A gameplay mod for zdoom/gzdoom. Consider it a love-letter to all fps's of the late nineties and early two thousand's, All viewed through the lens of classic DooM's gameplay...


The latest version of Major Crisis is here! This version, dubbed Slayer's Legacy edition, features new sprites new code and new sounds! get it now!

OSJC's MajorCrisis - Slayer's Legacy Edition
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osjclatchford Author
osjclatchford - - 261 comments

Yup a new edition is here. the laughably named 'ultimate edition' is no more and the new Slayer's Legacy Edition (SLE) has taken its throne...

as the name suggests this version has consolidated a lot of what was the SL add-on pack, overwriting the old, now out of date weapon sprites, with the slayers legacy versions, giving Major Crisis much more of its own identity in the modding community...

Although this is the latest version It's still awaiting authorisation from a third party developer to release the updated monster pack, as it contains art based on one of their works. so you'll have to be patient and wait for a future update for that...

I'm sure updates will follow as bugs occur and, well they usually do with me constantly tinkering away inthe background!


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osjclatchford Author
osjclatchford - - 261 comments

Just updated to include the long awaited upgraded monster for mc_monstas.pk3 that was long overdue.

the possesed - now based off of new sprites from amuscaria are now even creepier than ever before.
They also feature more id apprpriate sounds (lifted from quake's zombies)

the hellhounds are also in there but you'll only find those occuring 'naturally' in the major-crisis version of kdizd for now... so go re-download that from our files section too!

also minor changes to the pistol anims in majorcrisis_gz.pk3 too. was a bit broken but is fine now...

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BerserkerNoir - - 383 comments

Just saw the Mod on Doomworld forums, this looks pretty good, going to test it!

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osjclatchford Author
osjclatchford - - 261 comments

thanks, Hope you enjoy.

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osjclatchford Author
osjclatchford - - 261 comments

So dispite going against all my prejudices against engine specific features going into this project I've finally caved and I have to say that the latest update is now Gzdoom exclusive as it contains some models.

yup you guessed it, blood decals.

I finally got sick of the pseudo-decal sprites for the blood pools, splatters and footprints on floor and ceiling flats. As nice as it was to fully support the old zdoom engine, I've just had the nagging of it constantly jarring in my vision as they billboard whenever you move in-game so I've relented and made them all models so they dummy the build engine style floor decals like I really wanted them to.

does anyone even use anything other than gzdoom nowadays, anyway? (rhetorical, before you answer...)

its been the final nail in the coffin of the mod, making it seem dated and rather unproffesional looking up to this point. so from now on, the bloodpools, splatters, footprints and even the barrel tops/bottoms all work like real decals now.
so, yeah, much better IMHO...

sorry it took so long ;D

had to reupload as there were some issues with the file.seemed corrupted somehow. bits were missing and that but seems ok now...
also, might be worth mentioning that I just remembered that the btsx fix might still feature some of the old2d gore effects but, meh whatayagonna do... btsx players consider the bug booked into the to-do list for the future...

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osjclatchford Author
osjclatchford - - 261 comments

ok, just done my best to address the btsx pack...

its now using the models as it should but i've had a bast of a time trying to get all the green and blue gore to match due to the changes in btsx's pallete compared to standard doom pallete.

its still mismatched here and there but at least its a bit better. put it this way, its the best I can do...

I also fixed a missing bloodpool (small green one used on the hellknigt/baron head 'deaths') from the main pack. should be it for now...

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osjclatchford Author
osjclatchford - - 261 comments

Updated today to include many new changes.
listed below in no specific order.

//CHANGELOG// (SAT 4 FEB 2023):

- Updated Chaingun sprites
- Grenadelauncher, 'reskined' and reanimated
- Auto grenadelauncher (EP), also 'reskined' and reanimated
- Caco Gibby deaths vastly improved and updated with new sprites and anims (includes kickable eye gib!)
- TNT's fence texture updated (TNT_SKY.pk3)
- Coloured coronas on all torches (large and small)
- coloured coronas on soulsphere, megasphere and invuln-sphere items
- coloured coronas on burningbarrel, floorflames, evileye and Floatingskull decorations
- Rocketlauncher 'reload' anims
- 'weapon-up' animations added to Shotgun, RocketLauncher and Auto Grenadelauncher
- updated Pickup sprite for shotgun
- 'Cockroach' actors around bloodpools and dead stuff (appear as decals in hardware-render)
- updated Spriteset for Crushed Actors (both floor and ceiling)
- updated bootprint decals
- Nightprowler (MC's version of nightmareimps) monster added
- both nightprowlers and Hellhounds now feature in MC version of KDIZD on spawnpoints.
- Spectre specific spriteset added (translucent with bones showing)
- tweaks to Nailgun's hud sprites
- updated cell ammo sprite
- updated magnum 'slug' ammo sprite
- Updates to Pistol behavour; removed altfire and the HUD/crosshair Magazine 'health' indicator added (as on Machinegun)
- Magazine ejection added to pistol, Machinegun and Riot-controller
- DooMII Cityscape skies tweaked (D2_SKY.pk3)
- water surface ripple-splashes now appear as decals in hardware-render
- updated Visor sprites
- Signal Flare items added (randomized on Visor spawnpoint)
- Updated ammobox sprites
- Update to Megahealth Sprite (blue cross to easier distinguish from medkit over range)
- Updates to 'Possessed' monster behaviour; will sometimes hurl gib projectiles when out of melee range
- cyberdemon death anim altered to feature decal bloodpool in place of spritebased one.
- dedicated Kick key (in OSJC options menu)
- MC endoom screen added


