The story covers the time from the arrival of soldiers to the nuclear explosion in Black Mesa Research Facility. 5 hours of gameplay, 34 maps totally. The working title was "Soldier's Adventures".

RSS Tutorials
Field Intensity Enemies

Field Intensity Enemies

Design/Concepts Tutorial 8 comments

Discussing variety of enemies and their abilities in Field Intensity. Beware of spoilers!

Field Intensity Arsenal

Field Intensity Arsenal

Design/Concepts Tutorial 5 comments

Discussing variety and expediency of Field Intensity weapons.

Field Intensity Environmental Storytelling

Field Intensity Environmental Storytelling

Level Design/Theory Tutorial 2 comments

Examples of environmental storytelling in Field Intensity narrative.

Field Intensity Recurring Level-Design mistakes

Field Intensity Recurring Level-Design mistakes

Level Design/Theory Tutorial 3 comments

Describing Field Intensity level-design problems and seeking for possible solutions.