A comprehensive overhaul for the 2007's S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl created by the modding community, it enhances various aspects of the original game, including graphics, sound, gameplay mechanics, and bug fixes. The mod improves the overall visual and atmospheric experience while maintaining the essence of the original game's storyline with updated textures, shaders, weather effects, and sound enhancements to immerse players further into the world of the Chernobyl exclusion zone. It incorporates optional tweaks to gameplay mechanics for a more modern and polished gaming experience offering players a more refined and visually stunning rendition of the classic game.


Increases weapon damage and accuracy for a more realistic gameplay. Designed in compatibility with STALKER Complete 2009.

SC Realistic Weapons add-on 0.8
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 178)
BanMePlease - - 113 comments

Yes. But re adding some of the removed enemies (like zombies and psydogs, dwarf) could be awesome, like someone else stated.

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zombie_overlord - - 5 comments

there is a mod that adds burers into SoC. Its out there you just need to look.

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SquallGLeonheart - - 144 comments

SMP does

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ImCrimson - - 12 comments

Uhm, it's really nice that you have a mod that alters the somewhat unrealistic damage values, but after trying this it was not what I had expected. Marked One's guns are extremely powerful, while the enemies still appear to be wielding pea-shooters...?

What I had in mind when downloading this was a mod that allowed me to actually drop an enemy with torso shots without emptying the magazine (and contrary-wise, making it more risky to put myself in the firing line of an enemy), including mutants (I've always had to run from mutants unless I had a shotgun).

What I am trying to say is that this mod extension definitely doesn't make SC 2009 more challenging ^^

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Artistpavel Author
Artistpavel - - 631 comments

Thank you for a feedback, was your testing based on Master difficulty?

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TheUnbeholden - - 3,618 comments

Master difficulty Increases the damage you take. Remember its the difficulty that counts the most when it comes to how easy you die.

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Guest - - 699,566 comments

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ImCrimson - - 12 comments

Uhm, on a second note... seems like I was playing on "Stalker" difficulty. I started a new game on "Master" and poked the military at the bridge sporting a shotgun and a leather jacket, and got my *** handed to me just as I would expect from the mod.

However, on a different saved game I wore a SKAT-9 suit, went to Rostok and stood in front of a Merc and watched how he just couldn't seem to kill me. I proceeded to put two rounds of 5.56 in his chest and he went down.

Another observation I made was that I could mow down the "Expert bandit group" behind the trains Quake-style (I.E jump out and spray wildly). That's what got me thinking. I'm not sure what difficulty that was on however, I'll have to do some more testing.

Is the mod in its entirety supposed to be run on Master to deliver the advertised experience? Because if it is, I'm the one who screwed up ^_^

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Artistpavel Author
Artistpavel - - 631 comments

The way it works, Marked One and NPCs have the same weapon settings. What changes with difficulty is the percentage of how many bullets fired by enemy can actually reach you. It's set to 100% on Master, 60% on Stalker.
Later suits, like SKAT-9, are more protective, so the Merc and bandit suits are weaker by game design.

If it's still too easy on Master, there are a few settings I can tell you about that can be tweaked.

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ImCrimson - - 12 comments

Thanks, I'll keep going on Master for a while and get back to you if that happens :)

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NarooN - - 7 comments

I know my reply is omega-late, but maybe someone else will see this and be enlightened. If you set the difficulty to Master, but then loaded a different save, the difficulty would have been reverted to Stalker (assuming that was the difficulty that was originally selected on that savegame.) I had this problem on a different mod when loading a different save while testing the damage values once. Just one more reason why I always make sure the difficulty is set to Master/Hell/Whatever when I start a new game. ;)

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ImCrimson - - 12 comments

This weapon add-on really enhances the experiences in basic levels of stalking immensely. I'm having an absolute blast running around the pre-Rostok Zone with a very light backpack & equipment looting, running early quests and having standoffs with bandits.

The mod really brings new functionality to the game in the sense I can run around with my AK-74U and just a few mags worth of extra ammo and still have the ability to get around properly. I could never do this normally, because the game is always an "arms race" where the equipment win your battles for you. This becomes especially obvious later in the game, where you are FORCED to constantly change most of your inventory as you progress. This mod really seems to change that =)

Just had to release the positive feedback I’ve been gathering for the last day of playing *pats back*

On that note, I’ve noticed that since every bullet count so much more now, one cuts up a lot of people quickly. I have no idea how this is determined in the game normally, but would it be possible to increase the frequency at which people drops to the ground as “wounded”? If enemies got wounded more and insta-killed less often, this would be a huge enhancement to the immersion (you’d essentially be given the choice between either executing the victims, or show mercy and walk on).
Just a thought that spawned in my head as I gazed upon the huge corpse piles =)

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Artistpavel Author
Artistpavel - - 631 comments

Yes, it's possible to have them wounded more often, will add with next update. Thanks for review and thoughts.

