The stand-alone mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly aims to be the most stable and customizable experience for fans of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. It's powered by the Monolith 64-bit engine, a custom fork of the X-Ray engine.


Mod swaps default camera shake style armor equip animation on small and quick custom animation.

Outfit Animations v1.0.2
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Guest - - 698,175 comments

Hello, my game keeps crashing when I die in Soulslike mode, despite the 9.9.2 fix.

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

try this version of the mod:

I'm just testing it. But so far it looks stable enough so I'm gonna upload it on moddb in a couple of days. Just gonna add MCM options that will allow you enable/disable each animation individually and it will be ready to go.

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Guest - - 698,175 comments

Expression : <no expression>
Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
Line : 262
Description : fatal error
Arguments :
1 : [Lua] e:/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\zzz_ea_addon_backpack.script(178) : func_or_userdata

LUA error: e:/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\zzz_ea_addon_backpack.script:178: attempt to index local 'used_item' (a nil value)

Check log for details

stack trace:

crash related to fdda backpack animations with this google drive version, triggered by unequipping/equipping armor. backpacks work fine
no longer crashing on death with soulslike enabled

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

you probably don't have modded exe installed. I use unlocalizer to make some variables from FDDA backpack script public so that I could properly interrupt backpack animation and check if backpack animation is playing.

Also it might be that mod installed incorrectly. Try to remove all files from previous install and install last version after that.

But it's just a guess. If you send me full log file I can probably say exactly what is causing this error

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Matze1979 - - 74 comments

I've got exactly the same problem! same crash log. I removed the old addon and also installed the latest modded exes!If I turn off the FDDA animation for backpacks, it works, if I turn on the FDDA animation for backpacks, the game crashes! :(

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

Can you disable "save before crash" feature (it's in main menu -> game settings -> modded exe settings), then replicate the error and send me full log file? You can use something like for example or just ping me on Anomaly discord server and send file there

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Matze1979 - - 74 comments

I hope I did it right. I'm not a computer expert^^

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

thanks for the log file
I checked couple mods that stood out and so far no luck

Try to disable "Movement Effects" mod and "FairFastTravel". And send logfile again plz

I was thinking that it might be caused by "Movement Effects" mod but on clean install my mod and "Movement Effects" mod work without issues. Probably some other mod somehow modifies FDDA behavior? It's hard to tell which tho without searching through whole mo2/mods folder with some code editor.

Also probably not related to current issue, but log file says that your FairFastTravel mod has an error in the game_backpack_travel.script, try to update the FairFastTravel mod just in case this error was fixed

PS: not perfect solution but it might work
1. go to my mod folder
2. open file gamedata/scripts/outfit_animations.script
3. remove lines 117 and 118. They look like this:

RemoveTimeEvent("ea_anim_stopper", "stop_my_item_anim")

I assume this might fix the issue
plz don't forget to report back

PPS:I also have nuclear solution to just add "nil" check to fdda backpack script, but let's hope we won't need it

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Matze1979 - - 74 comments

I removed the mods "Movement Effects" mod and "FairFastTravel". unfortunately the problem still exists :(

I'll try the other solution tomorrow! thank you very much for your effort

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

ah no problem. Always happy to help where I can

I hope this second solution will work. Cuz I wasn't able to find culprit in the log file and I wasn't able to replicate this error on my personal modpack.

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Matze1979 - - 74 comments

After I deleted lines 117 and 118, the game no longer crashes, but it no longer plays animations. I added the lines again. I've now turned off the backpack animation from FDDA because that's how your mod works.

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

ok one last option is to just add "nil" check to the fdda backpack script. Don't forget to backup original file just in case you need to revert changes

1. open fdda mod folder
2. open file: gamedata/scripts/zzz_ea_addon_backpack.script
3. replace line 178 that looks like this:

if used_item:sub(1,13) == "backpack_open" then

to this line:

if used_item and used_item:sub(1,13) == "backpack_open" then

But I rather tried to figure out what mod causes this incompatibility to be honest. What modpack do you use? Do you have mods that modify FDDA in any way? Or backpack logic?

