Tiberium Secrets was a C&C3; mod that was developed from 2011-2020. Our vision was to create a future for the Command & Conquer universe. We had 3 new factions planned, and managed to release 1/3 of our planned content. We scoped too big, and unfortunately needed to cancel the other 2 new factions. These included novel mechanics, lore, and IP. etc. Development has been sign sealed, and delivered. All that is required to play the ASI is a working copy of C&C3;: Tiberiumn Wars. All of the content is FREE! Of Charge. Explore to your hearts content! Love it or hate it, all things must end, so new things can grow.

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A basic manual for understanding how to play the new additions we've made to the original factions.

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GDI Thunderhead Transport

Greetings Actuators,

Some of you may be confused with the new changes made to Tiberium Secrets, and we realize explanations are in order, so you can make the most of Tiberium Secrets as it currently stands.

So, let’s begin.

The Global Defense Initiative (GDI) has stood the test of time since its founding in 1995, and are the most conventional in their tactics and unit rosters. The 1st and most critical advancement they have made, is in the Reclimator Rig, this is a unit and structure hybrid, that takes on all of the conventional Rig features, but now is issued to the best GDI commanders, as a new way of harvesting Tiberium. This unit replaces the Refinery.

The next critical advancement GDI has made is that of their power plants. These now upgrade over time, and do not need any attention from the commander.

As you may have noticed, we have combined a lot of the developments made during the Kane's Wrath conflict, thus you will have access to all sub factions, now ordered under one faction.

The last major change is that the Wolverine is now classified as an infantry unit, as it's more considered an infantry in power mech armor.

It's also been confirmed that Commander Castle originally intended for ALL GDI structures to take after the Rig, as being both a unit and a structure. Alas, he was not able to see his vision of GDI come to pass.

Laser Light Show!

Next is Nod,

After the Ascension conflict, Nod had restructured, where ALL power was shifted from the building to the units produced, effectively having a "faith" based mechanic. The statues of Kane facilitate this mechanic by providing some power of their own; however, the more units you have, will make more power for your base.

As before with GDI, we have combined ALL sub factions for a unified experience. We also now have blueprints of a tunnel network that allows for rapid deployment across the battlefield.

Now, The Scrin are where things get weird.

They effectively have a fuel mechanic, where most units are "FREE", yet they incur an associated Tiberium upkeep cost. If you do NOT have enough Tiberium to pay this upkeep cost, their performance will be adversely impacted and their health will decay over time.

Furthermore, as we are dealing with invasion forces, most things have been moved down a tier, creating a tier 0, where you are able to produce units directly from the Drone Ship.

The other major change is the Refinery and the power plant have been combined into a singular structure, known as the Creep Node. Growth Accelerators also provide a lesser amount of power.

Beyond this, Corruptors now also serve the dual purposes of harvester and original corruptor. Corruptors are an exception to the new system, as they cost 1000 credits up front but require no continuing maintenance costs.

Scrin Harvester 3

With this knowledge, we hope for more of yall to understand and enjoy Tiberium Secrets!

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