption can be reduced by increasing admin spending.

Development levels are determined by the literacy rates of specific provinces and whether the province has a large enough population. Provinces that have less than 30,000 pops will always be extremely underdeveloped. Increase your literacy to increase your developmental levels.

Github version

While the Moddb file will give you big changes between versions, you may still feel that you wish to follow the mod more closely so I have made a Github repository for the mod where you can download the most up to date dev version. However as it may be updated frequently, you may have to download the latest Github version multiple times for small commits like bug fixes etc but what you will get will be the most updated version of CWE.

GitHub - Click the green button saying "Clone or download" to download CWE zip file

Current Version: 1.15 (Final)

Installation Instructions:

Copy CWE and CWE.mod from the file to the mod directory of your Victoria 2 Programs File.
CWE requires Victoria 2 Heart of Darkness Version 3.04 which includes the beta patch. Please delete your map cache prior to starting a new version of the mod for the first time.


Please also check out our new discord server where you can discuss ideas or share your experiences with fellow players.

Do feel free to contribute ideas at our GitHub page too, every help counts!

Thank you for supporting the development of the Cold War Enhancement Mod.

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RSS Articles

CWE Mod Version 1.14

News 5 comments

As you may be aware, Victoria 3 is in the works and will be released sometime within the next year or two. This means that the time is coming for this mod to close the curtains and move on to the new game. The CWE team would however continue to work on the mod until at least the time when Victoria 3's release date is announced. Until then, the plan is to keep adding new events and bug fixing old ones. I would however not be doing any overhauls of existing systems in the mod. In light of all of these, there is likely to be only one final version left for this mod before the switch to Victoria 3. If anyone wishes to continue to work on CWE after the switch, you are free to make a submod and continue from there. With this out of the way, I will share with you what was done in 1.14.


The focus of the mod over the last 2 versions was to modernise old stuff and add more alternate history options for various nations. For example, events were added to Mongolia to allow them to choose between staying communist, becoming a socialist democracy or to democratise like in real life. The USSR also got a few hypothetical scenarios to help make the alternate history path more fun. There is now a chance for a second Cuban Missile Crisis and even a Soviet intervention to remove the Taliban post 9/11, if the USSR manages to survive into the 2000s. Italy also received a set of events covering the period between the 1940s to the early 1990s.

Asia 1950s

Aside from adding more alternate history paths, old events were also improved upon. The Syrian Civil War and Yemeni Civil War chains were reviewed to make the code tighter and less prone to bizarre outcomes. Hawaiian and Alaskan statehood events were also tweaked to make the options more impactful. For example, Hawaii now starts as a Self-Governing Colony which can ultimately decide whether to join the US as the 49th state or to become independent. As a result, events that affect the ideological composition of the Hawaiian pops now make a difference in the outcome.

Hawaii 1950s

Nationalist rebels were also fixed. Before 1.14, there was a bug in the code that prevented separatist and nationalist rebels from properly releasing the nation if the rebels won. It has now been fixed. If separatist rebels capture the capital then all owned provinces with cores by foreign nations will be ceded while if nationalist rebels occupy all cores of their country tag then the nation will be released as an independent nation.


In addition, techs were also tweaked. One of the biggest problems with the mod so far was that the tech unlocking dates and names often did not make sense. It has now been fixed so techs should work and look better.

Improved techs

CB requirements have also been tweaked to make it such that AI nations would not engage in humiliate or territorial dispute wars unless their war policy is jingoism. This has helped reduce the number of annoying wars in the mod.

21st Century Wars

Some other changes were also made to the proxy war system so it works as intended. It would fragment the nation into a constellation of rebel tags that the player, the government, would have to crush. If the player fails then the government type of the rebels would become the new gov type. Any left over rebel tags will then need to be conquered to maintain the new regime. This makes civil wars more interesting to play and gives foreign powers a way to impose the government they want by backing the rebel tag that has the desired government type.


In 1.13 a new system was created to allow players to interact more directly with national values. In CWE, national values are determined by the ideology of your population. So if the pop majority ideology of your nation is liberal then liberty would be the national value. This may be problematic for some players who like to keep their national value constant. A decision called 'Constitutionalise National Values' was thus made to fix the current NV until the decision is revoked.

New decisions

Finally, I managed to fix the UI bug in the factory production tab. The numbers for infrastructure and executive percentage will no longer overlap.

Fixed UI

One final thing I should mention is that I have converted the music add on pack into its own submod. You can now use CWE music for other mods by simply checking both mods in the game launcher.

