Operation Remembrance is a massive expansion and realism mod for EA's Battlefield: Vietnam. Operation Remembrance has been created by Denal Douglas, a private mod-maker, and has been in the works for almost nine years. It adds dozens of maps, small arms, weapons emplacements, aircraft, land vehicles, and naval vessels, as well as significant improvements to the AI, making singleplayer more fun and more challenging.


PATCH OBSOLETE. Kept here for continuity and archival purposes only. New installations only require V1.0 and V1.1.

Operation Remembrance V1.02
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dotrung56 - - 31 comments

And I think you should change ironsight of AK's family include AK-47, AKMS because I think it was a bit not curved so if you can, fix it by added more curved

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

Done. Will be shipped with the V1.1 update.

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Tigerlake3 - - 1 comments

On the map khe sanh ,i had big problem when the point of assemble can't retake if falling into enemy(barrack and helipad),i hope you can fix that and may you should add some map again.thank you for your effort to make this mod good job

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

That's not a bug. The map is designed that way for balance. Otherwise it's too easy to retake the flags and make the NVA bleed tickets again. The challenge is keeping those flags under US control for as long as possible.

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Laufer - - 124 comments

Hi, your mod is really great. I have one advice regarding the weapon sound. You should try to reduce or to exclude echo, because it doesn't sound too realistic now. Also you have to fix some weapon sounds where pistol has more powerful sound comparing to some SMG or MG...Type 100 for example.

Cheers mate!

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

Thanks for the comment. As far as the echo goes, there's a strict limit on how much I can edit the sound files without distorting them too badly, largely because they're real gunshot sounds pulled from pre-existing videos. And for certain handgun sounding more powerful than SMGs, that's not necessarily unrealistic. A given cartridge fired from a handgun will generally have a much louder sound than the same cartridge fired from a submachine gun. Barrel length almost always has a major impact on the sound level, and the shorter the barrel, the louder the sound.

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SlickWhiteRabbit - - 591 comments

Hi, I'm really looking forwards to playing this mod. I've recently re installed game game after quite a long break. I'm working through the vanilla maps at the moment,; once completed I'll ten be adding various mods, of which this will be one. I'm intending to buy copies of the original; game (via eBay for some of my friends with who I play coop games every week. I'm hoping to run a server using an old second generation i7 so that we can play together without having to rent a server.

I'll read through all the text you've posted and haven't seen any mention of coop play. Will you be adding this to the mod sometime in the near future as I personally would love it if me and my friends could play together as a squad in this mod.

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

This mod has full multiplayer/co-op support. The HelloClan group for Battlefield Vietnam even hosted an event for it back in January: Youtube.com

If you join HelloClan's Discord server, you can talk with LTShaun if you need any help setting up a server for Operation Remembrance. He's planning to set one up for the mod at some point, although I don't know where he's at with that. He might be waiting for when I release V1.1. We initially had a few problems getting the mod to work online, but I think those are all worked out.

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sgt.wedwed - - 2 comments

bro while im playing there is some error in m14 sniper the scope is in the side hope you can fix it thanks:)

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

I assume you're talking about the M14 with the M84 scope, the same scope as on the M1D Garand, correct? That's not an error. It's supposed to be like that. I designed that rifle based off of pictures of M14s that were unofficially modified with M84s. The M84 was originally made for the M1D Garand, and had to be mounted to the side to allow the rifle to be loaded, since the en-bloc clip goes in the top. I assume those modified M14s used the same (or similar) mount as the one used for the M1D.

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sgt.wedwed - - 2 comments

lol im dilectio thanks brooo

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Guest - - 699,566 comments

Can you do something with the bots sometimes they don't move from spawn point

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

I need more details than that. What maps? What teams? There are a few maps (Battle of Ap Bac, for example) where the bots on one team are programmed not to leave their spawn points until a certain flag gets captured.

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LT.SHADOW97 - - 22 comments

1)Map :fall of lang vei
Location :us army spawn point near the tower around dozens of them stuck in the same spot all the time
After the third check point get captured by Nva

2)ho chi Minh trail
Bots vehicles keep glitches around the bridge /stuck under the bridge

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

Lang Vei is partly meant to be like that, in that the US bots aren't supposed to counterattack once Lang Vei is their only remaining flag. They just defend. As for the bots getting stuck near the tower, I'll see what I can do.

