Era mod and map pack for SWBF2 based on & heavily inspired by "Star Wars: Republic Commando". With a main focus on gameplay, it aims to expand both the single & multiplayer experience.


Version 1.0 of the Republic Commando: Battlefront mod has now been released! See the description for further information on background, requirements, installation, features, and credits.

Republic Commando: Battlefront v1.0
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 75)
Delta-1035 - - 308 comments

I've been looking forward to this!

edit: it looks like I get an error when I try to install the mod.

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LRP2580 - - 24 comments

I can't install the mod

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Ironstar1999 - - 2 comments

same, it says i can't use a folder name with "/" or ":"

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AQTOutrider Author
AQTOutrider - - 123 comments

Fix is coming! I'll post a comment and let you guys know when it's ready. Sorry!

Reply Good karma+7 votes
Ironstar1999 - - 2 comments

thx =D

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Guest - - 699,591 comments

Downloading! At least! OH YESS

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Kiqsu - - 9 comments

I managed to install it but when I start any map it crashes. But just by looking at the loading screens its looks very cool :D

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AQTOutrider Author
AQTOutrider - - 123 comments

Do you have the necessary requirements? Version 1.1 of the game with the unofficial 1.3 patch installed? Do you have any other mods installed?

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Kiqsu - - 9 comments

Yes I do. I was using several graphics mods and BFX. Nothing else for the moment. Crashes every single time I start a map. Could it be because of the Improved Sides Mod?

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AQTOutrider Author
AQTOutrider - - 123 comments

I know this is a lot to ask, but just to be sure, do you think you try it without any other mods installed, and then put those other mods in one at a time until the crashing occurs again?

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Kiqsu - - 9 comments

Could AI related scripts affect anything? I have several of them installed

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Kiqsu - - 9 comments

Ok seems I have found the issue. Still will do a bit of testing but apparently user scripts located in the lvl_pc folder can conflit with the mod, causing the game to crash at the beginning of each match. I just removed them and it worked fine. As I said, I will test and see if it is a specific script or any script that conflits with the mod

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Kiqsu - - 9 comments

Ok so I had 5 different user_scripts and tested them all. 4 of them did not cause any issues but there is one that caused the game to crash when loading the mod: The Ki-Adi-Mundi Sound Fix (found here, for some reason causes the game to crash. Thanks anyway for the help and great mod :D

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AQTOutrider Author
AQTOutrider - - 123 comments

Huh, that's strange. Glad you got it resolved!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Kiqsu - - 9 comments

Thanks! The mod is awesome, it is giving me a lot of nostalgia from back when I first played the RAS Prosecutor map years ago :)

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MsChromaticKiss - - 74 comments

Hi! I just wanted to clarify why the sound fix script crashes the game. I ran into this issue with Anakin's Republic Commando mod and the reason is pretty much the exact same, so I'll show a bit of the PM to help explain it:
"The sound memory pool from SWBF2 is very very limited. So if you have too many soundstreams loaded, somewhen it stops loading new once. If you overblow the pool it can even crash your game."

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Kiqsu - - 9 comments

Thanks a lot for the clarification Sylverium!

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slayer1552 - - 11 comments

Thank you. Had this one too and a leftover one from Mass Effect Unification mod and deleted them both. Now the mod is working fine.

User scripts from the HD Remaster mod seem to be fine.

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[GT]Anakin - - 1,033 comments

1hour download time WTF.
i'm a bit excited because it's such a big file. Just one question, why an installer? What does it change except the addon folder

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SpiralBlock1 - - 7 comments

It took me 2 minutes to download bud. Maybe it's your computer,

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
[GT]Anakin - - 1,033 comments

or maybe it's because i'm downloading Jedi fallen order side by side

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SpiralBlock1 - - 7 comments

Then don't complain about download time lmao

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AQTOutrider Author
AQTOutrider - - 123 comments

It adds new movies to the ingame.mvs file.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
[GT]Anakin - - 1,033 comments

Nice, i always wanted to do this for remaster, too. So now i know who to ask for help o:-)

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Yoyofra - - 13 comments

The fix happen ?? Problem with the installation

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Delta-1035 - - 308 comments

Yes, it should work now.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Kiqsu - - 9 comments

Mine installs correctly but crashes when I start any map

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suLac - - 267 comments

Seems pretty neat so far, very well made and polished.
The custom maps which are included are well done too ... I like them :)
The idea to include a campaign mission is just awesome as well!
I also had no technical problems whatsoever ... you've done great work, thank you!

