This mod aims to bring in Secret Societies into the game. Build a Grand Lodge and choose a Secret Society to access special units and unique improvements. Influence for European powers. More uses for Influence, Experience, Shipments, and Export. Law enforcement and rebels. Civ overhaul:
Age 3 DE "The Secret Societies" Current changes (v0.93b) resumeALL CIVSXP(+) Up to 40 cards per deck.(+) All civs start with (at least) one Crate of XP, helping towards the first shipment. (+) Researching techs gives XP equal to base resources expected spent divided by ten.VILLAGERS(-) Villager upgrades require Age II. This discourages rushing, including due to the fact that militia-type units now upgrade as Villagers do.Villagers weapons:(*) Villagers start with bows and spears since by the time of the game start (1500's) there weren't that many civilian firearms.(*) Now the blunderbuss upgrade gives the actual blunderbusses!(**) Spear 5 base damage, 5 reload time.(**) Blunderbuss 4 base damage, 4 reload time.(**) Bow and arrow 3 base damage, 3 reload time.Blunderbuss has advantage because of instant ballistics and cannot miss, spear has preattack delay.IRREGULARS, SENTRIES, MILITIA AND WARRIORS(+) Irregulars and Sentries counts as Villagers for upgrade(+) Same is true for native Warriors (for example, from Alarm dance), which are upgraded as Villagers.(+) They can also garrison inside Villages. Garrisoned Irregulars and Sentries do not lose health(+) Irregulars and sentries are healableUI(*) All ranges for Hand attacks are automatically displayed.POPULATION(+) All population cap default upgraded to 220 (chinese 240). This is due to a lot of formerly "free" units (ships, healers, etc.) now costing population cap. Total army sizes will remain about the same.(*) Regular House just 75 wood, but HP reduced.HEALERS(+*) Added starting healers for every civ. Start rebalanced.TOWN CENTER(-) Town center costs 550 wood (from 500).(+) Town Center now gives 15 population (from 10).(*) Bounty adjusted.PLANTATION(-) Now has a base build limit of 5. (*+) Diverse cards and techs augment the build limit (sometimes at the cost of lowering other effects).(+) Is available an age earlier.(-) HP reduced (3000 from 3500).NATIVE EMBASSIES(*) Cost 125 wood from 100, but has 2800 HP from 2500 and builds in half the time.TRADING POST(*) Can receive shipments.FACTORY(-) Costs 5 population(+) Robber barons is x2, costs 2000 Gold.(+) Industrial Revolution is x2, costs 2000 Wood.EUROPEANSSECRET SOCIETIES & INFLUENCE(+) European Explorer (including Ottoman) can build Secret Society Lodge.(+) Choose an alliance amongst Secret Societies.(+) Secret Societies Lodge enabled(+) Influence gathering enabled(+) Influence display enabled(-) Cattle doesn't generate influence for Europeans(+) Explorer autogathers influence(+) Capitol autogathers influence(+) Lodge autogathers influence or XP(*) Imperial Peerage and Knighthood reworked. Peerage now costs Gold. Both now grant a large crate of Influence.[+ Export gathering enabled, but doesn't display]FORT(-) Fort slightly more expensive, build slower.(+) Fort now provides 20 pop space.(+) Fort now Auto-gathers Influence for europeans and africans.GUNPOWDER DEPOT(+) Enabled gunpowder depot for all european civs, built from Explorer(+) Auto gathers Influence slowlyCHURCH & CAPITOL(*) Inquisitor replaces Spy in Church. Age II.(*) Church available from Discovery Age (But not Inquisitor). This allows to trickle XP.(*) Gas lighting upgrades from Town Center; Age II.(*) Capitol buildable in Commerce age.(*) Spies trainable in Capitol.(*) Spy cost down to 100 (from 125)(*) Bastion researchable in Capitol, not Church.ARSENAL & ARTILLERY(+) Arsenal can train Organ guns; Age III.(+) Arsenal can train Nitro petard; Age IV.(+) Arsenal can train Gatling guns; Age IV.(+) Organ Gun enabled in Age III(+) Gatling guns enabled in Age IV.(+) Nitro petard enabled in Age IV.Mortar:(+) Can now attack regular unitsFalconet:(-) Falconet was quite OP, so now it fires 25% slower***OTTOMANS*** (Turks)START(*) Starts with Imam (Start rebalanced.)INFANTRYAbus Gunner:(*) Abus Gunner removed from Artillery Foundry, added to Barracks.CAVALRYSpahi:(+) Spahi enabled from stables.Horse Archer:(*) Costs Wood instead of Coin for Ottomans.***RUSSIANS***ARTILLERY(*) Factory spawns Tsar Cannons instead of regular Heavy Cannons (these were used as Russian cannons in the campaign)***MALTESE***(*) Starts the game with additional crates of 100 XP. (Start rebalanced.)(*) Starts the game with a Hospital instead of one of the settlers.Research and mercenaries:(*) Now buys outlaws, mercenaries, and native techs with Influence, like Africans.Ammo Depot:(+) Cheaper than for other civs, but same bonuses (still generates Influence).Influence:(+) Hero generates influence at an increased rate.