Legend:Farewell Edition is a heavily modified upgrade-remake of Hexen in a classic style, but with a darker and a much more aggressive atmosphere. Featuring almost twice the length of the game, revised and extended levels, more decorations, precision-refined gothic design, new weapons, enemies and effects, 6 characters, plenty of secret areas and even an expanded storyline with custom-made story arcs and endings for the DLC heroes. More action, more locations, more magic, more HEXEN!


Finally, version 2.1 of the mod is here. Featuring a hefty amount of various upgrades and fixes - both aesthetic and gameplay-wise , it turned out to be a rather significant update, and thus required much more testing than expected. Moreover, looks like it paved the way to an update coming in the not-so-far future: Legend Farewell Edition ver8.43 - as Marine Mod 2.1 is based to a great degree on that update. The story of this character will continue in "Deathkings: The Return".

Marine Mod 2.1 for Legend Farewell Edition v8.33
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