Although this first release is already really solid and feature-rich I also would like to leave some critical feedback:
1. The classes seem a little samey (Honestly I prefer the classes of the older RC mod called "Star Wars Battlefront Republic Commando" by [GT]Anakin, because they are more varied - especially there are more weapons to play with).
2. I would like to see support for more (maybe even all?) stock maps and maybe BF1 and custom ones.
3. Regardless of the sheer awesomeness of you crafting a campaign mission: IMHO the mission plays rather monotonous and chaotic (seems contradictory, I know): "Corridor of Duty" and holding of positions again and again is not that thrilling to play. I know that BFII's scripting is quite limited ... but I simply wished it was more diversified.

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AQTOutrider Author
AQTOutrider - - 123 comments

Thanks for your feedback. Why do you think the classes are "samey" when each class serves a clear distinct role with different weapon loadouts?

The included campaign mission has at least one type of objective featured in the stock campaign, minus a CTF one. SWBF2's scripting is not limited in this regard. Please define what you mean by "more diversified."

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suLac - - 267 comments

Sorry, my fault. Universally calling them samey is not accurate indeed ... I should have said "samey in comparison to GT's RCmod". Let me explain that more detailed:

The assault, demolition and sniper are nearly identical (although GT included the vibroblade as an additional option for attacking for every class).

Then there is your ranger class which is just like the stock sides technician just with RC-style equipment and looks, while GT's RCmod split this combined class (repair and healing) in two seperate classes (tech and medic), which adds one more very distinct weapon (LJ-50) to the RC's classroster as well as more secondary equipment to play around with.

Next there is your Recon, who's reflecting Bowcaster is - make no mistake - an awesome new addition I've never seen before. He also holds the ACP Repeater as an mid range option, which in GT's RCmod is carried by the Airborne Commando. The latter one adds diversity in movement, while all your RC's play exactly the same movement wise (I love exiting movement as much as I enjoy satisfing weapons .. especially jetpacks :D).

Last you offer the Heavy, which is GT's Havocs equal except your's autoturret ... nothing particular noteworthy here.

GT's final class is the Elite, which combines several classes (assault, support, sniper ...) into one flexibel and strong allrounder by carrying all attatchments of the DC-17 as well as 2 of the medic's overpowered shield generators.

TO CONCLUDE: Your classroster is diverse, but it's not as diverse as GT's RCmod. I suspect that you cared very much about balancing the classes more than GT did, because you created them with online suitability in mind. This is fine and you did a great job with that but "balancing" always also means "limiting". GT's classes are less balanced and some aspects of the RC classes are definetely overpowered and unfair if played online ... but against bots OP isn't a problem: It's great fun. And I, for I playing mostly offline, prefer the more diverse and slightly OP classes of GT's RCmod over your more tame and balanced classes.
But I don't know if it's possible to diversify your classes without breaking balancing. If not it's also fine for you to stay true to your vision for your RCmod :)

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AQTOutrider Author
AQTOutrider - - 123 comments

"Balancing" does not mean "limiting." Not having overpowered classes is balancing. Balancing is balancing with either AI or human players in mind. Having redundant classes is "limiting."

My mod is not based on this other mod. I'm not going to split a class up into two different ones because this other mod did it. I'm not going to give a class a jetpack because this other mod did it. I'm not going to make 3+ classes redundant by adding an additional class that fills their same exact roles. Having "more" does not mean "diversity."

Aside from your false equivalences, thank you for pointing out everything that my mod isn't supposed to be!

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suLac - - 267 comments

Regarding the second point:
As already stated: I don't think that "Corridor of Duty" (Do you know what I mean by that?) and holding of positions again and again is not that thrilling to play. Battlefront II always was a STAR WARS combat sandbox for me, which was and still is made even more diverse to this very day because of its awesome modding community and I love it for that!
The stock campaign is not that thrilling to begin with IMO, because it doesn't add anything really new to the gameflow compared to instant action. It's only made interesting by its story, which follows the history of the 501st. But anyways it offers relatively open spaces and freedom of movement to sandbox your way through the objectives.

The Kashyyyk map where the RC campaign mission takes places consists of 2 slighlty larger areas where the player has to stay for the time of the objectives and many very narrow corridors and tiny rooms.
In the stock campaign first of all you can choose one of the different classes, which in itself offers some variability and option for tactics. Then you often can take several pathway and deploy different tactics to complete the objectives, which leads to more freedom and even replayability.