For Ho Chi Minh Trail, is that the north bridge between the Temple and Old Shrine flag points? If it is, I haven't fixed this yet, but I do know about it and I think I know how to fix it. That bug is actually a leftover from the base game.

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LT.SHADOW97 - - 22 comments

Yes both of the bridge

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

Okay. I asked because that bug is much more prevelant at the north bridge. I'll try to fix it.

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LT.SHADOW97 - - 22 comments

Is it possible make bots use weapon crew class such as mortar or stationary machine-gun so it not to going waste, I hate when they walking around the map without using it

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

It's not easy because of how the coding for making the bots deploy emplacements like that and then get in them works. If I tried to make the bots deploy a mortar to fight a tank, for example, they might just start setting up multiple mortars and not actually get in any of them. That's why I removed their ability to deploy mortars and machine guns. I might play around with that sometime in the future, though.

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LT.SHADOW97 - - 22 comments

I forget to tell you that friendly bots sometimes kill me/hurt me everytime I walk in front of them

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

Bots are incapable of recognizing the location of friendly troops, so if they're shooting at an enemy or start shooting at an enemy when you walk in front of them, they won't see you, and that's unfortunately not something I can change.

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LT.SHADOW97 - - 22 comments

Hey I want to report another bug happening in siege of khe sanh map when I playing as Nva when I about to deploy mg42 (crew weapon class) the gun launching me to the air and make me dead because of the fall damage but this bug rarely happens in the game

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

Where did you try to deploy it? On a building, on top of a vehicle, on the ground, or on an uneven surface?

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LT.SHADOW97 - - 22 comments

On surface

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

If it was on an uneven surface, not flat ground, that could be part of it. BfV's physics engine is weird with things like that, and there usually isn't much that can be done with it.

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LT.SHADOW97 - - 22 comments

I just want to ask where is the USA chopper and tank in fall of lang vei and any tutorials how to fly helicopter and plane?

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

I took them out for historical accuracy. The Sheridan wasn't even adopted until 1969, and there were no helicopters at Lang Vei. I don't think there are any tutorials on flying the aircraft, but I can help you out a little bit.

For fixed-wing aircraft, use W to accelerate, S to slow down, A and D to turn left and right. Up arrow to point your aircraft's nose at the ground, down arrow to pull up away from the ground, right and left arrows to roll in that direction. I recommend setting your primary fire button for aircraft to "Space" and your secondary fire to the left "Control" key. So when you fly, your right hand should be on the arrow keys, and your left hand should be on the WASD keys, but also in position to reach your primary and secondary fire keys. I also recommend setting your parachute key from the default (which is "9", I think) to the "T" key so you can reach it quickly.

For helicopters, it's a bit more complicated. W increases your engine power, which makes you fly straight up. S decreases it and makes you fly straight down. A and D still turn you left and right, and the up, down, left, and right arrow keys do the same thing as they do in fixed-wing aircraft. So to fly a helicopter, use W to gain some altitude, then use the up arrow to tilt your nose slightly forward to fly forwards. Use the other arrows to fly in the direction the arrow points to. Those are the basics, and beyond that, it's all a matter of practice and learning.

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LT.SHADOW97 - - 22 comments

Does increase ai skills make they better shot and driver and pilot?

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

If you're talking about the slider on the main menu, no. All it does is make the enemy bots target you more frequently than other bots on your team.

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LT.SHADOW97 - - 22 comments

Does ah1 cobra exist in this game?what map it located?

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

For right now, it's only in two maps:

Across the DMZ-After the US team captures the first flag, a Cobra will spawn in the air over the flag, and can only be entered by selecting the different spawn point that appears on the map. If you try to play the map and don't see that spawn point after the US takes the southern-most flag, that means a bot already spawned in and took it.

Operation Cedar Falls-The ARA (Aerial Rocket Artillery) variant of the Cobra spawns at the US base.

It'll be added to more maps in V1.1, but I don't know for sure which ones yet.