(+) Hospitals generate Influence.(-) Hospitals 25 gold more expensive (after all Knights Hospitalier try to do them well.)(-) Hospitals less HP (1350 from 1500)***ITALIANS***(*) Starts the game with a Priest (start rebalanced).Research and mercenaries:(*) Now buys outlaws, mercenaries, and native techs with Influence, like Africans.Lombard:(+) Now auto-generates 0.5 Influence.Basilica:(-) Can no longer ship Agents since those are from Capitol.(+) Can now ship Papal Bombard from Age IV.(+) Now auto-generates 1.0 Influence.Artillery:(-) Papal Bombard takes more time to train from Factory.(+) Basilica can ship Papal Bombards for 1200 Influence.(**) Papal bombard now shoots a white cannonball normally, and a fireball for the special charge attack.NATIVES (AMERICANS)Alliances:(+) Native Alliances enabled by default (requires no shipments).(-) Making alliances costs 100 of a resource.(+-) Former Alliance card gives a Chasquis and makes alliances free, in addition to the Native Embassy cart.(*) Current Inca alliance options are Maya (to switch for Muisca), Tupi, and Quechua.(*) Current Aztec alliance options are Maya, Zapotec and Caribs (sic).ATTACKS(*) Tomahawk Throwing deals hand damage at a distance, instead of ranged damage.Alarm Warrior:(+) Now benefits from Villager upgrades.SIEGE(+) Artillery Depot available an age earlier.Ram:(+) Ram available an age earlier.(+) Added Fortress Age upgrade research and icon.Mantlet:(+) Mantlet available an age earlier.(+) Added Fortress Age upgrade research and icon.DIPLOMACY(NY+) American alliances at the Native Embassy for all native Americas factions.(NY+) Can recruit country-specific Mercenaries by using the Asian Outpost (Gambit Den) as an Embassy.BUILDINGS(+) Enabled Asian Outposts (Gambit Den) where you can recruit Asian troops. Limit 1.NAVALResearch:(+-) Gill Nets and Long Lines replaced by Regenerative Fishing and Fisher Tribes.(*) Now upgrades the total yield of the fish(+) Corded construction gives native ships +10% armor.Fishing Boat:(**) Portrait and icon updated to be native enough for all native civs.Canoe:(+) Costs 80 wood from 100.(-) 180 base HP from 220.(+) No build limit.(-) Costs 1 population.ARTILLERYCaptured Mortar:(*) Slightly rebalanced stats.(+) Increased area of attack.(-) As all mortars, now damages own/allied units too.(-) Can't batch when trained.(+) Trained faster.(+) As regular mortar, it can now attack units and not only buildings and ships.***HAUDENOSAUNEE (Iroquois)***Medicine Shrine:(+) Enabled Medicine Shrine building.(+) Acts approximately as a church, allowing you to recruit Medicine Men.***LAKOTA (Sioux)***Medicine Shrine:(+) Enabled Medicine Shrine building.(+) Acts approximately as a church, allowing you to recruit Medicine Men.(+) Costs 250 wood.***AZTECS***Priest:(*) Starts with a Warrior Priest (start rebalanced).Temple:(+) Added Mesoamerican Temple. Unique combination of Church and Capitol.(+) Can train aztec Warrior Priests.House:(+) Aztec House is cheap, like Indian one.(*+) New Big Button for Aztec house, which spawns Warriors and allows Warrior training from houses.[Warriors are "Alarm units", as such they automatically lose HP]Market:(*) Looks the Aztec way from earlier on.Projectiles:(*) Flaming javelins for when Javelineers attack buildings.***TAWANTISUYU*** (formerly ***INCAS***)BUILDINGSTemple:(+) Added Inca Temple. Inca version of the Church.(+) Can train Priestess for gold.(+) Can train Medicine Men for food.(+) Harbors Priestess upgrades (same as cards).(+) Has big button equivalent to Mercantilism.Kancha House:(*) Autarky tech adds lower amount of wood generation and deduces 25% from Food generation, instead of allowing to switch.(++) Several Inca cards have now Kancha House equivalent techsPukara:(+) Added Inca Pukara. Defensive building which can train artillery. Build limit 4.(+-) Pukara leaves a crate of 100 coin when destroyed.Walls:(+) Walls start partially upgraded.(-) Walls also cost gold.(*) Wall HP changes with age.UNITS(*-) Several units made to train only in batches, including villager(**) However, unlike Russia, there is neither discount nor penalty.(+) Inca stronghold 20% faster workrate, helps compensate production shortage.(**) All infantry military units now have unique upgrade icons, and distinguishable between ages (more native civs need this).Villager:(+) Can build Stronghold.(**) Appearance of Male villagers changed to be more andean, appearance of Female villagers is like Aztec one.Chasquis Messenger:(-) You can only train one at a time.