The stand-alone mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly aims to be the most stable and customizable experience for fans of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. It's powered by the Monolith 64-bit engine, a custom fork of the X-Ray engine.


Mod swaps default camera shake style armor equip animation on small and quick custom animation.

Outfit Animations v1.0.2
Post comment Comments  (50 - 100 of 287)
PawelPryl - - 9 comments

Hello, Awesome mod!
But I have problems, on version 0,95 I don't have animations on equipping armor but instead it plays when I unequip armor. On equip no animation plays at all..
Przevious 0,92 version didn't had that problem, at least for me.
I need to go back to 0,92 for now.
BTW I'm playing on EFP modpack, with updated mods to newest versions, using newest modified exe.
I'm also using headgear animations of course. :)

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

in 9.5 version animation is triggered by injecting into ui functions. Script checks what you equip and if it's on outfit it will redirect to my script that should play an animation.
So I assume that this issue might have something to do with other ui mods installed.
I use monkey patching to not to mess with other ui mods directly. And for monkey patching script file load order might be important.
could you try and find this file in my mod folder:


and add bunch of "z" letters at the beginning. This should make it last in the load order and might fix the issue.

also: do you use any ui mod installed on top of EFP? Or if it's clean EFP install? I'm downloading EFP rn and want to find out why it's working for most people with huge modpacks like gamma, but doesn't work for others

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BDrill - - 2 comments

I tried renaming the file but it didn't work

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

ye, I just installed EFP and can confirm same bug. Drag and Drop works fine, but left mouse button and double click for some reason not.
Trying to figure it out

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

upd: I think I figured it out. Gonna check couple of things and probably will release patch for EFP in a moment

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

I uploaded the patch.

Animation not playing bug was caused by Nitpicker Modpack KnifePistol mod. And EFP have this mod integrated. So I made 2 compatibility patches for this mod: for EFP version and non EFP version.

Try reinstall addon and enable corresponding compatibility patch

Reply Good karma+1 vote
BDrill - - 2 comments

IT WORKED! Thank you for the update, your mods are amazing

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

thanks! (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Lexus2411 - - 143 comments

is it compatible with ?

please tell me what exactly affects the EFP patch?

I don't have EFP, but I have an EFPWP port, do I need to install a patch from the latest update?

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

ye, I looked into mod you linked - it should work without any issues.
EFPWP (weapon pack?) should work without problems too.

I trigger animation by patching equip function of inventory UI. And in EFP there are mod that overwrites that function completely. So my EFP patch just patches that function instead.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Lexus2411 - - 143 comments

thx )))

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muhamadrizkyadrian24 - - 16 comments

can i use in 1.5.1 version?

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

tbh haven't tested it on 1.5.1
so can't guarantee that it will work

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Dubious_Repute - - 21 comments

Excellent mod that adds much to the startup of ironman runs and the game as a whole ♥️

I made a patch for this which plays the shorter animation when applying a patch with "patches by hotkey" but I just added it as a keybind for the the animation to play. Would it be reasonable for you to make an official patch which recognizes patches being removed?

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments


ye, literally yesterday on discord someone come up with the idea to add patch remove/apply animation. I think it should be easy enough to do something like that. So I added it to the todo list.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Montyswel - - 19 comments

Next thing you know he's gonna bless us with a night vision equip mod!

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Guest - - 698,184 comments

i am trying to do the animation but it never words when i put on armors but head gears work fine i am using gamma maybe this is why?

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

didn't tried it but it should work on gamma.

Without any additional info it's hard to say what might cause this.

But my first guess is that you probably play with items animations option disabled (it's in game settings) and installed optional script "Disable Animations Button" that makes mod respect that vanilla item animation setting. Try press "]" button during gameplay to enable animations, or alternatively enable item animation in game options.