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LT.SHADOW97 - - 22 comments

Lastly, I hope you can fix iron sight issues bcs some weapon iron sight like m16 and Thomson etc have iron sight moving little bit from original position (I can't see enemy while aiming with iron sight)

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

I mentioned that at least once in previous articles. It'll be fixed, but probably not until V1.2 comes out.

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AngryConorr - - 49 comments

Impressive, are you gonna add new faction and weapons?

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

At this point, I would suggest that you just play it for yourself and see everything that's included. And there'll be more whenever V1.1 comes out.

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LT.SHADOW97 - - 22 comments

Bug report

Weapon scroll button problem
It keeps changing my weapon 🤦‍♂️

I doesn't know if it is a bug can you check it?

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

It isn't something I've ever seen in the base game or any mod, and not something that could be caused by any of the changes in the mod.

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LT.SHADOW97 - - 22 comments

Thank maybe I need to reinstall this game

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LT.SHADOW97 - - 22 comments

How about us grenadier class in combodian incursion the m4 and under barrel grenade launcher is bugged but only happens when I about to shoot the rifle not grenades launcher

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

I've been trying to fix that for a while. I'm not sure what's causing it, because all of the code seems correct.

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kbbetournay - - 5 comments

Hey boss, absolutely amazing mod, It is clear you put a massive amount of effort into this thing, the only problem I noticed was that the bots were pretty bad at controlling helicopters, they seem to do well at first but then always crash. I love door gunning. I also tried the AIEV mod which also revamps the AI, and they do very well. is there any possibility to modify pilot behavior so that they better control those choppers? Again, this is an amazing mod and I cant believe it is free.

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

There are ways to make changes, but it's difficult. One thing I should point out is that (as someone who has extensively tested and even learned from AIEV), your statement that the AIEV helicopter AI is superior is only true from a certain point of view, and in some ways, the AIEV bots are far inferior with helicopters. On Ia Drang Valley, for example, bots will almost always crash the Chinook before they get anywhere near the battlefield. On Operation Irving, I've frequently witnessed bots flying the Huey Gunship halfway towards the VC flags and then tilting it backwards and coasting back away from the battle completely into the out-of-bounds zone. I believe your better experience with door-gunning is because in V1.2 of AIEV, bots flying transport helicopters like the UH-1 Transport are programmed not to bail out over drop zones anymore, so they stay in their helicopters and give the door gunners more action time. They also don't have to do complicated maneuvers like regular gunships do, which helps them avoid doing long strafing runs that lead to them crashing. I've chosen to allow my bots flying transport helicopters to continue jumping out over landing zones. While this does lead to the helicopter crashing, it allows more bots to drop onto the landing zone for a better fighting force on the ground. I did try to copy some of the coding from AIEV to work with Operation Remembrance, and it actually made the bots worse with regular helicopter gunships. At the moment, I'm reverting back to the original coding I did myself that actually worked, and I'm going to save attempts at upgrading the helicopter AI for V1.2.

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kbbetournay - - 5 comments

Thanks for taking the time to explain and respond, yeah I noticed some better flying when I played on some other maps. I look forward to seeing what you do next! like I said, this is some amazing work.

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

It's definitely connected to the maps themselves. Bots flying aircraft can pathfind better on some than on others.

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kbbetournay - - 5 comments

Are you still thinking you'll have the update out by Christmas? I'm hyped for that Hamburger Hill map.

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

Yes, I'm hoping to. I have to finish a few more of the new maps and then I want to record a new trailer. If it's not out by Christmas, than it should be by New Years.

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kbbetournay - - 5 comments

Dope! Of course, take all the time you need. This is an amazing mod and all the effort you have put in clearly shows.

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

Thank you. I really appreciate that.

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LT.SHADOW97 - - 22 comments

Hey can you do something with Nva bot spamming rpg and mosin nagant with long range grenades? (because everytime they shoot it always 90% confirm hit even tho in easy difficulty.

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ARVNRanger Author
ARVNRanger - - 237 comments

What would be the point if they miss too often? Also, the difficulty setting doesn't affect how good the bots are, only how frequently they'll target you over other bots on your team.

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