Farscape est une série américaine, un space opera d’un genre nouveau, cette série innove par rapport aux autres séries de science fiction.
La série est tournée en Australie ce qui lui assure des décors variés, Farscape ose ce qu’aucune autre série n’osait faire auparavant (ex : certains personnages sont des marionnettes) se qui peut en rebuter certains au premier abord.

Le jeu basé sur la série en sera très proche, la plupart de ces scénarios seront tirés de la série, mais d’autres seront inventés de toute pièce afin de pas donner que du « connu » aux fans.

Il est difficile de créer un jeu en fps (first person shooter) sans tomber dans le jeu type, où il faut tirer avant de discuter. Tout le problème sera d’adapter un jeu plutôt orienté aventure sur un fps.

Dans un soucis de détail et, pour être toujours plus proche de la série les voix et les sons seront tirés d’épisodes, de plus si cela s’avère possible de cours extraits vidéos d’épisodes seront incrustés dans le mod. Afin de respecter ces engagements le jeu sera très scénarisé et diversifié, en effet, plusieurs phases de jeu différentes seront prévues selon la mission (l’épisode) jouée. Voici un extrait des différents modes de jeu pouvant être trouvés dans farscape The game :
Attaque de position
Défense de position
Fuite (escape)
Shoot’em up
The universe of Farscape is very adapted to developpe a game because of its incredible wealth.
The game is based on the series and will be closed to it. Most of the stories will be based on the series, but other ones will be made up in order not to give some "deja vu" to the fans.
It's hard to develop a game in fps (first person shooter) that don't turn out to be a classic one, when it's shooting then talking. The idea will be to adapt a game more in a "adventure way" on a fps. In that way, we descided to develop an experience system to make the game closer to the evolution that we can feel in the show, and to increase the adventure side of the project.

In order to be still as closed to the series as possible, voices and sounds will come from the episodes. And if it's possible, some shorts videos will be part of the mod.
The game will be very diversified : some different sentences will be prepared according to the mission played.
This is an example of the different game mods which can be founded in Farscape The Game :

* Attack position
* Defensive position
* Escape
* Shoot’em up
* Réflexion
* Others....

The development team is already working on an Alpha version under HL. It will not represent what the game will be under HL² of course. You can visit the art section with some in-game screenshots, a sound art galerie, and some other stuff like wallpapers...

Enjoy the mod, as much as we enjoy working on it.

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Hi everyone,

After two years with no news, i'm here to post the maybe last news for this mod.

It was a mistake to do a single player game, a multiplayer game will be more fun, and more easy to do, but now it's to late.

At least... I see some people, who want this mod out, we have models, textures, coding, sounds, and other stuff.

I'm ok to try to do a very simple multiplayer farscape game, but i need help (a lot). So if someone want to help, to do something, you can contact me, to jolinarneo[at]orange.fr.
If nobody answer, well, i can't do that myself, it's up to you.



démo is coming

démo is coming

News 2 comments

the demo is coming be patient....

Ka d'argo

Ka d'argo


Exclusive for moddb, the news player model : The luxan warrior... KA d'Argo by voltrum.

News trailer


And now, on Farscape HL2.... here it is, the trailer ! It's an improved version of the one of the mod party 3. We're still working on the demo...

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Farscape hl2 DEMO

Farscape hl2 DEMO

Demo 11 comments

The mod is over, but the démo is online. Careful, is very hard... good luck. Just unzip it in your steam steamapps folder, enjoy

trailer farscapehl2


French trailer based on farscapehl2 mod

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BionicCoyote - - 1,255 comments

Here's some gameplay of this mod. Feel free to use the footage for whatever :)

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Thaiauxn - - 1,673 comments

That's ******* awesome.

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Guest - - 700,109 comments

Beautiful Artwork and Good Attention to Detail Jol.

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Ori_Child - - 170 comments

I wonder if he got any help in the end.

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Jol - - 13 comments

No, no one ask for the source or else, I'm working on a new game now : Indiedb.com !

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XenuXemu - - 435 comments

Oh god i need this mod.

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Hexalude - - 8 comments

I can't beleive this was abbandoned after so much effort has seemed to be put in.

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Ori_Child - - 170 comments

It would be good to have someone working on this mod.
Or at least expand the demo and make use of all the models in the download.
If anyone felt brave enough they could always email him/her about it jolinarneoathotmail.com

I cant even get most of the stuff into gmod properly... ive managed the pulse pistol model and pulse rifle model and that was it =/ lol
The demo was good though.

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zck2020 - - 354 comments


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projektariel - - 532 comments

Honestly never watched "Farscape" but playing your well-crafted demo awakened my interest in this series... :) Too bad that your project seems to have come to an end... :(

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