(*) Now costs Food and Coin instead of Wood and Coin.Priestess:(*) Inca starts with one Priestess (start rebalanced).(+) Priestesses have Discover action enabled by default.Llamas:(*) Llamas no longer train in batches, but take 7 game "secs" to train each instead of 20 for five.(+) Llama Lifestyle card now delivers a Llama, and allows Kancha Houses to train Llamas.(+) Llamas can garrison in Kancha houses.Chimu Runner:(*) Since now can be trained only in batches in warhut, it is 5% cheaper and gives less bounty.Slinger:(+) Slinger just costs 1 population since it's not even that powerful or expensive.(-) Siege attack slightly reduced.(**) Siege attack projectile anim modified.Macemen:(*) Macemen cost 2 population (from 3) according to their resource use.(-+) Bounty and kill bounty likewise adjusted.(*-) Stats adjustement; -9% HP, -5% siege attack, -5% ranged armor, +10% siege armor.NAVALCanoe:(+) Enabled canoeResearch:Added several researchs which replicate card effects:(+) Chinchillas(+) Floating Peninsulas (Floating Islands)Added researches that sort of replicate the Chincha Raft range and LOS increase from auto-upgrades with age from before:(+) Added Fires of Inkahuasi: Age V, adds 35% damage, 3 range to ranged attack, 4 range to siege attack, 4 to LOS. Enables Charging Ceremony.Added a new special research:(+) Raft Homes (Chincha rafts now provide five population, though they still take three. Chincha rafts may recruit Peruvian Dogs.)Chincha Raft:(+) Chincha Rafts can now train Slingers.(+) Now deals more damage to buildings.(**) Chincha Raft projectile altered to be more visible and interesting.(-) Deals a bit less damage.(+) However, it has a poison effect.(-) Chincha Rafts cannot train other Chincha Rafts.(+) Instead, they can send shipments of Chincha Rafts, Canoes and Fishing Ships (just one of each at a time).TECHShipments:(*) Experimenting with per-time unit shipments.(+) Llama Lifestyle: Also delivers 1 Llama.(+) Early Kallanka card upgrades Kallanka buildlimit.(*) Cost changed from Wood to Gold, and made more expensive.(+) Chincha Support: Cost changed from Gold to Wood. Gives an additional Chincha raft so it has an immediate advantage compared to three "free" ones in other card.(+*) Temple of Mama Killa: Also delivers one Priestess.Stronghold:(+) Stronghold now provides 10 population.(-) Cost and build time moderately increased.(*) Stronghold arrows now look like Fire Arrows.Market:(*) Now always looks the Inca way.*****COLONIALS********UNITED STATES***(+) Starts with a Surgeon.(-) No longer starts with XP crate of books. This change will not affect US inhabitants since they can't read.***MEXICANS***(*) Starts with a Missionary instead of a settler (Start rebalanced).(**) More settler graphics, some mexicans will now look mesoamerican native and others mediterranean.(+) Cathedral can now train Inquisitors much as churches.***CANADA (SPC)***(**) More settler graphics, some mexicans will now look north american native and others western european.*****ASIANS*****(*) Wonder age advancement food cost now distributed between Food and Wood.(+) All wonders now base 6000 HP(*) Default castle base projectile changed.EXPORT(*) Export collection from Villagers is dependent on how efficiently they gather resources.MONASTERY(-) Monastery costs 75 gold.(+) Monks can build Monastery.(+) Monastery gives 5 pop.(+) Build limit increased to 5.CASTLE(-) Castle costs +50 wood (300 from 250).(+) Extra castle HP (3500 from 3000).(+) Castle gives 5 population space.(*) Adjusted bounty and buildtime.ARTILLERYFire Arrow:(+) Fire Arrow enabled for Chinese, to offset greater European artillery variety.(*) Base stats have been adjusted and given a Disciplined upgrade, since now available in Age 2 (gunpowder invented in sinosphere, archaic). Age 2 Fire Arrow has inferior range.Hand Mortar:(+) Hand Mortar enabled for Japanese, to offset greater european artillery variety.(*) Base stats have been adjusted and given a Disciplined upgrade, since now available in Age 2 (gunpowder invented in sinosphere, archaic). Age 2 Hand Mortar has inferior range.***CHINESE***COMBAT UNITS(New) Eastern Enforcer(New) Alchemical Rocketeer:* Is a rocket archer.* Built from castle.* Counts as Siege Trooper.* Can attack buildings from afar.* Area effect shot.* Good against artillery, ships, and Light Infantry.* Fragile, but pop-efficient.* Be careful! This unit's attack damages allies.Qiang Pikeman:(?-) Removed HP and DMG bonus from Old Han Army reforms.(+) Instead gains a special flame attack, and armor increase.Steppe Rider:(-) Now normally costs 2 pop.(-) Armies more expensive.(+) Extra HP, armor.(-) Less sight.(*+) Mongolian Scourge card reduces pop cost back to 1.(-) Removed HP and DMG bonus from Old Han Army reforms.