To disable this feature and make animations work all the time no matter "item animations" option in setting, you can either reinstall mod without enabling this feature or just delete "gamedata\scripts\zzzz_outfit_animations_animation_toggle.script" file from mod folder to disable this feature

Reply Good karma+1 vote
ElCaz4dor - - 194 comments

Issues with MagsRedux (GAMMA's Version).

Crash on loading magazine (I tried to load a half empty 1911 magazine with .45 ACP). Error log says:


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 262
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments :
1 : [Lua] ...edata\scripts\zzzz_ui_inventory_outfit_animations.script(18) : Callback

LUA error: ...edata\scripts\zzzz_ui_inventory_outfit_animations.script:18: attempt to call global 'IsBackpack' (a nil value)

Check log for details

Interestingly, if I load Outfit Animations after MagsRedux (under it), the animations don't work. I have to load OA before MagsRedux (above it) for it to work.

Crash and error still persists no matter.

As advised by Lizzardman himself, I installed without Nitpicker's Modpack patch, loaded it at the end of the load order below everything else and it worked like a charm.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

ye ˋ( ° ▽、° )
to be fair, as a side note, load order is probably not important.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
KAPKYH - - 69 comments

! [LUA] 0 : [C ] IsBackpack
! [LUA] 1 : [Lua] ...edata\scripts\zzzz_ui_inventory_outfit_animations.script(18) : Callback
! [LUA] 2 : [Lua] ...bin/..\gamedata\scripts\aaa_rax_icon_override_mcm.script(497) : On_Drag
! [LUA] 3 : [Lua] ....l.k.e.r anomaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\utils_ui.script(2213) : OnKeyboardBase
! [LUA] 4 : [Lua] ...y/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\zzz_rax_sortingplus_mcm.script(520) : OnKeyboard
! [LUA] 5 : [Lua] ....e.r anomaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\ui_inventory.script(3718) :
! [LUA] 0 : [C ] IsBackpack
! [LUA] 1 : [Lua] ...edata\scripts\zzzz_ui_inventory_outfit_animations.script(18) : Callback
! [LUA] 2 : [Lua] ...bin/..\gamedata\scripts\aaa_rax_icon_override_mcm.script(497) : On_Drag
! [LUA] 3 : [Lua] ....l.k.e.r anomaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\utils_ui.script(2213) : OnKeyboardBase
! [LUA] 4 : [Lua] ...y/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\zzz_rax_sortingplus_mcm.script(520) : OnKeyboard
! [LUA] 5 : [Lua] ....e.r anomaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\ui_inventory.script(3718) :
! [LUA] ...edata\scripts\zzzz_ui_inventory_outfit_animations.script:18: attempt to call global 'IsBackpack' (a nil value)
! [LUA] 0 : [C ] IsBackpack
! [LUA] 1 : [Lua] ...edata\scripts\zzzz_ui_inventory_outfit_animations.script(18) : Callback
! [LUA] 2 : [Lua] ...bin/..\gamedata\scripts\aaa_rax_icon_override_mcm.script(497) : On_Drag
! [LUA] 3 : [Lua] ....l.k.e.r anomaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\utils_ui.script(2213) : OnKeyboardBase
! [LUA] 4 : [Lua] ...y/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\zzz_rax_sortingplus_mcm.script(520) : OnKeyboard
! [LUA] 5 : [Lua] ....e.r anomaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\ui_inventory.script(3718) :
! [SCRIPT ERROR]: ...edata\scripts\zzzz_ui_inventory_outfit_animations.script:18: attempt to call global 'IsBackpack' (a nil value)


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 262
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments :
1 : [Lua] ...edata\scripts\zzzz_ui_inventory_outfit_animations.script(18) : Callback

LUA error: ...edata\scripts\zzzz_ui_inventory_outfit_animations.script:18: attempt to call global 'IsBackpack' (a nil value)

Check log for details

stack trace:

