Ultra-global project by the Imperial community author (nnn90) with full rebalance and gameplay changing in the Rome II TW game.

Strateigos Mod Review from the Kosss

The mod uses its own version of group formations for the player and AI.

For all cultural groups, new default formations used by AI for these subcultures, or the most suitable formations from adjacent subcultures, have been placed on the faction formation buttons.
Buildings for AI are set taking into account the features of fractional lines and the balance recommended for AI for stacking.

The mod implements an important rule of combat during the period of melee weapons dominance (within the framework of game conventions) - to accept attacking troops of the same type with a counter attack, at least at the last meters, and preferably at a dart throw distance.
That is, the infantry meets with an attack the enemy infantry, cavalry cavalry, etc.
In this case, the calculation of the battle will be equal for units with the same characteristics, because. they will have the same set of combat bonuses, of course, plus or minus from random calculation factors and other battle conditions.
The rule does not affect only the defensive phalanx of sarissophores, when it is not a meeting of two such phalanxes.

All infantry "civilians" with spears using the "attack in formation" ability have a "combat against cavalry" button in the mod, it gives an additional anti-cavalry bonus. This button must not be forgotten to be turned on before the detachment will engage in battle with the enemy cavalry.
The effect lasts for a long time, you can press it immediately for all spear infantry, so that it is not forgotten when the troops begin to converge.
All sarissophores have a similar "battle against elephants" button, which gives an additional bonus against elephants and cavalry.

Troop movement speeds have been slightly reduced.
Charge speeds have been significantly reduced, heavy infantry attack at a slow pace, phalangites attack at a fast pace.
The stats of units are averaged and ordered depending on the class of troops, their cultural affiliation, as well as depending on whether they are militia troops, or mercenaries and military settlers.
The technical part, masses and sizes of units, reaction distances, etc. have been revised.
Formations are made denser, especially for "civilized" troops.
The values of morale and fatigue have been reworked, units are more prone to panic, but in the absence of pursuit they quickly return to battle.
Hand-to-hand combat or the threat of a melee attack has the greatest effect on the rate of troop morale decline.
Damage from various weapons, especially throwing ones, has been revised.
Against soldiers protected by armor and shields, it is less effective.
Large shields provide the most protection against projectiles.
Increased view of units in open areas.
Increased the overall army vision value in open areas, allowing the AI to better assess the situation.
It also has a positive effect on the behavior of AI troops during assaults and defense of cities, somewhat improving the behavior of AI troops in such battles.

Changed the number of troops:
Heavy infantry 224-252 soldiers per squad.
Dart Throwers - roughly 3/4 the size of a heavy infantry unit.
Their role is to be an important addition to the heavy infantry, which is unlikely to be able to win a fight on its own against most factions.
Archers and slingers, except for the more numerous eastern ones, make up 2/3 of the size of a heavy infantry detachment.
Cavalry makes up 1/3 of the size of a heavy infantry unit, the survivability of an individual rider has been increased.
All numbers of troops are calculated for the ability to change the number of soldiers in the squad using the video settings in the game menu.

Elephants' ability to break through heavy infantry and their lethality have been lowered to emphasize their moral primacy on the battlefield.
Chariots have been reconfigured to more successfully fulfill their purpose in the mod - actions against light troops and lower the morale of the attacked.

A significant part of the heavy infantry, which falls into the second line in formations, as well as the elite infantry, for its more successful actions, the AI was given a dart thrown before the attack, these darts themselves became somewhat more lethal, but their firing range was reduced.
In Rome and the Etruscans, at the initial stage of the game, the troops will retain the influence of the "Camillus" organization (greater number and role of spear infantry).
After the first reform, Roman principles, Etruscan and allied similar units, as well as some others will receive a javelin thrown before the attack.