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Matze1979 - - 74 comments

I made the change. The game doesn't crash but the screen freezes. I checked again, I don't have a mod that changes the backpack logic or anything else in fdda. I have almost 300 mods, but it's difficult to see which mod could be responsible. Your previous version up to 9.9.2 worked without any problems. But it's not terrible, I just play without fdda backpack animation, because that's how your mod works.

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

do you have discord? Would be great to try and quickly search through mod list with some text editor

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Matze1979 - - 74 comments

unfortunately no discord

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Matze1979 - - 74 comments

I don't know if it helps, here are all the scripts I use!

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

nice! Thanks for the effort
Hopefully I'll find something

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Matze1979 - - 74 comments

no problem :)

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

sorry it took some time to check the files.
found thing we can check to try and fix this error
I assume you play gamma modpack. Try to find file `gamedata/scripts/fdda_time_events.script` and disable it
it also might be called `fdda_time_events_patches.script`

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Matze1979 - - 74 comments


It's not terrible that it took a long time^^ no, I don't play gamma. anomaly normal with almost 300 mods. I will search for the script and deactivate it and then report back. thank you again for your effort. you are the best ;)

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Matze1979 - - 74 comments

I found the mod that caused the crash. it was actually `fdda_time_events_patches.script`! now your mod works perfectly. 1000 thanks to you my friend for helping me :)

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

NP ˋ( ° ▽、° ) was happy to help
I'm glad I could figure it out

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Blahbah - - 11 comments

Quickly becoming my fave modder! 11/10

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

heh (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ thank u

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billlcarr - - 296 comments

Love this add-on! 10/10

I noticed with the newest version (1.0), if I have a weapon drawn, after going through a level transition it will be put away, and I have to draw it again. This didn't happen with the previous version.

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

thanks for reporting this one. I updated the mod. Dunno how I managed not to notice this one

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billlcarr - - 296 comments

Awesome, thank you!

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StronGV - - 599 comments

Вот полный лог с вылетом:
Вылетает при попытке сорвать нашивку. Похоже конфликт с этим модом:
Как я написал ранее, у меня на ПКМ забиндин прыжок, а при прыжке проигрывается анимация пустых рук из этого мода и пока она проигрывается, при попытке сорвать или пришить нашивку возможен вылет. Проверил и на переписанной с нуля версии - всё также.

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

в теории данную ошибку можно легко исправить добавив дополнительную проверку в моде Moveeffects.

1. В моде Moveeffects открой файл (любым текстовым редактором): gamedata/scripts/move_effects.script

2. после строчки номер 822 которая выглядит вот так:
if not enable_jump_anim then return end

добавь еще одну строку:
if lam and lam.is_playing() then return end

Можешь сделать сейчас, либо подождать немного. Я сделаю патч как только появится время

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StronGV - - 599 comments


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StronGV - - 599 comments

Похоже опять придётся делать патч для Disassemble All :(

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

я сделаю патч и залью сюда вместе с патчем для movement effects. Хотя не уверен что с Movement Effects не вылезет других проблем: там очень перегруженный и запутанный скрипт

PS. с movement effect у меня не получилось получить вылет при прыжке. Смог получить вылет только при беге

Reply Good karma+1 vote
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

вроде должно работать, но на счет movement effect не уверен. Слишком там запутанный код

disassemble all items

movement effects

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StronGV - - 599 comments

Ага, спасибо большое :)
Пока не проверял, но отпишусь, как проверю. На счёт вылета при прыжке, у меня тоже не всегда вылетало. Обратил внимание, что вылет 100% происходит в первой (по времени) половине проигрывании анимации рук, а во второй половине, когда анимация уже заканчивается - не вылетает, отсюда и случайность вылетов. Типа: после нажатия ПКМ, бывает очень быстро выбираешь пункт "сорвать нашивку".