! [LUA] 0 : [C ] IsBackpack
! [LUA] 1 : [Lua] ...edata\scripts\zzzz_ui_inventory_outfit_animations.script(18) : Callback
! [LUA] 2 : [Lua] ...bin/..\gamedata\scripts\aaa_rax_icon_override_mcm.script(497) : On_Drag
! [LUA] 3 : [Lua] ....l.k.e.r anomaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\utils_ui.script(2213) : OnKeyboardBase
! [LUA] 4 : [Lua] ...y/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\zzz_rax_sortingplus_mcm.script(520) : OnKeyboard
! [LUA] 5 : [Lua] ....e.r anomaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\ui_inventory.script(3718) :

happens then i transfer starting pistol from one slot to another
was loaded last
Press F

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

Seems like the same error as in comment above. Try reinstall the mod without installing any patches.
What modpack is it btw?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
KAPKYH - - 69 comments

No modpack, only my casual 400 active mods.....
Knife-binoc-pistol enabled, overvriten by:
Patch for knife-pistol ( No-EFP ) caused this.
without it works now

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

ye, people just confuse KnifePistol mod from Nitpicker's pack and Knife-Binoc-Pistol mods. I guess I need to note that in patch description

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Colombo2022 - - 304 comments

Wow, there's a backpack now - thanks a lot, author! is it possible to assign a hotkey to remove/put on a backpack?

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

Well it's possible to add this button, but I'm not sure why tbh

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Gyvi_fack - - 10 comments

аддон классный, но когда снимаю рюкзак вылетает с таким логом

[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 262
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments :
1 : [Lua] ...nomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\backpack_animations.script(48) : action

LUA error: ...nomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\backpack_animations.script:48: attempt to call upvalue 'callback' (a nil value)

Check log for details

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

Попробуй установить без патчей. Какой у тебя модпак? Efp?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Gyvi_fack - - 10 comments

у меня мой. Полностью моя сборка

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

Кажется знаю в чем может быть проблема. Где-то через час залью еще одно исправление. Попробуй переутсановить мод, но не ставь патчи

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Gyvi_fack - - 10 comments

о переустановил и теперь работает. Интересно в чем же была проблема? Я даже патчи до этого не ставил и в этот раз не поставил

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BitoOblib - - 249 comments

I’m on Gamma, I thought that nitpick addon is included, but it crashes with the patch, and with it removed it works, so I presume it’s not the same addon after all… Anyway, I’m just saying, it works fine !

And that new backpack animation is excellent ! Well, everything about your animations mods is ! Almost feels like I'll soon be able to pick my nose in Stalker ! lol Thanks much, wizzard !

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

Heh :D doing my best

Ye dat nitpick addon have very similar name with other one but they do completely different thing. I'll update description cuz rn it's very confusing

Reply Good karma+2 votes
MangAsar - - 188 comments

Got an error with latest update with back pack animation. Playing with EFP 4.2. Crash happened when equipping the combat pack


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 262
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments :
1 : [Lua] ...omaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\backpack_animations.script(48) : action

LUA error: ...omaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\backpack_animations.script:48: attempt to call upvalue 'callback' (a nil value)

Check log for details

stack trace:

! [LUA] 0 : [C ] callback
! [LUA] 1 : [Lua] ...omaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\backpack_animations.script(48) : action
! [LUA] 2 : [Lua] ...omaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\backpack_animations.script(89) : f
! [LUA] 3 : [Lua] ...aly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\optimized_time_events.script(248) : functor_a
! [LUA] 4 : [Lua] c:/anomaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\_g.script(461) :

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

try install latest 9.8 version. Found pretty bad bug and also fixed EFP patch. Uploaded it just now. Sorry for this

Reply Good karma+2 votes
SuperStalker114514 - - 75 comments

Hello, I am using the "outfit animations 0.9.8" version. I only have animations for removing equipment, but not for putting on equipment. I have tried using "non EFP" but it does not solve the problem. This situation has never occurred in the previous version.(anomaly1.5.2)(Machine Translation)

