Operation Remembrance is a massive expansion and realism mod for EA's Battlefield: Vietnam. Operation Remembrance has been created by Denal Douglas, a private mod-maker, and has been in the works for almost nine years. It adds dozens of maps, small arms, weapons emplacements, aircraft, land vehicles, and naval vessels, as well as significant improvements to the AI, making singleplayer more fun and more challenging.

Post news Report RSS Operation Remembrance V1.1 Released!

Operation V1.1 has been released, bringing with it new vehicles, new maps, new weapons, and a new armor system!

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Well, Christmas has come again, and with it, the next version of Operation Remembrance. I find myself having mixed feelings about this release, as it's not everything I expected it to be. Although all of the features I promised have indeed been added, I made the decision a while back not to polish many of them to the same degree as I did with V1.0. The reason for that is because during its development phase, V1.1 became less of an independent major update and more of a stepping stone for V1.2. In fact, I wouldn't have released it at all if I hadn't promised everyone that it would be coming, and that it would bring certain features.

What I came to realize while working on V1.1 was that there was no purpose making certain features absolutely perfect when they were just going to be heavily changed for V1.2 anyway, and this affects all aspects of the mod. For example, in the new map "Firebase Whiskey", which takes place in 1969 and features the US Army vs the NVA, why should I go to the effort of creating a custom loading screen, loading text, briefing text, and making sure every vehicle and kit spawn is perfect when I have plans to change it to a France vs. Viet Minh map set in the early 1950s for V1.2? Why should I put effort into adding the pick-up kits that can be found lying around the maps in V1.0 back into the maps (after renaming most of them), when V1.2 is going to feature an overhaul of the kit system that will to require me to redo all of the pick-up kits anyway?

At this point, it makes more sense to me to release V1.1 in a functional, but unpolished state than to continue polishing something that isn't even mostly finished to begin with. As I've mentioned in previous articles, after working on this mod for over ten years, I'm ready to start moving onto other things. My plan is to leave V1.1 as it is unless the need for a small patch arrives, and I'm going to start working on other projects for a few months. I'll come back to Operation Remembrance once in a while, and when late spring or early summer comes around, I'll begin devoting more full-time work to Operation Remembrance.

To give everyone an idea of what's coming for V1.2, I can say that it will likely be the final major update for Operation Remembrance. It will mostly focus on the addition of the First Indochina campaign and the associated weapons, vehicles, factions, and maps, but will also add major quality tweaks to the rest of the mod. Every handweapon, vehicle, and weapon emplacement will receive close examinations to make sure that every detail is as close to perfect as possible. The AI will receive heavy work, which will largely be courtesy of Professor_Smith of Bf1942's "HTroop" mod, who has kindly provided me with a collection of his research into how to edit and improve the AI of Bf1942 and BfVietnam. His research should allow me to make significant improvements to the AI, and I've already managed to make a few changes to the AI for V1.1 based on the information he has given me, such as improving the accuracy of bots using helicopter door guns and other machine guns. Although the new armor and damage system has already been implemented for V1.1, V1.2 will feature a few small alterations and fixes, along with further improvements for the new ammunition/resupply system. V1.2 will feature several new factions as well, including the French, Viet Minh, South Vietnamese Civilian Irregular Defense Groups, and two surprise factions that I'm not going to name yet. To avoid disappointment, however, I'll say now that South Korea is NOT scheduled for addition to V1.2, not because I'm unwilling to do so, but because I lack the knowledge to create authentic-looking character models with Korean features. If anyone knows how to do this, or knows where I can get models that are compatible with Battlefield Vietnam, please let me know. I also need at least one South Korean voice actor to provide soldier voices.

I think that's about all for now. I hope everyone enjoys V1.1 and can forgive its unpolished state, as it's just a set-up for the biggest update of all. I might go quiet for a little while like I have in the past, but I can assure everyone that Operation Remembrance will be back one day, and far better than ever before.

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An NVA soldier uses an RPG-7 to shoot down an American UH-1 advancing during Operation Pegasus.


A member of a South Vietnamese Popular Forces unit stands guard at the edge of his hamlet with a MAS-36 rifle.

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A US Marine Corps A-4E Skyhawk drops an M31 napalm bomb on Viet Cong positions during Operation Starlite.

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A US soldier fends off advancing NVA troops during Operation Paul Revere IV.

Post comment Comments
andoodle - - 80 comments

Pardon me, Mr. developer.

I am sorry to be a bother, but what about the "Official World War II mod" that was on your list? Is it still on the charts???

Now, I am sorry for asking such stupid questions as those, but I felt that I needed to get it off my chest. With that in mind, I wish to know. Thank you in advance.

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

At the moment, I've changed plans significantly. Originally I had planned to do a pair of Bf1942 mods and then work on a conversion of Bf1942 to Battlefield Vietnam with the addition of some elements of Forgotten Hope and Forgotten Hope Secret Weapons, but since then I've simplified things. My current plan is to finish Operation Remembrance, hopefully by the end of 2023 or spring of 2024 at the latest, and then move onto the Bf1942 conversion mod, which will likely be my final modding project.

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Crash42modder - - 10 comments

Cool. I like it.

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Saladofstones - - 264 comments

Strategic Hamlet Program instantly ends in co-op when trying to start it

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

Okay, I see what the problem is. The Viet Cong start the map bleeding tickets, but in co-op and multiplayer, the speed of the bleeding is the value that's supposed to be used to instantly end the match. Thanks for letting me know, and I'll fix it in the next update.

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Saladofstones - - 264 comments

Hello again, Defense at Pleiku doesn't have any spawn points in co-op for either team, causing both teams to rapidly bleed out tickets without anyone being able to spawn

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

Cause found and fixed for the next update. Thanks for reporting.

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