Hello there! It's my new remake of original Doom II maps. There are dynamic lights only and a lot of new features now. Some places or elements were reworked, but i tried to keep original view. Also, this map-pack not using a new textures or sprites and have full compatibility with some mods or texture-packs (for example, Brutal Doom bugging somewhere, but it's not fatal, i guess) Please, read Requirements bellow. And yeah, sorry for my awful english... :3.


Yep! End of the year and i still cant finish my job. Anyway there is the new version of HontE. Just because. Version unstable and some bugs can occur during playthrough. Have a fun!

HontE Remastered Experimental (WIP)
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azino777 - - 35 comments

Hell Revealed Remastered when?)

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+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments

May be after 10 or 20 years of development... right now i have a lot of other purposes and a lot of stuff to do with wad.

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ʀᴏᴏᴋɪᴇ - - 156 comments


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BlacklightVoid - - 29 comments

Приветствую,+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+. Твой проект я считаю классным переизданием оригинального DOOM II, а потому не мог не оценить твою экспериментальную версию. Должен сказать, что новые уровни меня порадовали да деталей на старых тоже стало больше.

Правда, у меня только один вопрос: "Как попасть на MAP33: Betray?" Ты написал, как попасть на "страшный" уровень, но не сказал, где найти другой. Также ещё хочу узнать: "Будут ли ещё новые карты в твоём переиздании?"

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+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments

Туда можно попасть схожим образом, что и в оригинале (через map02). В оригинале нужно нажать на кусок стены в месте с импами, который открывается после поднятия красного ключа. Теперь там выключатель. Дело за малым, осталось найти лишь проход неподалёку. Разумеется это может быть и не классическая "дверь" :)

Ах да.. по поводу карт. Вообще эта версия подготовка к масштабной работе, которая будет включать больше карт. Пока говорить сложно, но скорее да, чем нет.

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BlacklightVoid - - 29 comments

Ладно, буду следить за процессом работы! Спасибо за ответ!

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Guest - - 699,675 comments

Hello do you still have the PBR textures for these HD textures ? Saw it on YouTube was very impressed , thank you

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rukifellth - - 7 comments

I am SO happy to see Honte still being worked on.
It is without a doubt my absolute favorite Doom 2 remake.
It lifts up the visuals up and beyond the original, demonstrating the full power of the DOOM engine today, while staying true to the scale, textures and layout of the classics, avoiding the over bloating that others have done before, and STILL manages to surprice you!

I mean, congrats, you made The Factory a cool level, and improved The Icon of Sin!!

My dream is to see that same imagination and visual splendor from you done wth Doom 1.

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Serious_Cacodemon - - 1 comments

There are a couple of spots where it's possible to softlock.
First softlock situation is in MAP11 past the blue door. The bridge raised with the skull switch will end up raising too far up, blocking off passage to the switch at the end or leave you trapped inside there if you ran across the bridge as it raised.
Second one is in MAP22 at the blue door. Said door cannot be opened from inside the tiny room with the switch inside, so requires opening door, hitting switch, running out and getting past the bars.

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+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments

Huh... really interesting how i missed that. Currently fixing, probably upload soon. Thx for report.

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Guest - - 699,675 comments

the crusher in map06 doesn't works (?

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+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments

it works, but you need activate 4 power supply shield around before.

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Garyclone05 - - 17 comments

I can't see my weapon whenever I'm playing because the weapon is black (I'm on gzdoom v4.7.1 on delta touch)

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+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments

Well... Delta Touch is kind of problem by itself (not in the bad meaning of course. It's great port). All i know, that DT has a kind of different API, for optimization for mobile platforms. If i remember correctly, try to switch in options version of OpenGL.

Unfortunately i can't check this thing by myself... well because of... reasons. But i remember problems with old DT, when even newest versions of GZDoom could not draw lights at water surfaces (old problem with water transparency)

Also, check the settings of GZDoom inside port. Options/Display options/Dynamic Light Options/Lights affect sprites (full options mode). It should be turned on. If this will not help, so problem inside API.

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Rainbowdash98 - - 208 comments

Hey man why Underhall map had a 300 monster and how i can access to map MAP666 ???

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+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments

300 wut? It's probably "impcest" (old bug of brutal doom and mods based on it). There nothing that i can do unfortunately, because bug inside mod's code.

For map666 you need find 3 items on the map12 and press E at the special place. You will see where it is when you'll find all of them. If all ready, sound will play, when you press.

A little tip: The one who was traped by the creatures - sufferd inside walls. The infinite light, cursed and forgotten - in a box was delivered back. Blood of siner, who was catched at the place of a crime - was spilled as punishment. Unhuman heads must complete the ritual. (btw I wish I could add this stuff to the game as text message, but then it will be look like sh**y terry-trap wads)... So, no backstories from messages :)

You need to clear all place to find it, btw.

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Rainbowdash98 - - 208 comments

The way you make a change map trigger for each map remind a half-life rather than doom here and are you ready to add custorm monster from Realm667 for each map ???

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+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments

HUh, what do you mean by "add"? I've never touched any monster's code as rule. Everything was from doom2.wad and gzdoom.pk3 files. Some code was added as technical (based at original source but with little changes for some effects or for fixes of some stuff). Only one thing that not attached with doom and was added from deep internet... is a cat peacture :), just for fun and also technical reasons (not used in the game in properly way). So if you want so, you can find some randomizer mod (for example Shades of Doom). In my case i would like to keep original code (which at least you can meet in the game).

By the way, I have an ambivalent attitude towards realm667. I know that some really good mods use it as source of sprites, but in same time 9001 times used sprites associated with some bad quality mods without any original idea.

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ZioMcCall - - 164 comments

I have some serious critiques on some of the design choices you have taken with this project

1)Overall lighting.Why every map is so dark?Even with the "bright" light sector rendering selected,most maps are pitch black.
2)Was really needed to have a switch hunting on the crusher before we could kill the spidermastermind?
3)The elevators in "The Pit" are painfully slow and makes getting on top very difficult and obnoxious
4)Random death pits.Gotcha,Bloodfalls and The Spirit world in particular abuse those.
5)This is prolly the biggest thing that annoys me in this wad:lava always insta-kills you.Just...w h y ?
It would be understandable in lava pits but on random lava cracks?It gets really on the nerves to die from a small lava pool.Map28 and 29 in particular really loves having insta-kill lava streams everywhere.Please,just make 'em to do the classic super-slime floor damage.
Plus note:i find ironic that you use insta-kill sectors on every lava textured sector,yet on a place where it would make sense like the unescapable pit at the end of "The Chasm",you don't use it.

Not everything is bad though.I really like how you reimaginated the maps aesthetics,in particular the city levels.(Even though Downtown and Monster Condo could use some better optimization but they were still playable overall)

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BenitezClance4 - - 5 comments

it's fun and all but there is a problem with the Boss Eye in MAP30's angle where it faces east instead (proof based on Hideous Destructor's Tyrant death sequence explosions) of facing south. i hope this helps for Quality of Life

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It's alot to ask I know but could you do a remaster of ultimate doom/TNT and Plutonia at all aswell please I'm really loving the doom 2 remaster it's amazing man 10/10.

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tanukiTF2 - - 9 comments

Don't know how to implement this, but I found a fix for the "impcest" bug with BD and derived mods
I typed "kill doomimp" in the console, and it stopped.

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tanukiTF2 - - 9 comments

(adds around 7 - 9 extra kills to kill counter if used on map start; i got 8, the extra 3 are the 3 zombiemen at the start of MAP02.)

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egorkuklin02 - - 7 comments

Помощь нужна? Я начинающий маппер

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