Mournhold Expanded - Over 200 new cells to explore - Huge palace with 'river view' windows in the bedrooms and a quest for ownership - Massive pleasure park with twelve themed adventure zones - Take an abandoned mine cart on a wild ghost train ride - Ride a magic carpet over a tropical sea - Take a gondola through a magical Akaviri Sakura orchard - Brave the Blizzard - Morrowind's first rollercoaster - Soar over Vvardenfell on the back of a Silt Strider - Choose to ride a horse or a donkey - Enjoy free beer! Dancing and a cute petting zoo - Wrestle a bear - Go fishing, play chess or billiards, or try your hand at cards - Watch a spectacular firework display over Tamriel Park's magical castle - Explore tiny replicas of each province of Tamriel, each with unique puzzles, rides and attractions - Numerous hotel rooms to stay in, restaurants to eat in and markets to shop in - Mournhold Resort - a luxury beach with a lively, music-filled tavern - Mournhold Docks - upgraded...


Requires Mournhold Expanded. The .esp file only patches replacement .esp files including version 1.4 regular, version 1.4 No Chess (NC), version 1.4 Children of Morrowind (COM) and version 1.5 COM NC. DO NOT USE MORE THAN ONE MOURNHOLD EXPANDED.ESP AT A TIME.

Mournhold Expanded 1.51 patch
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