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StronGV - - 599 comments

Патч для disassemble all items работает идельно, спасибо!
А от для Movement Effects всё также вылетает. Кстати, я не знал, что при спринте тоже вылетает:) (патч это исправляет, да) но я на ходу нашивки не срываю. Сам я не смогу никакой скрипт написать, но частично понимаю. Напимер строка:
if lam and lam.is_playing() then return end
проверяет есть ли в gamedata\scripts\lam.script и выполняется ли на текущий момент функ��ия is_playing() из него. Если да, то дальнейшее чтение скрипта функции в которой это условие находится прекращается. А это значит, что если анимация рук при прыжке из Movement Effects уже воспроизводится, то перебить тем условием уже не получится, т.к. скрипт уже прочитан дальше. Этим условием можно только предотвратить старт анимации прыжка. Мне в голову пришла идея, просто запретить проигрывание анимации прыжка, пока открыт инвентарь, сделал так:

if actor_menu.inventory_opened() then return end

Вроде получилось, даже через твой патч.
В любом случае спасибо за всё, без тебя бы так ничего бы не понял и просто бы либо ждал, когда анимация рук закончится и потом уже срывал нашивку, либо просто отключил бы анимацию рук при прыжке в Movement Effects.
Кстати, не подскажешь можно ли как-нибудь блокировать прыжок при открытом инвентаре?

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

да, думаю это можно сделать довольно легко. Можно создать новый скрипт и подписаться на события on_before_key_press и когда открыть инвентарь проверять нажата ли клавиша пробел. Если да до можно отменить нажатие клавиши с помощью flags.ret_value = false.
В теории должно сработать
Я посмотрю и отпишу

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StronGV - - 599 comments

Я тоже об этом думал, благо есть примеры как это сделать в нескольких модах что у меня имеются, но у меня прыжок забиндин на правую кнопку мыши, не отменит ли предложенный метод также и откытие контекстного меню?

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

кстати хороший вопрос. Попробуем - узнаем ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Guest - - 698,175 comments


The outfit inspection animation and the patch attach / remove animation are now very often invisible if they are triggered by keyboard shortcuts (the camera moves and there is sound but no arms visible), especially at the beginning but even after many attempts and trying to play them with shortcut after a successful animation from the menu they only showed up a few times with the shortcut (I thought maybe triggering the animation successfully from the menu and then doing it from the shortcut would unlock the situation, but no, it's not even reliable). This wasn't happening in 9.9.2 or before. I'm on 1.5.1 but with modded exes (required from an older version of SSS).

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

I don't usually test stuff on 1.5.1 cuz it's too old by now. But I'll see what I can do. Can you try and apply patch without weapon in hands. Does it make it work better?
Cuz it sounds a bit like similar issue I had with Headgear Animations on 1.5.1 version. If it is, then I can probably fix it by tweaking animation timings

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Seed-o-Rovich - - 5 comments

I checked and you're right. If there is no weapon equipped, the inspect outfit animation is visible and the patch remove/attach animation is visible too when triggered by hotkey. When a weapon is equipped, none of the two animations are visible.

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

perfect. I think I will be able to fix this. I'll try to mess with animation time events

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Water_42 - - 41 comments

Установил оба твоих аддона, на шлемы и вот этот на броню. Очень качественные и добротные 10 крутейших анимаций из 10. Вылетов с ними не ловил, не смотря на то что у меня мини-сборка модов, Спасибо за старания.

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

спасибо за отзыв (  ̄▽ ̄) приятно слышать что все работает как надо

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Water_42 - - 41 comments

Есть какие-то планы на будущее?

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

оч хочу сделать реанимацию гитары и наконец релизнуть реанимацию еды

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Water_42 - - 41 comments

ну буду ждать, удачи )

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Guest - - 698,175 comments

Hello, could you make this addon for version 1.5.1?I will be very grateful.And more:is this addon suitable for 1.5.1?

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

right now it won't work on 1.5.1
kinda low on time atm, but I was going to try and make it work on 1.5.1

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2pacstalker - - 4 comments

Только у меня вылетает, если ускориться во время проигрывания анимация надевания/снятия шлемов?

Am I the only one who crashes if I speed up the animation of putting on/taking off helmets while playing?


Fatal Error
Expression: <no expression>
Function — : Clnifile::r_string
File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\sre\xrCore\Xr_it

Line: 1171

Description : fatal error

Arguments _ : Can't find variable item_visual in

stack trace:

Press OK to abort execution


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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

по опыту предположу что у тебя стоит мод movement effects
идея мода отличная, но код там слишком перегруженный и запутанный
можешь попробовать поставить этот патч:

но в целом я бы просто его отключил

Reply Good karma+2 votes
2pacstalker - - 4 comments

Спасибо! Проблема была именно в этом, просто отключил по вашей рекомендации

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