Portal Remastered is a mod that attempts to remaster the original portal in the portal 2 engine. The models, textures and lighting have all been updated to be more in line with the style of portal 2 while making sure the levels still retain somewhat of a Portal 1 vibe.

RSS Reviews

ChrisThacoolguy says

Early access review may contain spoilers Agree (1) Disagree

very good 10/10


FoxLoy says

Early access review Agree (4) Disagree (3)

Very good, but when i complete all the test chambers the game says "completed playtest" and the game doesn't continue, and in some test chambers the elevator stops, but i fixed It with a command: noclip


Nodever2 says

Early access review Agree Disagree

This is really fun!! I really love this, it honestly feels like the definitive way to play these chapters for the most part. My favorite part was seeing the "backrooms"/escape/ratman dens in portal 2, you did a wonderful job translating them into the new art style. It is also just really nice and refreshing to see these chambers faithfully ported with better lighting (I can't run Portal With RTX so this is a fun new experience for me :D ). Here are my random assorted (some nitpicky) thoughts/comments:

It is really interesting that you brought the orbs of death back from portal 1 instead of using the lasers but I can see why, I don't think these puzzles would have been solvable without modification with lasers.

I also think that the chamber at the beginning with the timed portals and the cube and button, I believe it is chamber 2, it is interesting that you didn't use the portal 2 design with small buttons as it is simply better, but I understand being faithful to the portal 1 design.

Small omission I missed: GLaDOS not commenting on destroying vital testing apparatus. Also no subtitles.

Felt like the delay between dialogue lines was too long when idling before destroying the companion cube?

I think the voice lines should be better integrated into the gameplay, there are a few parts where they don't trigger until you get to a door that doesn't open until they are completed so you have to just sit there. Chamber 1 is a good example, the dialogue should start as soon as you put the cube on the button, but I think it didn't start until later. There are a few other examples where it would feel better if the player could proceed a little farther while the dialogue is continuing instead of being made to wait.

There were some moments where the player is glaringly teleported. Also their portals are not deleted when this happens so you can have a portal connecting where you were teleported to and from even though the illusion is supposed to be that these are the same room? Hopefully these get cleaned up a bit.

Lastly, the inside of the incinerator still looked straight out of portal 1 and looked a little out of place. In general I see you ported some models from portal 1, this is totally fine and they look good in the portal 2 engine but if you have extra time after finishing this project it would be really cool if these textures could be remade/replaced in the portal 2 art style in a higher resolution.

That is just about everything I can think of. This is coming from a big fan of portal who hopes this can one day be perfect, but what you have is REALLY solid and impressive and fun to play. It has been 100% worth the wait and I am willing to wait more years until this is complete. You are making what might be the best way to play portal 1. I CANNOT WAIT to see what the end of the game looks like with your treatment :) keep up the phenomenal work and thank you for taking the time to make this!



Early access review Agree Disagree

Very good potential, I hope you will finish it.


Ethan123456gameryt says

Early access review Agree Disagree

Doing good so far, keep up the good work!


DuyAnNguyen(Anboi) says

Early access review Agree Disagree

if possible add Portal's original subtitle in next update, mod 10/10 btw


Apollointhehouse says

Early access review Agree Disagree

Very nice remake of the original portal it even has some of the bugs from portal


ValSadret says

Early access review

JTeslaCoil says

Early access review