New reforms

As for version 1.15, my goals would be do more bug fixing and hopefully add more ahistorical events. I would also like to improve some of the older decision chains like the one for the Space Race so as to reduce the number of modifiers it uses.


Please check out our new discord server where you can discuss ideas or share your experiences with fellow players.

Do also feel free to contribute at our GitHub page too, every help counts!

This mod has lasted way longer and has become more popular than I ever thought it would, so really, thank you all so much for supporting CWE over the years.

CWE Mod Version 1.09

CWE Mod Version 1.09

News 22 comments

A summary of the new features present in CWE 1.09 and a sneak preview of what is to come in CWE 1.10.

CWE Mod Version 1.06

CWE Mod Version 1.06

News 29 comments

A summary on the new features present in CWE 1.04 and a sneak preview of what is to come in CWE 1.07.

CWE Mod Version 1.05

CWE Mod Version 1.05

News 11 comments

A summary on the new features present in CWE 1.04 and a sneak preview of what is to come in CWE 1.05.

CWE Mod Version 1.04

CWE Mod Version 1.04


A summary on the new features present in CWE 1.04 and a sneak preview of what is to come in CWE 1.05.

RSS Files
CWE Music Addon Pack

CWE Music Addon Pack

Music 10 comments

Combine this with the base mod for a full cold war experience as the mod will have no music without this addon. Updated on 30/12/21

CWE Mod Version 1.15 (Final)

CWE Mod Version 1.15 (Final)

Full Version 17 comments

A complete version of the CWE mod. To install, please follow the instructions below. The full changelog is on Github. Please don't forget to clear the...

CWE Mod Version 1.14

CWE Mod Version 1.14

Full Version 27 comments

A complete version of the CWE mod. To install, please follow the instructions below. The full changelog is on Github. Please don't forget to clear the...

CWE Mod Version 1.13

CWE Mod Version 1.13

Full Version 31 comments

A complete version of the CWE mod. To install, please follow the instructions below. The full changelog is on Github. Please don't forget to clear the...

CWE Mod Version 1.12

CWE Mod Version 1.12

Full Version 63 comments

A complete version of the CWE mod. To install, please follow the instructions below. The full changelog is on Github. Don't forget to clear the map cache...

CWE Mod Version 1.11

CWE Mod Version 1.11

Full Version 113 comments

A complete version of the CWE mod. To install, follow the instructions below. Full changelog on the Github page. Do not forget to clear the map cache...

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Synthoras - - 185 comments

"and move on to the new game."
That's a shame because Vic3 is a terrible game.

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Guest - - 699,575 comments

How would one go about, say, internally migrating one nationality to other parts of their countries, say if you play Yugoslavia, maybe i'd like to populate, say, Kosovo, with people of Yugoslav nationality, how would *someone* go about doing that. Not that i would do it, that would be contrary to international law and morality but, if, say, friend wanted to?

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Guest - - 699,575 comments

The "friend" tried the usual close factory i N Serbia open in S Serbia, to no avail, attract immigrants in S Serbia, immigration push in N Serbia, mothing worked

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ImperioBrasil - - 2 comments

Where is the save folder located?

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clarkeaidan9 - - 3 comments

Hey, I was wondering about this for a while, in my playthrough with the US i see political parties which shouldn't exist yet (like sander's socialist democrats). I've checked to see if they were was a mistype but no, everything is in order, yet I still see bob doles conservatives and sander's socialists in my playthrough. How does this happen? Weird thing is this exclusive to the UK and the US. Every other country does it the correct way.

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D1003briner - - 30 comments

the reason is that you need to use those fake parties because just two parties wouldnt make sense for the diference in ideology internaly the republicans and democrats, for example in the republicans there are the fascist, conservatives, center-right, populists and more ,on the meanwhile in the democrats there is the centre-left, socialists, communists and more , its just for decision reasons , you shouldnt be able to for example do a genocide decision just because your nation has the republicans in charge or with the democrats you shouldnt be able to collectivize the land , its just so the player can do crazy things like that.

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Guest - - 699,575 comments

How come the Mennonite, Haredim, and Roma growth events don't fire anymore? Like they did in the NWO mod. I keep looking at the population_trends file but I can't tell why

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Guest - - 699,575 comments

Okay so I figured it out! Just had to remove the any_pop = { culture = [culture name here] } in trigger. So now it works. Also for flavor I made Haredim and Mennonites accepted in USA so that their pops will migrate around the country irl and will become larger in different areas over time. Pretty cool. Recommend trying it !

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Guest - - 699,575 comments

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