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treat - - 118 comments

I'm wondering if you could give us a quick run down of how to increase that probability right here. It seems like it'd involve a pretty simple value change, or am I completely wrong?

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Artistpavel Author
Artistpavel - - 631 comments

Yes, open this file with notepad: gamedata\config\creatures\m_stalker.ltx

find this line:

critical_wound_threshold = 0.3

0.3 means, they get wounded when their health level is at 30%, 1.0 = 100%, experiment with that number as you like and post your thoughts:)

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Gleb_AA-Gun - - 1,003 comments

This is incredibly old but... Not a single person on any STALKER community seems interested in helping on the regard of that.

I changed said value all over the place and no matter what, I can't get NPC's to get wounded more often, they are 95% Alive or Dead and only 5% chance to get wounded. :/

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ImCrimson - - 12 comments

I'll try messing around with the critical wound threshold...

In theory, if you increased this threshold and at the same time increased the base health of NPCs (so that they will go down after taking enough hits but won't actually be easier to incapacitate), we might have a recipe for awesomeness :)

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Artistpavel Author
Artistpavel - - 631 comments

You can try to mess with damage inflicted by your bullets on enemies:
find this section:


health_hit_part = 1.5

1.0 is default i.e. 100%

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Smog - - 4 comments

So if i alter the line to one of the follwoing options it should kill easier ?

health_hit_part = 2.0 <----Easy to kill ?

OR do i go with

health_hit_part = 0.1 <----Harder to kill ?

Having completed the game i just like to kill stuff and grab the gear to make the cash to enhance game play (Cheat I guess)

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Artistpavel Author
Artistpavel - - 631 comments

Yes, health_hit_part = 2.0 makes it easy to kill because each bullet does 200% damage. Normally because weapons are already powerful 1.5 or 1.0 is recommended.

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ckrueger - - 8 comments

Is it possible to allow you to give even an enemy who is wounded a medpack, and thus change their alighnment to neutral or even freind? I have wanted that from day one of stalker

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jag648 - - 49 comments

Imcrimson it would probably be better to end there pain cuz if you leave them a pack of dogs or somthing will get them instead but they could survive if you shot them near a base of some sort

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Shadow58 - - 30 comments

Hay I'm bandwith at the moment is up so I can't yet download you 2009 mod thingy, but I was just gazing my eyes on some of the comments here and was wonder,"Yes, open this file with notepad: gamedata\config\creatures\m_stalker.ltx" does that exist even if you havn't downloaded this 'SC Realistic Weapons add-on 0.5' because if so where exactly can I find it(I got vista, if that info is needed) and what do I open it up with, I found in the \Program Files\THQ\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl\ files that say things like gamedata.dbc, .db4, .db5, .dbb, so wasn't sure if the're the ones your talking about or if I which one to open, and with what.
So I thought I should rather just ask. :D God bless dude, peace.

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Artistpavel Author
Artistpavel - - 631 comments

No it doesn't exist without mod, you'll have those files once you have everything installed. It's recommended not to alter any values if you are not sure.

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Shadow58 - - 30 comments

Sorry about crap spelling by the way. :D

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LeroyHotdogs - - 1 comments

Hey got a minor problem with this add-on

By the way i absolutely adore the 2009 mod, its brought this game back to life for me... top marks for putting so much time into that.

anywho, my issue is that i cant install the realistic weps add on with a steam install
(i dont have a "gamedata" folder to overwrite)

any thoughts or help would be truly appreciated

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Artistpavel Author
Artistpavel - - 631 comments

If you have SC2009 installed, it should be here for Steam version:

C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\stalker shadow of chernobyl

or here for regular version:

C:\Program Files\THQ\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl

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klassen.t - - 2 comments

Just decided to give SoC another run after I found SC2009, so I'll hopefully be able to lend some constructive input after I spend some time with it. In the meantime, I don't know if you have any control over which mirrors serve the Realistic Weapons download, but my attempts kept defaulting to the FDCCDN server, which keeps belching errors. I got it taken care of by selecting one of the ModDB official mirrors, so if anyone's having problems downloading, that's probably the issue. =)

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mar3usmc - - 6 comments

Tried out this mod along with the stalker complete. I love what you have done with stalker complete minus a few things. One, the sight range of enemies I think should be returned to normal (if you can tell me where this variable is I will do so myself). I just sat, crouched out in the open with a silenced rifle taking shots, in full auto at times trying to get the soldiers to see me at 100 meters. Even silenced, once getting shot or hit you will tend to be quite observative of your surroundings. They never noticed me at all in broad daylight. So I stood strait up, nothing.

