A gameplay mod for zdoom/gzdoom. Consider it a love-letter to all fps's of the late nineties and early two thousand's, All viewed through the lens of classic DooM's gameplay...

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Who is the Major in Major Crisis? find out here...

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Disgraced former special forces air force Major, Jack Sheppard, has spent the last few years running garbage transports to and from UAC orbitals and moon facilities. This followed a court martial and dishonorable discharge. He had refused to follow orders NOT to go back into enemy territory to rescue stranded personnel. Sheppard was shot down on his final trip back into enemy territory. Surviving the crash and armed only with a service pistol, Jack fought his way back on foot, accumulating several confirmed kills and rescuing two more men. The UAC hearing that followed was more of a witch-hunt than a court-martial and the corporate bastards threw the book at the Major.

Three years later the demonic invasions began. Sheppard is in orbit when the desperate and panic fueled messages come from below, waking him from his snooze as the autopilot did its job. Before Sheppard could even get his feet off the dash and reach for the comms button, the white hot blast of an explosion blew the final remains of sleep from his eyes. Falling from orbit with almost zero flight control, Sheppard could see the bloated, floating monstrosities as they raked his vessel with fireballs. Just what the hell was going on here was beyond him but he was damned if he was going to die like this! Strapping himself into the emergency crash webbing he shut his eyes and waited for impact.

Jack woke to find his ship a mess of tortured, twisted metal. Grabbing what he could from the lock-box, he ditched his webbing and ran through the burning wreck, just leaping clear as the reactor blew. It threw him across the dusty ground, all but knocking him out again.

Coming to his senses he loads his pistol. The whole place is in crisis and still he smiles.

Major Jack Sheppard is going to do what he does best; take out the trash.

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