(+) Instead gains a special flame attack, and armor increase.Keshik:(-) Now normally costs 2 pop.(-) Armies more expensive.(+) Extra HP, sight.(*) Mongolian Scourge card reduces pop cost back to 1.(-) Removed HP and DMG bonus from Old Han Army reforms.(+) Instead gains a special fire arrow attack.ChuKoNu:(-) Removed HP and DMG bonus from Old Han Army reforms.(+) Instead gains a special fire arrow attack.Mongolian Scout:(+) Mongolian Scourge card gives bonus vs Villagers.(+) Mongolian Scourge card gives bonus vs Buildings.VILLAGES(+) Villages can self-upgrade to shoot when garrisoned and call irregulars and sentries (150 wood).(+) Village can train Peasant Army: 2 irregulars, 2 sentries for 120 food and 40 wood.(*) Village upgrades changed to food and gold instead of wood. Also upgrades attack when garrisoned and village cap.(*) Village shoots an archaic projectile instead of having a firearm.(-) Cattle at villages fattens 10% slower compared to other fattening buildings.(NY?) Can garrison irregulars and sentries.(+) Irregulars and Sentries are affected by Villager upgrades.(+) Irregulars and Sentries may garrison inside Villages.Shipments(*) Village shooting and irregulars not losing HP card ages switched.(+) Village-sending shipments also bring a few irregular and sentries.(*) Village defense card now brings 3 irregulars and 3 sentries.MONK(+) Monk (Shaolin Master) can heal by default.(+) Wonder now doubles Monk healing rate.DISCIPLES(+) Disciples can help build Wonders, though they still can't place them (use villager).(-) Disciples cost population.(+) Disciples cost 75 food (from 80).(+) Disciples can slowly heal units after monastery upgrade.(-) Monastery disciples upgrade cost more.(+) Disciples shipments now cost pop, so they come with + disciple cap upgrade.(+) Second Chinese Monk hero shipment comes with +5 disciple cap.WONDERSWhite Pagoda:(+-) White Pagoda increases disciple cap by same amount to disciple shipments.(+) White Pagoda can build disciples, ransom monk/s.Summer Palace:(+) Work rate now increases depending on Age built. (1.00 for II, 1.25 for III, 1.50 for IV, 2.00 for V)(+) Enabled missing two Castle armies to auto-train. (Mongolian Army and Black Flag Army)(+) Enabled unit upgrades from Summer Palace.Taoist Academy (ex Confucian Academy):(+) Work rate now increases depending on Age built. (1.00 for II, 1.25 for III, 1.50 for IV, 2.00 for V)(+) Can train Flying Crows also for money (same speed and only one at a time).(+) Gave Enhanced Rocketry upgrade.(+) Gave fire troops upgrade in Age V if you have the Honored versions of the troopsARTILLERYFlying Crow:(-) Now damages allies.(+) Extra Flying Crows can now be recruited (one at a time and very slowly) from Academy and Castle, starting in Age IV(*) Impacting Crows will now be able to bounce, dealing a little damage where they land.Flamethrower:(+) Flamethrower 3 pop from 4 (approximates better the cost).(*) Less specialized vs infantry, better against cavalry (adjusted multipliers).Castle:(-) No longer trains both non-artillery armies (Mongolian Army and Black Flag Army).(+) Now trains Alchemical Rocketeers.CARDS:(*) Ex "Old Han Army" enables fire attacks instead of giving flat bonuses.(+) Added "Four Gentlemen" card. Ships one of each crate including the new Export crate. First age, can be used only once.***JAPANESE***ECONOMY(*) Shrines produce a trickle of resources instead of switching.(+) Animals have more effect in resource rates, specially on Export.(-) Each shrine hosts only up to two animals.TECHNOLOGY(*) Church technologies now cost Export instead of other resources.(*) Arsenal technologies now cost Export instead of other resources.(+) Arsenal can train Organ Guns and Gatling Guns for Export.(+) Added "Tanegashima" from Fortress Age. Researched in Golden Pavilion.(*) Makes Samurai use gunpowder weapon in all but Melee stance.(*) Makes Naginata Riders use gunpowder weapon in non-"Melee", non-"Trample" stances.MONKS(+) Monks start with healing enabled.(+) Reiki now doubles monk healing rate.(-) Base Japanese hero monk healing rate reduced by 33% (4 from 6)(+) Enabled training Blind Monks from Monastery, with a build limit.ARTILLERY(+) Enabled Hand Mortar for Japanese, to offset greater European artillery variety.(+) Added Firebomb alchemist to castle.CARDS:(+) Monastery card also enables ranged action but only discounts monastery techs by 25%INDIANSSTART(*) Starts with a Grove Wagon instead of a Wood crate (start rebalanced)UNITS(New) Consular SepoyGROVES(-) Groves start with less Wood (2500 from 5000)(+) Grove cards also give crates of XP (after all books are from trees (?))(+) Grove cards can be sent again in Imperial age