Siege battles have also been improved where possible:

Fire destroys the gate longer
Turtle damage nerfed
For a player in a pack of 2 ladders and 1 tower
A new set of siege equipment with increased strength and fire resistance has been created for the AI.
Disabled vanilla siege equipment for AI
A package of "siege" bonuses has been added for AI. Some of the bonuses are through a handicap, the other part is through special traits.
Created 2 additional "Under Siege" army modes that give special bonus/penalty packages: 1 for slaves and 1 for all loyalists
Darts are disabled for heavy infantry in army mode "Under Siege" (both for AI and for the player)
Specialist. projectile for bastion towers, which is activated only for AI
Torches most effectively burn the gate
Boiling Oil in Gates nerfed
Boiling oil in the AI gate is constantly on (regardless of techs)
A trait has been created for each subculture, each of which is distributed to AI-controlled factions. Each has 10 levels of pumping. Through these traits, the AI generals who command the army are given a package of effects through which siege equipment is distributed, how many units are assigned to it. in a pack (i.e. the number of the same ladders in one package will change depending on the trait level), siege bonuses are given (morale, attack and defense of the battlefield, distributed according to a special scheme - attack for the assaulting AI, defense for the besieged AI, bonus the morale for the attacker is higher than for the besieged, ... the values ​​are set taking into account the combat). The trait is upgraded by 1 point for winning any battle, and plus 1 point if the battle is siege. Each lvl trait requires 3 points. Attribute bonuses (authority, cunning, zeal) were also added to these traits so that the AI does not sink in this regard, because we occupy one of the three available trait slots.
A special trait switch has been created that will disable the AI trait if the player gets the AI general through the tribal union system.

P.S. AI siege equipment is given to AI generals based on the civility of the subculture. This or that lvl of the trait gives only one type of siege equipment, so that the AI army builds it.
Author of improvements for assaults comrade papeion

Most of the "abilities" of the troops have been canceled. without them, AI, with the existing settings, acts more actively and adequately to the situation.
Remaining abilities reconfigured:
The phalanx of sarissophores, when "turned on", significantly increases the protection against throwing weapons, as well as the mass of the formation.

Darts have been added to all foot units with the shield-sword set and some with the shield-spear set.
The classes and weapons of some units have been revised.
Removed explosive shells from throwing machines.

The animation of the sarissophores from the Ars_Gratia_Artis mod was used (the sarisso does not disappear when the phalanx is turned off).
The armor and shields indicated in the tables of the mod correspond to the types that the graphical models of the units have.
In the presence of "diversity" in the armament of the detachment, the principle of the main type of armor is used, that is, the one that is visually available to most of the soldiers in the detachment.

Vanilla fleet has been canceled for all non-barbarian factions.
Barbarian factions at the beginning levels of the empire, other than the Daco-Illyrian subcultural group, are limited in their ability to have fleets.
The fleets of Rome, Carthage, the Greek and Eastern factions received completely new combat crews and redesigned ships.
Some of the ships are tied to naval technology branches and have upgrades for them.
Eastern factions will hire fleets of dependent Greek cities.
The Roman fleet is almost completely covered by technology and has been upgraded to a fleet corresponding to the reform period of Augustus Octavian.
Artillery ships were left with only an incendiary shell.
For ships larger than 5 rows and artillery, the possibility of ramming is disabled.
A new type of combat 5-line boarding ship has been introduced to Rome, with the possibility of ramming removed.
For other fleets of non-barbarian factions, the ability to ram for the largest ships and support ships (with scorpions and landing of archers or slingers) has been removed.

The fleet limit for Rome, Carthage, Punic, Greek and Eastern states will be increased through the Tactics tech tree.
For barbarians and steppes, instead of increasing the fleet limit in this branch, the possibility of recruiting troops in territories outside the native habitat zone for the faction of this barbarian culture opens up.
Some regions on the global map also have the ability to further increase the fleet limit.
The limit of additional armies is also increased through this technology branch.

The mod has a built-in system of bonuses for AI in the auto-calculation of battles, aimed at increasing the number of large battles that are played on tactics and for a more honest auto-calculation.

Other information you can read from the Articles section


Useful links:

Strateigos main team (Imperial forum)

Strateigos section (Imperial forum)

Main mod author - nnn90

The mod is not designed to interact with any other mods other than those recommended by the author.
The recommended level of difficulty of battles on tactics, on which the mod was tested, is "medium".
For the strategic part - "high" or "medium".
The archive contains a complete set of mod files of the last specified version.
Put all files from the archive into the Data folder of the game and connect with a game launcher or mod manager
In case of updating with files from the archive, replace the files of the previously installed version of the mod.
For the mod to work correctly, the data of the game should not contain files of other mods.