The RC mission on the other hand need you to stay in one place at the time and wait for a timer to tick down or a point to be captured (which is waiting again), while defending that position, before moving on to the next point without any option for choosing a different path or deploying any "tactics" more complex than "standing right/middle/left in the room". And because every member of DELTA is excactly the same (except their painting) there is not any variety there either. This process gets repeated over and over for the whole mission ... do you get my meaning? :)

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AQTOutrider Author
AQTOutrider - - 123 comments

The Delta Squad classes are not exactly the same, and no, I'm not talking about their design. If you just look at their primary weapons, then sure, you would be mostly right...

There are actually three large areas, and yes, the map does consist of corridors and rooms but with different layouts, enemy types, and encounters. If you're choosing to approach each objective with the same "tactics," then that's your prerogative. Just don't complain about it...

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suLac - - 267 comments

Well ... that was some pile of feedback. I hope it doesn't sound too nitpicky. Don't get my wrong:
I rally appreciate the work you put in making this mod and am amazed and greatful that people like you still create content for this awesome gaming and keeping it alive. THANK YOU. GREAT WORK, KEEP IT UP!
It's just the things I've noticed ... and as you see I've thought about it in some detail ...

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AQTOutrider Author
AQTOutrider - - 123 comments

I'm not trying to be mean, but I would appreciate your feedback more if you got the facts right first.

In conclusion, if you don't like balanced gameplay and/or corridor shooters, then this is not the mod for you.

Thanks again for your interest.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
suLac - - 267 comments

You wrote that you are not trying to be mean but your sarcasm and passive aggressive way of telling me, that my perception of how I experienced the gameplay is wrong, speaks volumes :/
(If I got that wrong from text alone, then just ignore that.)

Neither did I wrote all that, while expecting or even demanding you to implement a single one of my suggestions, nor to irritate you, on the contrary: "If not it's also fine for you to stay true to your vision for your RCmod :)" - me, some hours ago.

I chose to invest some of my time to give you my detailed and subjective feedback for you to maybe profit from as a way of giving something back to you. Everyone thinks and percieves a bit differently and that's why I thought that my feedback could be useful to you ... no matter if you agree with it or not, which is fine both ways. But it seems like that you mostly got offended by it ... but that wasn't my intention at all. I now feel like you rejected anything I said altogether, because I percieved things differently and didn't got all the details you as the creator are of course much more familiar with ... at the very least it sounded so. And that makes me truly sad. I wished you would have taken my feedback more appreciatively. The alternative is to just butter you up next time ... but I'd rather give honest feedback instead.
I am quite unhappy with how that went.

I sincerely plead you to meet honest and well-meaning feedback with more appreciation in the future.

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AQTOutrider Author
AQTOutrider - - 123 comments

You don't have to be the author of a mod to be familiar with its features.

How thorough of a playthrough did you really do with this mod? I'm not asking you to spend hours playing it, and you're not obligated to do anything. But if you want to give more useful feedback, maybe you should put in a little more time. When you back up your feedback by pointing out things that are obviously false (e.g. Delta Squad members being all the same), your feedback isn't as helpful as it could be.

For example, you were asking for more diversity. I like diversity too, yet you provided no feedback on the CIS, Wookiee, or Trandoshan factions. If you don't like playing as these other factions, then that's perfectly fine, but that doesn't mean the Republic faction should then be given more [unnecessary] weapons and classes to make up for this.

The bulk of your feedback essentially suggests undoing the majority of the balancing and gameplay mechanic because you would like it to be more like the other RC mod, which is the complete opposite of what I am/was trying to accomplish. If I'll be honest, that is offensive. Please let this mod stand on its own.

I do welcome and appreciate constructive feedback when the individual giving the feedback is well-informed regarding all aspects of the mod. But when you're seemingly undermining my work and effort by exaggerating issues you may have with it (e.g. not enough weapons or repetitive objectives), expect me to be a bit defensive.

All and all, even though it might not seem so, I did and still do appreciate your feedback. Sorry if you feel if I was being inconsiderate. I hope you understand my perspective on all this, though. That being said, for the next campaign mission (which will take place on the same map), I will definitely have to vary up the objectives for sure.

Thanks again!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
suLac - - 267 comments

First of all I have to set one thing clear: I did not intend to force any of the suggested changes upon you. I already encouraged you twice and now I am doing it for a third time: "It's also fine for you to stay true to YOUR vision for your RCmod!" I honestly don't know what is that unclear about that statement.