So yeah, a lot has been happening with this since last I updated.
the observant among you may have seen in the screenies and by the changes to the readme article that updates were overdue, but as were awaiting approval from a third party (whom's work I have vastly edited for some of the sprites in the mod) to be authoized for open relase, you've simply had to wait until now...

still, better late than never eh?

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Guest - - 699,779 comments

Justy discovered this as alternative to messy doom style play and config as brutal doom is!Thank you!!!!!!

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osjclatchford Author
osjclatchford - - 261 comments

you are most welcome! enjoy the demonic-genocide that is Major Crisis!

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osjclatchford Author
osjclatchford - - 261 comments

just to include my edit of SonicOfan's latest spritework; new frames for the kick animation!

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Neon4eva - - 52 comments

Yessir another masterpiece.

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osjclatchford Author
osjclatchford - - 261 comments

sprite changes/improvements to the following items:

armor bonus

thats all for now but I've nothing else planned for a while so I figured I'd share.. :)

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osjclatchford Author
osjclatchford - - 261 comments

Ok , this was an unexpected change, but I've decided to overhaul the anims on the reload for the magnum to look much better.
It actually reloads on screen now! (should have done this ages ago, sorry)
I've also ditched the pipebombs.
they were buggy and pointless and have been rendered further pointless still by the new changes to the grenade inventory item mechanics.
If you go through the "OSJC OPTIONS" menu in the controls menu you can now bind a key to gently drop a grenade instead of throwing it.
selecting a grenade from the inventory and using it will still chuck one out as usual. likewise the "throw grenade" shortcut key will still do the same, however, whereas the "throw grenade" will hurl out a grenade that goes some distance and explodes on contact with enemies, the new "drop grenade" shortcut key's grenades will only go about a foot or so in front of you and can pass through enemies, making it ideal for throwing one over an edge of a cliff, or pit, to enemies directly below. It's also good for gently rolling though low-edged windows to do the same (tip, get close and aim a bit high with windows so that you dont accidently place it on the windowframe itself!)

Anyway, Enjoy...

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osjclatchford Author
osjclatchford - - 261 comments

new update:

//CHANGELOG// (SUN 01 OCT 2023):

- green armour; updated sprites (tac-vest style)
- blue armour; updated sprites (just vest, no-shoulder pads)
- shotgun; updated sprites (classic id styled visuals to hud and world sprites)
- shotgun; new animations, pump left (random) and pump centred (when selecting)
- pistol; updated sprites (hud sprites)
- machinegun; select/reload anim tweaked (no bolt-pull for snappier gameplay)
- chaingun; fixed lag bug on deselect anim (was noticable when switching weapons)
- invulnerability; new pickup sound


for now ;)

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osjclatchford Author
osjclatchford - - 261 comments

chunky little update today with a few visual and audio tweaks as well as some minor gameplay alterations...

//CHANGELOG// (SAT 2 DEC 2023):

- pistol sprites further improvements/tweaks for consistancy (plus added raise anim)
- shotgun anims tweaked for consistancy
- shotgun pump anim restored to right side ONLY (got feedback that it was distracting and confusing when pumping both ways, and I tend to agree)
- chainsaw secondary attack removed
- chainsaw, improved gore effect when attacking added
- machine gun restored to simple smg (very q2 inspired with no scope, using the former pdw sprite-set)
- rifle is now an slr type weapon with optional scope, exclusive to EP. (much along the lines of the fg42 from rtcw; more penetration than the smg but slower.)
- camerashake added to riotgun and rifle fire anims
- improved chaingun pickup sprites
- shell ejection position altered on chaingun
- long range echo effect on shotgunguy attack
- tweaks to various monster death-anims for different death-types. (for general visual and gameplay variational changes)
- improved grenade launcher and auto grenade launcher hud sprites (thanks again, sonic.o.fan!)
- tweaked a frame in the ssg reload
- remembered to update the help screen with the new items from a couple of updates ago (how I missed this before I don't know!)
- many unused and obsolete code/sprites removed (however, some might still be there for now, and there are some left for a reason, but they're not doing any real harm at present and you'll only find 'em if you go peeking around the pk3's)



