Note: This is the ModDB profile for the Tales of Fyrndell Tech Demo. The tech demo will be the first 30 minutes to 1 hour of the full game, and will be created to give a glimpse of the story, show off our AI, and display the technology we are working on for the full game of Tales of Fyrndell.

The Story

Fyrndell is a land in strife after the Ten Year War. You play as a general under the Kingdom of Trythia as your forces finally take the upperhand in the war, all to unveil the true meaning for all the death and destruction, and to stop the evil forces opposing you.

Trythia--a kingdom that has been at war for ten years, with its enemies getting closer and closer to the capital as each day passes. As the end of the war nears, Trythia's Supreme General unleashes his fury. The Black Legion leaves the Trythian capital, smashing through enemy fortifications while retaking land.

As one of the Supreme General's subordinate commanders, you must take your legion to towns and villages in Trythia, retaking them one-by-one. As the land is retaken and power restored to the kingdom, Trythia goes on the offensive, pushing into enemy land.

Arriving at an enemy city close to the border with Trythia, you witness the Black Legion's power--your Supreme General ravages the enemy city, killing every creature in sight. As the city burns to the ground, the Black Legion--and other friendly legions--move deeper into enemy territory, ravaging and murdering across the land. On this path of conquest and obliteration, you uncover something about the Supreme General--and your country--that sends shivers through your spine and goosebumps on your arms. All is not as it appears, and your world is torn upside-down.

The Game

Tales of Fyrndell is to be a technologically-advanced first-person real time strategy game, wherein you play the role of a general in first-person view, commanding your legion and strategising attacks against the enemy. Tales of Fyrndell will be released episodically, for a planned $30 for 10 hours of gameplay. The decision to release this episodically guarantees the fact that we can keep up with current technology while still progressing the story.

The design document is not currently completed. The game has been in planning since early 2004 by Dan and Josh Mattia, and its completion will be the highest point in Dan's life. Overdrive Games is passionate in delivering the best experience possible, utilising technology and hardware to its fullest.

Who is this being developed by?

Tales of Fyrndell is being developed by Overdrive Games, a division of Game Overdrive.

RSS Articles

In the past few weeks since the prior news post, I have been hard at work expanding upon the world of Fyrndell. As a story-driven game, Tales of Fyrndell will be full of lore, intrigue, relationships, treachery and plot, and I've enjoyed writing the prologue these past few weeks.

While I do not yet have the time to begin actual development on the mod and assemble a suitable team, I do intend to create the universe of Fyrndell.

I invite you to read the prologue to Tales of Fyrndell and leave comments and suggestions either on our Mod DB profile or on my deviantArt. Also, please check back frequently for new installments and chapters.

I have also begun work on designing and coding a Fyrndell-specific website, so I will make a news post when the website is available.

If you are interested and skilled in using the Dragon Age Toolset, I would be interested in hearing from you. I believe Dragon Age: Origins will serve as a fine framework for the first installment of Tales of Fyrndell.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me or leave comments, criticism, or suggestions. I do want to hear your ideas!

Tales of Fyrndell Still Alive

Tales of Fyrndell Still Alive


A brief update on the status of Tales of Fyrndell and future plans.

Announcement Forthcoming


An Overdrive Games-specific announcement is forthcoming. For now, please refer to the most recent Game Overdrive news post for details on what's...

New .Plan


I've posted a new .plan on GarageGames that talks about music choices in Tales of Fyrndell. We're aiming for something a little different for...

Five Years


While work continues on Tales of Fyrndell Tech Demo, let us just remember the sacrifices made by those who work tirelessly to defend our freedoms and...

Post comment Comments
Infectious_Moon - - 7 comments

Hey guys, good to meet you

My name is Chris McEwen, and I am an aspiring game designer, and an avid modder...

...I have been a fan of the Elder Scrolls series since Daggerfall, and have lost many of my hours to all of them, especially Morrowind (I estimate approximately 2100 hours between modding and total gameplay). I have been fixated with Oblivion and the Gamebryo engine since the first rumors flew around in 2003, and I have recently been jumping head first into the game and the modding thereof...

I am EXTREMELY intrigued by your professionalism in this matter, and I am majorly stoked by your I.P.

I have experience in the following game design aspects which may help in developement:

-I am experienced with many aspects of the ES Construction Set (Oblivion), and I am always learning more about it, unfortunately it takes time to learn the changes from the previous generation of software. Currently I can build landscapes, world spaces, dungeons, NPC's, dialogue, quest items, and I also understand the concepts involved in scripting of objects, and a general knowledge of the script Syntax.

-I have low-poly 3D modelling experience with MilkShape, so I have theoretical knowledge of 3D modelling to assist in learning the Blender software for use with the ES Construction set, which I am pursuing for my own purposes.

-I have major experience in PhotoShop, and I have artistic experience (conceptual and texture), I have experience with the GIMP, and I can make Normal maps, Bump maps, and Alpha Transparency in textures for 3D models, and object icons.

-I have been involved with storytelling, including dialogues, quest flow, and in-game literature. As a hobbyist poet, and a long time RPG fanatic (including DMing D&D games in my youth) I have developed my literary, and storytelling skills to increase my usefullness to the game industry.

-I have Mapping experience in the ESCS, and with other game engines, and have learned alot about clutter, lighting, and sound for player emersiveness.

-I have some Voice-Acting experience, and my own microphone, as well as some skill with Audacity to modify the audio to blend into the game environment.

I have many ideas about how to implement this system (FPRTS) using the ESCS, and I have many ideas for your storyline and IP...

*Also as a sidenote, I have been involved with web-design, and forum administration (including graphics) in my own attempts to found a mod-team to complete an IP of my own (using the Doom 3 SDK) So if there is anything you need web-wise, I would be happy to help with that...

I will be looking forward to hearing from you...


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quellmyapathy Creator
quellmyapathy - - 167 comments

: Retaking captured lands will still be an important part of the game, and will probably be the majority of Episode 1 and a segment of Episode 2. But really, that's just an introduction into the storyline, which takes twists upon entering the enemy's homeland ;)

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Grogdon - - 144 comments

Yeah I figured the 'whole world being turned upside down and torn apart' bit in your story will be pretty major. ;) Alright that sounds really cool. Expecially the added RPG bit. I'm really looking forward to progress with this thing. It's sounds very promising.

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quellmyapathy Creator
quellmyapathy - - 167 comments

: Each town will have different requirements to be recaptured. For some, stealth will be key; for others, you'll have to do a full-blown siege. As you retake Trythian lands, as well, the story pieces itself together.

There'll also be the sense of an RPG in the game. After recapturing a town, you can visit the inns, taverns, etc. in the town.

The focus of the game isn't retaking your lands, however: that's just a small portion of a larger pie.

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Grogdon - - 144 comments

I'm curious about this game and I'm wondering if taking town after town back wouldn't get a little repetative to the player?

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quellmyapathy Creator
quellmyapathy - - 167 comments

We're still looking at engines, and making our own is one of our options. However, this probably won't happen until AFTER we finish the tech demo.

Tales of Fyrndell isn't separated into "modes"--there's no gap between FP and RTS. I can't say anything right now regarding what I mean, but you'll see soon enough.

Thanks for your feedback!

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