Also, as a retired Marine, I was trained to shoot and hit a target with iron sights up to 500 meters with an M16A2, and later with an AK-47 up to 300 meters. At 500 meters in the prone I could hit my target 4 out of 5 times on a windy day. The AK-47 has less range do to a slower bullet and is less accurate but you could still hit targets at 300 meters like the M16A2 at 500 meters. Mind you this is with iron sights. Now, I am taking slow, steady shots at these guys and getting MAYBE 1 out of 40 shots. I can't explain how iritating that is.

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ckrueger - - 8 comments

from your knowledge as a marine, how accurate did this patch make weapon damage and armour protection, and accuracy of weapons at range?

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mar3usmc - - 6 comments

Part 2

I would like to see an accuracy mod that is, just that, realistically accurate. If you are taking slow and steady shots with full stamina with a rifle, iron sights or not, you should hit your target more often than not. If standing, your accuracy should of course decrease such that about 2 out of 5 shots should hit at 50 meters at the minimum. Walking and running should decrease accuracy significantly, while crouch walking should be better than the former. Last, if you just ran to a new position to get a better shot, until your stamina is max again you should have a decrease in accuracy based on your current stamina. Heavy breathing and excercise can make you shoot all over the place.

If you have any idea on how to implement these things I would appreciate the info. If a weapon is rifled and sighted the biggest factor that determines accuracy is the user not the weapon. Put that weapon in a vice and it will hit near the same spot, within 1 cm, every time.

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mar3usmc - - 6 comments

Found the detection variable. I think 80 is just too short, 100 yards seems more fair as anything more you would start having trouble distinguishing enemy from ally (since most everyone in the zone is wearing something similar)

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ckrueger - - 8 comments

could you tell us where you found the value, I thought about this as well when I played the mod

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Artistpavel Author
Artistpavel - - 631 comments


This add-on is still work in progress, and having it reviewed by a retired Marine with real world knowledge is a valuable addition.

It generally makes the weapons more effective within the game's world rules, but it may not go as far as real combat simulation.

In Stalker bullets have a slight dispersion even when using iron sights (especially early weapons) and there's also higher bullet drop arch. You can visually see that in action, when you are using tracer ammo. To experiment, you can load the first map, then press ESC+T, select Freeplay, check 'equip for level' and Go, this will give you the access to the best weapons, normally found later in the game (stored in your inventory) with tracer ammo supply.

You can control the dispersion in weapon files (.ltx), starting with this line: fire_dispersion_base, you can also compare and copy the values from similar weapon config mods and see if they can give you the desired effect: Stalker.gamefront.com

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and keep us posted.

Reply Good karma+6 votes
mar3usmc - - 6 comments

A few things have come to mind over some hours of playing the mod.

1. Before I forget, where can I change the respawn values. I have read that all.spawn file is the thing to change but would require a new game. I would just like things I kill to stay dead at least until the previous bodies disapear. 1 to 2 days sounds good for gameplay vs the 1 or 2 game hours I think it currently is.

2. Is the dispersion of the bullets directly proportional to the accuracy you can read off the weapon statistics, and does a weapon's condition affect this.

3. A bit off topic, but can a get a numerical ui instead of those bars for health, stamina, and armor. Weapons stats would be nice too. :D
Thx for the previous quick response and keep up the good work.

Oh and the black and white night vesion is nice and very crisp, but, although I know that it is suppose to be bad night vision, is it possible to make the bad night vision a bit less blurry. This only problem I ever had with my night vision was little grains of sand getting in the optics such that you would see black spots in some places. thx

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ckrueger - - 8 comments

do you think that russian night vision goggles would be affected more in considering the harsh radioactive etc conditions of the zone?

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mar3usmc - - 6 comments

Another thing that has been bothering me is the some stealth factors in the game.

1. The safety bubble that npcs have must be removed. It is that minimum distance that no matter how quiet or out of sight you are the npc is alerted to your presence.

2. If an npc is asleep, he should be well ASLEEP. Unless I make a significant noise or TOUCH him he should stay asleep. npcs also sleep with thier eyes open it seems because if you aproach from the direction they are faces while lying down they will "see" you.

3. If I restart from a previous save near enemy npcs they should AUTOMATICALLY be allerted, not necessarily to me mind you, but alerted in general such that they start actively searching for something. It is incredibly annoying having to wait for them to return to normal or have a save completely useless because they will always immediatly see me although when i saved I was completely hidden. Also if your stance could be added to saves that would be awesome, by that I mean standing or crouching.