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andreyrrgc - - 11 comments

I too dont have anims ;[

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

have you tried the last version? Did it worked?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

I installed Nitpickers mod on my mod pack and run some test. Now it should be working fine. I uploaded fixed version of the patch.
Try to reinstall
Tell me if It won't work

Reply Good karma+1 vote
SuperStalker114514 - - 75 comments

Okay, thank you!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Гриша✙ - - 5 comments

I have my personal modpack and I installed your mods without any patches (cuz dont need any) and game always crashing when I'm trying to equip backpacks or unequip outfit


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 262
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments :
1 : [Lua] ...talker anomaly\gamedata\scripts\outfit_animations.script(107) : f

LUA error: ...talker anomaly\gamedata\scripts\outfit_animations.script:107: attempt to index global 'enhanced_animations' (a nil value)


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 262
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments :
1 : [Lua] ...lker anomaly\gamedata\scripts\backpack_animations.script(49) : action

LUA error: ...lker anomaly\gamedata\scripts\backpack_animations.script:49: attempt to call upvalue 'callback' (a nil value)

Check log for details

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

do you have fdda (food drugs and drinks mod) installed? Error says that "enhanced_animations" script is missing

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Гриша✙ - - 5 comments

sorry for interrupting, it was just a priority problem. I just changed it and now it is working perfectly, thx for concern and for your work

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

Noice! Thanks for letting me know

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Harmless_Fraer - - 15 comments

Using gamma, crashes when i unequip backpacks:

! [SCRIPT ERROR]: ...omaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\backpack_animations.script:49: attempt to call upvalue 'callback' (a nil value)


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : E:\Github\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 257
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments :
1 : [Lua] ...omaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\backpack_animations.script(49) : action

LUA error: ...omaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\backpack_animations.script:49: attempt to call upvalue 'callback' (a nil value)

Check log for details

stack trace:

Edit: nevermind, reinstalled it and it somehow worked! Beautiful animations by the way, truly masterful work. Keep it up!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments


Reply Good karma+1 vote
G.I.DONE21 - - 6 comments

Hi! a little help please, it crashes when i try to unequip the backpacks:

Fattal error
Expression: (no expression)
Function: CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failled
Line :262
Description : fatal error
1 : [Lua]
...onaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\backpack_animations.script(49) : action

LUA error
...omaly/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\backpack_animations.script:49: attempt to call upvalue 'callback' (a nil value)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

I just now posted an update that should fix this issue, try update to the latest version. Sorry for this

Reply Good karma+1 vote
G.I.DONE21 - - 6 comments

ok ok, thank you it works!! Love your work!

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Matze1979 - - 74 comments


Would it be possible to merge your backpack animation with FDDA's? So when I go into the inventory, your backpack animation of putting the backpack down will play first and then the FDDA one and when I close the inventory, the FDDA animation will play first and then your backpack animation of putting the backpack on. That would be great if that were possible :)

best regards

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

ye, I was thinking about that while doing this backpack equip animation. I think it would be easier to just make new fdda animation for backpack and replace old one.
Can't say for sure, but I will probably get to it at some point. Need to finish other animations I'm working on first

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Guest - - 698,184 comments

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Vlad_filatidze - - 23 comments


After installing your modification (via Mod Organizer 2), the "vanilla" backpack animations (not FDDA) stopped working for the game "Anomaly", which can be enabled/disabled through the settings (no MCM).

Clarification #1: if "vanilla" animations and Anomaly are enabled, then when putting on/taking off the backpack, the inventory is simply removed, BUT there is no camera animation that says that we put on/take off the backpack.

Clarification #2:
1) I noticed it first on 1.5.2 Modded Exes.
2) Deleted Modded Exes, the same error with backpacks...
3) I turned off your modification and the error with backpacks was fixed. The animation of putting on/taking off the backpack is played (there are camera animations from vanilla "Anomaly").

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