Hello! We are the Crucible Mod. What are we and what can we offer? After being one of the parties that worked on the private rebalance that was gifted to Ultimate Apocalypse (DoW Soulstorm) and became UA 1.89, we branched away and decided to carry on development under a new name. Why? To be able to do things under our own reputation and forge new friendships with other people in the DoW mod community. What can we offer? We are working closely with one of the most prolific model creators in the history of DoW. We also have dedicated people for balance, implementing new content, overhauling AI and overhauling the team-colour. Very soon we will also get back to hosting tournaments and regular streams with community players. There are no false promises with us. We don’t spend years promising a mythical new version and teasing stuff that we have no idea how to actually make. We have the people and the skills to actually deliver the Ultimate Experience for large scale DoW battles.


Welcome to our brand new campaign configurator. Want to play the campaign with more cap? No problem! Want more relic cap? Easy peasey. Want to restrict Titans? You got it! Have fun everyone :)

Campaign Configurator v1.21
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Rewasder - - 6 comments

I've found a bug.

Without having gone into the game, I open the configurator, select increase cap by 20, 2x relic, Auto reinforcements, auto abilities, and fortress. Then close it with the X.
Then I click it again and it seems that rabbit speed, just below auto abilities, is also ticked.
I untick it and close it. Open it again and now Auto abilities is also unticked.
If I tick Rabbit speed, close and open again, auto abilities is also ticked.

It would seem that auto abilities and rabbit speed are ticked together, although I'm unsure what that means gameplay wise.

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