If anyone knows how to implement these changes please let me know which files have these variables that need changing, I do hope these things are changable.

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mar3usmc - - 6 comments

Another thing with the stealth factor is killing guys in thier sleep and not alerting anyone around. Maybe the guy next to him sleeping might hear something, but he would be next anyways, but the guys in the next room ALSO heard it. This kills stealth kills in the game, any ideas on how to fix it.

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TheUnbeholden - - 3,618 comments

Is this compatible with Oblivion Lost?

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Artistpavel Author
Artistpavel - - 631 comments

Weapons in Oblivion Lost already have similar settings.

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Merk1b2 - - 13 comments

Link dead. Fix please.

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Artistpavel Author
strobeshow - - 1 comments

hey, first, love the mods man, really amazing.

second, related to this add-on, if i wanted to take it off, could i just delete the files that were added and do a consistency check with steam? or are the files that were added going off of the 2009 mod, meaning the thing would become corrupt?

hopefully you get what im saying.

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Artistpavel Author
Artistpavel - - 631 comments

You'd have to reinstall 2009 mod to get the default configs back.

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SPACETURTLE - - 2 comments

Hey Pavel!
I just wanna say, I love Complete 2009! My first playthrough of SoC was for some time ago, but decided to give it another go with your mod, and it is absolutely amazing! Anyways, I wanted to try the realistic weapon add on. Judging from the little I've tried so far it seems like it gives the gameplay the boost I need to get through my second playthrough.

Anyways, I've got a problem regarding the sun_near_border line in the user.ltx file. I changed it as instructed when manually installing Complete 09, and every thing was looking great! But when I installed the weapon add on I got the FAMOUS shadow problem as if I hadnt changed the lines in the first place. The issue seems to be that the sun_near_border changes automaticly from the value "1" to "0.66" when I launch the game. Value "1" being the value you recommended setting for the sun_near_border when installing Complete 09 of course.

So I was wondering if you had any idea how to solve this? If there is a solution out there somewhere which has gotten by me, please post a link.

Btw, the sun_near line does NOT change. I set it up to "20", again as instructed, and that one stays at "20" while sun_near_border is the only one that changes. I dont know if this is relevant but I got the steam version.

Thanks! =)

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Sulman - - 2 comments

The complete mod is fabulous. I'm enjoying the game as never before, not just because of the graphic improvements, but also the fact it just works.

I was sceptical about the weapons mod at first, because something like this (in an RPG where 'levelling' is an intrinsic feature) can really change play balance. However, in Stalker I would unreservedly recommend it. On default weapons, you do not need to get very far into the game (just before agroprom, really) before the bullet-sponging AI (and shot dispersion) starts getting very frustrating. I remember this from my first playthrough a couple of years back. A clip-per-bad-guy with the early weapons is not unusual.

I understand the intent, in that you're supposed to be very careful and avoid confrontations (and mutants), but at many points early on, this isn't possible. Stand-up fights with groups of bandits and soldiers become rather tedious.

Using the mod, Assault rifles become dangerous, very dangerous. The change in balance is interesting; you use far less ammunition, but way more food and medikits. Close-quarter combat is tense, especially against assault-rifle wielding guys as they do much more damage. However, careful movement and keeping your eyes peeled means a player with an AK-74 and a few clips is pretty much lethal.

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urishima - - 37 comments

Got me the realistic weapons addon and was pretty much unstoppable in the Agroprom Research Institute once I found the upgraded AK74 in Strelok's stash. Sure I died a few times once I was inside the base but compared to how long it took me in vanilla I almost flew through there with little effort.

BTW is it normal that the weapon stats display is a bit off here and there? The blue bars tell me that the Fort 12 deals like 6 times more damage than the Walther or the Colt 1911 (!) and the Enfield doesn't even deal out half the damage of the Ak74 or the AN94 for example. That just strikes me as a wee bit weird Oo

Other than that? Awesome ****! :D

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urishima - - 37 comments

Ok, I looked at the weapon files in this addon and it seems that not all of the files have been altered, among others the file for the Colt, the Enfield, the Makerov and the two SIG weapons.

Could it be that you mistook some files when you reuploaded the addon? I'm just asking because the readme doesn't say anything about incompleteness.

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Artistpavel Author
Artistpavel - - 631 comments

I revised SC Realistic Weapons add-on 0.7, thanks for the feedback.

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deathraidermaul - - 5 comments

are there any plans to implement the new weapons introduced throughout other mods... this mod is PERFECT apart from its slightly lacking variety of weapons.... i cant stop playing stalker soc once i installed this XD

new weapons would make me addicted! DO IT! DO IT!!

XD Great work artistpavel kudos!

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