Steamcommunity.com Steam

Drive.google.com Google-Drive

The mod has its own retextures for the vanilla units used and is not designed to use third-party retextures.
If they are used, the correct display of weapons and equipment of many units is not guaranteed.
Retextures and new units are made using materials provided by S.W.A.T.

Participated in the creation of the mod:
nnn900 (teamleader)

The Strateigos mod uses edited mods:
"People's Trust" by Prime
"GC on IA" by Teos

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Strateigos useful information (from nnn90)


The main campaign has been moved to the map from the "Emperor August" DLS.
Based on the version of the map from the comrade Teos mod, reworked under the conditions of the Strateigos mod.

The mod has a system of "personal bonuses" for factions controlled by AI.
These bonuses are included for factions that are neighbors of the player's faction, historically were the main rivals and the most significant factions in this period.

Epidemics and banditry have been introduced into the Main Campaign and Hannibal at the Gates campaign mod.
Buildings that reflect the level of development of society increase the level of poverty that causes epidemics.
Buildings of the sanitary (blue) branch reduce the risk of epidemics.
Buildings focused on increasing profitability cause an increase in banditry.
Also, the level of banditry is increased by armies that are in plunder mode.
Military buildings, palaces of the Seleucids and Eastern states, the chambers of the leaders of the barbarians reduce the level of banditry.
Also, the level of banditry is reduced by the troops brought into the city.

The wonders of the world spread the culture of the peoples to which they belong in their provinces.

For different subcultures, their own settings for the behavior of AI on the strat map have been introduced, which are most suitable for these factions.
Revised to increase military superiority thresholds for AI faction to declare war.
The priority of protecting your own regions has been increased.
The priority of defending capitals is higher than the priority of expansion.
Increased the priority of reclaiming lost territories.
The AI will seek to take over the entire province, having a region in it.
Also, the AI will more often seek to expand by conquering border areas, "rounding" its territory.
Other changes to AI action thresholds and priorities along the same lines.
Their main goal is for the AI factions to preserve themselves as the main task and their own interests were more important than the goal of attacking the player.
(The basis is my own changes in the behavior of AIS for the PUA mod, with "adjustment for the wind", for those who are aware of what it is about).

Each captured region will increase hostility from other countries.
Provincial centers and resource regions have a larger penalty to expansionism than normal regions.
A captured region gives more Imperium Growth than a subordinate region as a protectorate/satrapy.
With the growth of the empire, the number of armies, edicts and agents increases.
Low levels of Imperium reduce the likelihood of civil war, high levels increase it.
Increasing the empire increases the risk of civil war, increases the cost of hiring troops and maintaining armies (reflecting the rising cost of maintaining military infrastructure in a large state), increasing corruption and other negative effects.
The popularity of the player's party also affects the probability of a civil war, the average values ​​of "party influence" reduce this probability, very high and very low increase it.

The central buildings of the regions are made indestructible at all levels, they can only be rebuilt.
Rebuilding buildings of a foreign culture will be extremely expensive and take longer.
This is intended to reflect the destruction of a foreign settlement and the creation of its own colony in its place.
And also slow down and hinder expansion and increase the chances of the conquered territories to be liberated from the occupier.
Training buildings are disabled in the Main Campaign for all factions, except for the barbarians (for which they have become the place to hire the most powerful units).
Barbarian factions cannot capture cities without sacking them.
Eastern factions and barbarians will not be able to liberate states.
The Greeks do not have the capacity for confederation.
The speed of cultural assimilation has been greatly reduced, it will now take a long time.
The degree of rejection of subcultures and the level of unrest when occupying a region with a different subculture depends on the difference in their levels of social relations.
All edicts along with positive effects have a negative effect.