And regarding "undermining my work and effort by exaggerating issues": Most of my feedback is subjective and based on my personal preferences and perception ... as stated in my previous comment. Most of the things I feedbacked are related to this subjectiveness and are therefore not generalizations, meaning: Just because I would prefer some things differently, it doesn't mean that you have to change your whole mod in even any single point, if you don't like to: "Stay true to your vision for your RCmod (if you like to)!" You don't have to implement anything!
I already said that I prefer GT's mod because it's more over the top and deliberatly unballanced in certain points. And that's excactly the reason why I don't expect of you to change your mod into GT's mod ... because we already have access to it. And the people who prefer its style will use GT's and the people who prefer yours will play yours ... and that's fine right there.

Now you maybe ask yourself the question, why I wrote any feedback afterall then. My reason is the following:
Even if your vision of your mod vastly differs compared to my personal preference it's nevertheless possible that some of my potentially vastly different points are useful to you ... precisely because they are different. Maybe some bits and pieces here and there could be useful to you by improving on your mod making it more fun to play for more people (without the need to change everything fundamentaly).
Imagine you are a high performance sports car designer listening to feedback from a casual driver: Of course his feedback will potentially be very different than feedback from, say, a race driver. And of course you, as the sports car designer wont change everything about your sports car to fit all the needs of the casual driver, while making it a completely different car in the process from what you started with and envisioned it to be. But maybe some small things a casual driver points out about a high performance sports car could be indeed beneficial for everyone (even the race drivers): Small details only the casual driver would notice excatly because of his significantly different perception and expections of a car. Do you get my meaning?

>> If you think, that the points I made don't fit with your vision, than stay true to the latter. ... !! ;)
But please also handle my feedback selectivly, asking yourself: "What things which were pointed out could be indeed beneficial to the project, and which one wont be?" This is how I wished (and still wish) that my feedback could be useful to you ... without ANY firm expections or anything like that. <<

I hope this cleared things up. :)

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suLac - - 267 comments

Regarding your introductary question:

I played some skirmishes and the campaign mission once as Scorch and revisited it lately after you said, that the Delta members are different from one another. I tried out the other two members and noticed, that they have indeed are a little different from one another ... but you have to be honest, that those differences are only minor: They all carry the same 4 primary weapons, which are used most of the time while playing. All Deltas carry the Fusion cutter because it's used to progress throughout the mission. Then there are the other secondaries: throwables (sonic, ec, thermal), placeables (mine, proximity charge) and the ammo/health-drop. the to former two are used very similarily compared to their siblings in their respective category:

Grenades/Dets are throw into enemy groups dealing damage and throwing them to the ground. While their damage and push strength may differ slightly, they are very similar in their effectiveness and gameplay-wise. They even behave excatly the same (rolling on the ground and exploding after a few seconds). The main difference (apart from maybe slightly variyng stats) are their GFXs.
To make some of them explode by contact or making them stick to surfaces or enemys would already mix it up a little (which is also true for the multiplayer classes btw) ... but I don't know if it was a deliberat descision, to make them the way they are because of truthfulness to the original RC game. I unfortunately don't remember how the throwables behaved in the original game because I played RC years ago last time. Regardless of authenticity some variation would be welcome here ... but it's absolutely no must. If you value "realism" that much, it's also fine. ;)

Placeables are droped at tactical positions and deal massive splash damage when triggered after varying time. While their trigger mechanism is different gameplay-wise they are still pretty similar: "place'em, get away, wait" or "panic-drop them in the midst of enemys for them to trigger/be triggered immediately" (if friendly fire is disabled)". The only difference is in the need to press an additional button to trigger the explosion or not. Sure ... you have more control over the explosion and could wait for a optimal time to trigger instead of triggering automatically when the first enemy nears, but generally the underling mechanic ("boom, when enemy is in radius") stays the same.

Every Delta has one or more of both categories, providing nearly the excact same offensive capabilities for each of them.
The only really different secondary is the "bacta+ammo drop" carried by Fixer, which indeed offers a tiny bit of variation by beeing a slight bit more undependent on ammo and health droids (until you have to refill your supply of drops).
So while you truthfully stated that the Deltas are in fact not excactly the same equipment-wise (there is some slight variety), I still would say that my original statemant that "there is not (really) any variety there" is still true in spirit, isn't it? :)