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osjclatchford Author
osjclatchford - - 261 comments

ARGH! just had to re-upload as I found a savage bug on the rocketlauncher where the secondary fire (locking system) was playing the reload anim on constant loop when targeting. DOH!
nevermind fixed now, sorry to inconvenience you guys but its done now and I couldnt leave a savage bug like that in till the next update could I? ;)

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osjclatchford Author
osjclatchford - - 261 comments


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osjclatchford Author
osjclatchford - - 261 comments


bugfix and minor polish to stuff you'd never notice unless using the skins from the kdizd addon pack, but many do so the update was needed AFAIC!

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osjclatchford Author
osjclatchford - - 261 comments


- less ott deaths for berserk for zombieman, shotgunguy, chaingunguy and imps.
- tweaks to grenadelauncher anims.
- updated magnum sprites, cleaner and less hand-drawn look to them (thanks to sonik.o.fan's taurus judge sprites!)
- magnum's reload animation altered and cleaned-up for simplicity and sleeker gameplay.
- riotgun's overheat mechanic has been ditched. it was pointless, a bit jank and overall not at-all fun, so out it goes!
- riotgun's single shot grouping much tighter. makes it a bit more usefull over range if you take your time to pick targets and tap the trigger. holding it down still results in a wide-assed wall-of-pellets (much like how the smg works, the riotgun is +/- a shotgun version of the smg afterall...)
- fixed the bug where pressing the reload key during a reload would make the weapon reload again, directly after finishing. (a silly oversight that should have been dealt with sooner).
- centred screen messages for weapon select modes on ssg, gl, auto-gl and unmaker (Some people were overlooking the crosshair messages doing so, so I figured this would make it clear as can be)

All for now...

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osjclatchford Author
osjclatchford - - 261 comments


changes to main and ep pk3's

- physical gib debris added to daisy death (not foot/fist)
- physical gib debris added to rat death (not foot/fist)
- grenadelauncher animation timings tweaked
- Auto-grenadelauncher hud sprites altered (rear-stock detail to better match breachloader, foresight 'trimmed')
- tweaks to nailgun code; general balance and performance improvements and is also now upgradable to supernailgun when finding the barrel upgrade kit item or an already upgraded nailgun pickup
- tweaks to nailgun sprites (muzzleflashes and obviously new upgraded 'SNG mode' spriteset)


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osjclatchford Author
osjclatchford - - 261 comments


Just in time for the weekend:

- new chainsaw death anim for zombieman
- new pickups for shotgun
- new pickups for ssg
- "classic" ssg skin is now the standard ssg in mc main
- "slayer" ssg (original ssg) now a skin in "idkfa" skinpack
- improved ssg reload, muzzleflash and recoil anims
- improved shotgun muzzleflash and recoil anims
- improved grenadelauncher recoil anims
- improved rifle recoil anims
- improved riotgun recoil anims
- improved magnum recoil anims
- fixed ssg to start in 'double-barrel mode' from first pickup
- Autogrenadelaucher dropped from EP. In hindsight, it was kinda pointless, almost outclassing the rl at times (which it shouldnt really) and also left ep users without access to the breach loader. Which has more character and charm anyway
- improvements to mountain/sky transition on all episode textures and the dark orange sky in tud_sky.pk3
- improvements to city sky textures and new dark red sky for map25 in d2_sky.pk3
- improvements to mountain/sky transition and new dark red sky for map21 in tnt_sky.pk3


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osjclatchford Author
osjclatchford - - 261 comments

Just updated again as I'd forgotton to include some updates I'd been working on some of the skies for DooM2 and Tnt...

- mountains restored to d2_sky.pk3's sky3 and dark variant with transitional blending.
- tiled cloud texture (in place of stars) to d2_sky's map20 "sky-hole" exit for more classic visuals
- new sky3 for tnt_sky.pk3

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osjclatchford Author
osjclatchford - - 261 comments

Ok, sorry, but I think I'm truly done messing with the skies now...

- further tweaks to sky3 for tnt_sky.pk3
- better dark sky3 for map 21, tnt_sky.pk3
- tweaks to episode2 and episode3 bright skies in tud_sky.pk3
- sky3 restored to classic gory-flesh texutre with subtle warping effect for plut_sky.pk3
- fixes to clouds and improvements to mountains in the sky for darken2_fix.pk3

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dumb-raemon - - 14 comments

Hey man, just want to say thank you so much for the Doom 64 shotgun pump and I'm really sorry for causing you any trouble and it work great

and that's all, thank you so so much

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osjclatchford Author
osjclatchford - - 261 comments

No problem at all bud!

It was a great idea and I had fun doing it.

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