The main campaign is built on 4 moves per year.
Campaign Hannibal at the Gates on 12 turns.
The study time for technologies has been lengthened in accordance with the increase in moves per year.
Technologies that give access to troop upgrades and new troops have been adjusted to approximately coincide with the known time of appearance of such troops.
Adjusted the spawn times of troops from factions that have met on the battlefield in history.
This should also increase the importance of building scientific buildings.
Mercenary-focused techs now have the effect of increasing mercenaries' experience gain rate to compensate for army traditions not affecting them.
Building construction times have been adjusted.
The central buildings of cities are built longer, military buildings, especially low levels, faster.
The effectiveness of many agent actions has been reduced.
The pumping of troops by a warrior has been reduced significantly.
For generals, the level of badges given for increasing the level of some skills is limited to one badge at all levels.

The influence of the seasons and "non-seasonal conditions" is made more noticeable.
The seasons and "non-seasonal conditions" will have a greater effect on fluctuations in agricultural income.
Also, winter and "off-season conditions" affect the cost of supplying armies and the speed of recruitment.

Recruitment system and garrisons:

A universal OAR system has been introduced in mod
For Rome, the Etruscans, Carthage and its satrapies, the Greek states, the Hellenistic kingdoms and the Eastern states, a total AOR system for hiring troops has been introduced.
Own troops and elite units are recruited from historical territories or capital regions/provinces, with the exception of a small number of expensive troops from military settlers and mercenaries.
In other regions, only certain types of local troops can be recruited.
Barbarians and steppes can only recruit their troops in the territory of those provinces that at the start belong to the factions of this culture (on their native lands), to start recruiting their troops outside this zone, you need to study the technologies in the "tactics" technology section, their lower branch.

Also, for all non-barbarian states, a system of limiting the "native" troops of the faction and the most combat-ready AOR units has been introduced.
For barbarians, all elite, or unique units are limited.

The troops recruited in the buildings for all non-barbarian factions are divided into two large groups:

The militias of the citizens of the policies, the militias of the satrapies of the eastern factions - are recruited in the central civil building of the cities.
The central civilian buildings provide garrisons from the militia units.

Military settlers and mercenaries - recruited in military buildings.
Military buildings provide garrisons of military settlers and mercenaries.

Some light troops are recruited from agricultural buildings.

Non-rebuilt buildings of a foreign culture do not provide any hiring or garrisons.

Military ports allow you to build ships of the highest levels, as well as those equipped with throwing machines.
Fishing ports give the smallest set of low-level ships.
There are naval garrisons only in commercial and military ports.

Barbarian factions have a mod set of tribal militias in the main buildings of non-capital regions.
In the capital regions of the provinces, weaker troops are hired in the main building compared to the tribal militias (non-military clientele of the barbarian nobility, losing their military mentality and the obligation to go on a campaign, community members as the clan relations decay).
The training buildings of the "red branch", available for construction in the capitals of the provinces, have been turned into a place for hiring "people of war" - the most powerful units with a higher cost of maintenance and a recruitment limit.

Military buildings of the "red branch" provide the strongest garrisons and allow you to recruit the most well-armed troops.
Almost all types of throwing machines have been removed from the barbarians.
In the later period, scorpions will be available to them.
Barbarians have only one type of port, they cannot build multi-deck ships or ships with throwing machines.
Their naval garrisons are small and consist of light ships.

For the steppe factions, the most powerful units are recruited in the green line buildings.
Training buildings of the "red branch" are disabled for them.

Removed dogs from everyone, as well as druids and most of the female units.

For non-barbarian factions, the cost of hiring militia troops is much lower than hiring similar units of military settlers and mercenaries.
The content is 1.5-3 times lower.
For armies and fleets brought into the city, the upkeep is reduced.
For armies in the "siege" mode, the content increases.

Militia units from the Hellenistic states are mostly removed from recruitment, but left in garrisons.
Barbarian troops have an extremely low recruitment and maintenance cost, except for those recruited in the "red line" training buildings.
Units for all civilized factions, with the exception of low-level ones, are limited.

Provincial mercenaries and non-romanized auxiliaries are fixed recruitment prices and differ only between "civilized" troops and barbarians.
These amounts reflect the amount of reward / bribe that the leaders of the mercenaries, or the barbarian tribal elite receive for the fact that their warriors will serve the employer.

Troop visual identification system:
Units that are "native" to the faction have icons without colored backgrounds.
Provincial mercenaries have a red icon background color.
AOR units and allied troops have a green icon background color.