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You thought AOE3DE was dead? Preposterous! Now it's undead, at the very least...

Try out the latest release with Asian siege fire and units,Keshik horde

Or indulge in the Andean pleasures of the new Inca temple and its enigmatic mystical technologies


Of course, as always, the Europeans cannot be underestimated. Enjoy the military superiority of always having access to gunpowder deposits,

Secret Lodge

And engage in duplicitous diplomacy by Influence trading at the Secret Lodge...


With these mysteries unlocked, the world, at the end, will be none other than yours to command...


Farewell, and we will meet again at the next Secret Society gathering.
Don't forget the coded handshake!

Download Age Of Empires 3DE - The Secret Societies at ModDB

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Age of Empires IV Kicks Off Season 4; 5 Awesome Age of Empires Mods


Age of Empires IV is soon launching its fourth seasonal content update, so here's five AOE mods from across the franchise to dig in to some classic RTS...

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The Secret Societies v0.9 IV Beta - New Frontiers (0.99)

The Secret Societies v0.9 IV Beta - New Frontiers (0.99)

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This version comes with a rework of Aztecs, better AI use of upgrades, and playable campaign civilizations such as the Black State Lakota and the Black...

The Secret Societies v0.9 III beta - Canada edition (0.98)

The Secret Societies v0.9 III beta - Canada edition (0.98)

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v0.98 amongst other stuff adds Canada as a fully playable nation, which has unique elements such as the Mounted Guard hero. They also have their own Home...

SecretSoc AOE3DE mod v9-II (0.97)

SecretSoc AOE3DE mod v9-II (0.97)

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How to install: Extract this in C:\Users\TheSelf\Games\Age of Empires 3 DE\[YOURRANDOMRUMBER]\mods\local - activate from ingame mod manager. The new version...

The Secret Societies v095 beta (fixed)

The Secret Societies v095 beta (fixed)

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NOTE: This version is obsolete, download 0.97+ from , also see full file...

AOE3 Secret Societies 0.81 beta

AOE3 Secret Societies 0.81 beta

Full Version 5 comments

NOTE: THIS RELEASE IS OBSOLETE AND INCOMPLETE, see newer releases in "files". INSTALLATION: Place in your local "mods" folder. Should be in C:\Users\<your...

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