Regarding CIS, Wookies and Trandoshans:
I played all of them and enjoyed it very much ... but apparently I got swept up in writing feedback for the (for me primary) faction of the mod. The mod is called "Republic Commando: Battlefront" ... and so I guess I unconciously had a quite one sided focus while writing ... wrongly. But you did of course a great job with the above mentioned factions. They are in my experience more varied and admittedly even more fun to play (gameplay-wise) as the RCs. Maybe excatly that is the reason for my one sided focus: I had much more fun playing as the other faction than playing as the eponymous RCs and was very disappointed about that, which unconsciously lead to the very RC focused feedback ... so let's rectify that:
CIS, Wookies as well as Trandos are very well thought outregarding their weaponary and overall design and, as already stated very fun to play as!
Generally if think that you did a fine job with balancing out the faction (no matter if I prefer it that way or not): They are all very equally matched (especially compared with GT's RCmod).
I mainly gave feedback from a mechanical perspective so far, but it's also save to say, that you did an amazing job modeling and texturing both the units as well as the maps ... they are stupid high quality!
Also it seems like you polished and "QA'd"/bug-tested your mod very well: I noticed no bugs or glitches whatsoever while playing.

It's btw very good to hear, that you intend to vary up future campaign missions, for this was the point I would regard as most objectively relevant (apart from all the very subjective things).

Thank you, for taking the time to read through all of this and also you general patience! ... and of course thank you again for making this great mod in the first place! Keep it up and farewell ;)

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AQTOutrider Author
AQTOutrider - - 123 comments

This is what you wrote originally:

"And because every member of DELTA is excactly the same (except their painting) there is not any variety there either."

Even after everything you wrote right now, that's still not true. If you think the three grenade types are the same, you haven't played the mod (not just the campaign) long enough to know: Thermal detonators are sufficient against everything but only stick to vehicles and turrets. EC detonators are highly effective against shielding and Droidekas but only stick to droids. They also gradually drain the health of infantry and don't do anything to vehicles or turrets. Sonic detonators are highly effective against vehicles or turrets and stick to everything. They usually send infantry flying or knock them down but don't kill them right away. The differences are major, and you don't have to be me to know. How obvious they are depends on how much time you spent to be familiar with them. This is what I mean by backing up your feedback by pointing out things that are false: Your feedback isn't as helpful as it could be. I'm not going to even get into the functionality of mines versus detpacks.

That being said:

"The main difference (apart from maybe slightly variyng stats) are their GFXs. To make some of them explode by contact or making them stick to surfaces or enemys would already mix it up a little (which is also true for the multiplayer classes btw) ... but I don't know if it was a deliberat descision, to make them the way they are because of truthfulness to the original RC game. I unfortunately don't remember how the throwables behaved in the original game because I played RC years ago last time. Regardless of authenticity some variation would be welcome here ... but it's absolutely no must. If you value "realism" that much, it's also fine. ;)"

I know that your feedback is subjective and based on your perceptions and preferences. I get that, and that's fine. But goodness, are you really going to suggest things like making some grenades stick when they already do and use perception as your defense? This isn't the first time you have suggested something that is already in the mod based on perception. That paragraph right up there based on the number of unnecessary assumptions and exaggerations were made is the epiphany that there needs to be changes in the way you provide your feedback. This is my feedback to you.

Look, you seem like a nice guy, and I know you were trying to be helpful, but at this point it's just patronizing: You don't have to explain how feedback works to me, nor do you have to keep encouraging me as if I'm on my last drop of motivation.

Using your analogy, you're a casual driver who took the sports car out for a 5 minute test drive and then proceeded to make a bunch of uninformed assumptions about the car's features. This isn't feedback anymore. It's a lengthy argument about how objectively wrong I am about my own mod when it is your perception that is flawed.

Thank you for your time.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
neelyferguson - - 1 comments

Holy crap im glad I grabbed some popcorn while reading this lmao

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Edna1 - - 1,627 comments

Emm is something wrong?

So, i have the conquest mod on but i always get the vanilla one and how i activate this campagne?

Not in the story list or in the instant action map i see something.

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Mr.Slavko - - 355 comments

Do you have 1.3 patch installed?

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Edna1 - - 1,627 comments

I am pretty sure i did

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readok - - 13 comments

I have the new maps but I cannot play the new games mods or new era republic commandos. I can play only Trondochans v Wookis on flag or concest.

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AQTOutrider Author
AQTOutrider - - 123 comments

Do you have the 1.3 patch installed?

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Guest - - 699,591 comments

Where do i find this 1.3 patch?

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AQTOutrider Author
AQTOutrider - - 123 comments

The links are in the description.

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EggHead98 - - 81 comments

*Sees it's been released on April 1st*

*Nervous sweating*

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Guest - - 699,591 comments

how do i configure this mod?

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AQTOutrider Author
AQTOutrider - - 123 comments

You just run the installer.

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