Mod economy:

The construction costs of all buildings in the game have been revised, the costs have been made large so that there is a choice of what and where to build, and not total development.
Increased income from slave labor.
The central buildings of the regions will increase the profitability from slave labor in the province as they level up.
With an increase in the level of the central buildings of the regions, the growth in profitability does not change very much, but the structure of this income (except for resource ones) changes - the higher the level of the building, the higher the percentage of income that can be increased with the help of modifiers from economic buildings.
Also, the profitability of slave labor for Italics, Greeks and Puns and taxes for the Eastern and African factions increases a number of technologies of the philosophical branch.
For temples and stadiums/circuses, scientific and sanitary buildings, the consumption of a part of the province's budget has been introduced, increasing with the level of the building.
Unique buildings will consume a portion of the nationwide income.
The value of the slave yield modifier depends on the subculture of the faction.
When playing as a barbarian faction, until the later stages of development, it is not necessary to capture slaves.
The amount of money received "out of thin air" has been reduced to a minimum.
Protectorates and satrapies give quite noticeable income.
Buildings of different cultures have different profitability and different dynamics of growth of profitability from the level of buildings.
The Greek and Roman buildings have the highest yield, the eastern ones are somewhat lower, the barbarian ones differ significantly in terms of profitability to the lower side.
Moved sanitation buildings for all non-barbarian factions back to earlier techs and now all levels of these buildings in the Main Campaign require techs.

Edicts have been revised - their meaning in mod is for the player to choose not between good and best, but between what is more important for him to get at the moment and what he is ready to sacrifice for this.

The "release prisoners" function has become less profitable, the greatest monetary profit will be brought by the enslavement of prisoners.

About the indicators in the menus that display the profitability of the provinces (these are game mechanics, if anything). Just for understanding.
So, we have regions and provinces, in the regions there are houses that provide income. The total amount of this income in the province is taken as 100% by the game, in the same place, in the province, when the tax slider is set to the base average value, the tax levied will also be 100%. If you remove all other tax modifiers, you will be shown "tax 0%". That is, the withdrawal of all wealth received by the province per turn is taken as zero by the game. Anything above that is taxes.
Well, that is, when the population, according to the developers of the game, was taken away all the income and another, say, 10%, in vanilla, in the menu, it will be a tax of 10%.
When the tax amount numbers are red, it means that you are not taking all the available wealth of the province and the game writes you a minus tax value.

In the mod, the indicators of the tax scale have been changed, because. vanilla logic is contrary to common sense - it is impossible to take more than 100% of the income.
The tax scale will show, as a percentage, how much of the province's total wealth a given tax rate takes.

Something like that.

Domestic policy:

Revised the values of the probability of the appearance and death of children in characters to prevent their general mortality.
The cost of political actions that are most important for preventing party discontent has been increased.
Changed the effects of the level of influence of the ruling party.
The influence of the party also at the extreme - the lowest and highest values ​​increases the likelihood of a civil war, at medium lowers.
Changed the effects of the type of government.
The civil war settings greatly increase its chance at high levels of the empire.
At low levels, her chance is low with proper attention to party/family relationships.


The campaign is designed to be played with 30-35 units per stack.
How to do it:

To increase the size of the armies, you need to start the campaign, right on the first turn, before the first transition of the turn, save, exit the game, open the save with the ESF editor along the path The Creative Assembly/Rome2/save_games, find COMPRESSED_DATA/CAMPAIGN_ENV/CAMPAIGN_MODEL in your save
In this tab, you will see two numbers 20 in the first column, this is the unit limit in the stack, the upper one is for ground forces, the lower one is for fleets, put the values \u200b\u200byou want in their place and save - File / Save wait until saved - (changed parameters highlighted in red become gray), that's all, you can continue to play this save.

Instrument - Drive.google.com

The main innovation of Strateigos version 2 is the transfer of the Main Campaign of the mod to the map from the DLS "Emperor August"

For mods to work in the game Rome 2, now you need to check the boxes in the Settings / Modifications section, as in the screenshot:

Drive.google.com - example


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BagaturKhan - - 7,953 comments

Not far time ago there was an update

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BagaturKhan - - 7,953 comments

Thanks for this mod!

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