This mod aims to mould the full environment of EVE and its rich storyline, into a FPS environment with huge setpieces and grand space basically you get to shoot 3-shades of sheiBe out of each other in the ships of EVE: Online and also on the ground with a unique version of the amazing Battlefield 'flag taking' multiplayer.

The first map to be released will be one containing a Chimera and a Thanatos (providing it doesnt crash the computer with all those polygons), along with their respective race's fighters ready and waiting for players to control and use as tools of destruction.

At present the mod is in need of modellers and skinners so all who are interested email me at

thanks...i look forward to the celebratory first round of E:NE with some of you :)

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Trinity Engine


OK so the mod has stalled for the moment, with the lack of outside help it is now upon me to jump start the mod again after my exams. It simply is a lack of time on my part but i PROMISE to all those hoping this a reality, it will come and it will come ASAP.

With the new Premium Graphics Content on my computer i can finally get started on the modelling again, all be it without the help from CCP id hoped for...

From now its frigates to battlecruiser modelling... i want to make sure that smaller models work in game first then move up the scale towards battlecruisers and eventually battleships.

My dream of a captial ship in the game will depend entirely on the limits of the engine and whether or not it could handle it. If it appears as though the engine is about to die under the sheer pressure of the awesomeness im putting into it :P then i may have to move the mod to a newer game with a more hardcore engine in it. As cliched as it sounds, the hovering enemies in Crysis would help to make for a good game but that engine is SERIOUSLY advanced and id have to say im more inclined to wait for the DX10 version of DiCE's new Frostbyte engine (for which the rumoured Battlefield 3 is coming) then maybe i could produce what i wanted.

Any ideas that people think of are all welcome so post and ill see what i think. So far i have been more than impressed by some of the suggestions and have already modified some of the game plans id previously made, to fit these suggestions.


After all is said and done Im creating this mod for you..yes YOU! its for you lot to have fun thats what i get out of this, the pleasure of knowing i have made people happier for a brief moment in time :') so please, keep the suggestions coming and GET PEOPLE TO HELP ME MODEL! :'(

My email adress contact is:


Thanks for watching and wish me luck :D

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 19)
Eryk1000 - - 19 comments

Unreal 4 is enough to create an FPS game

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Frederick930 - - 71 comments

another mod bites the dust!

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make1up726 - - 24 comments


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SerialKillerpanda - - 1 comments

Hey man im a very skilled programmer and designer so email me if you get the chance cause im up to the challenge

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vortexus - - 89 comments


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RTSman - - 42 comments

I've been playing Eve Online for 7 months now, and all i can say is... Good luck! :thumbup:

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Snakebloke Creator
Snakebloke - - 10 comments

Thanks dude, im gonna get some stuff done over the xmas holidays so i can get it back up and running again. Hopefully i can upload some concept art and maybe a finalised model..but well see :)

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Snakebloke Creator
Snakebloke - - 10 comments

Yeah sure theres plenty of ideas that can be implemented, only thing is i point blank REFUSE to copy anything. If we want something like Assault it has to be EVE: Assault like something to do with VIP peeps and a game mode codenamed "Endurance" ;)

Or instead of CTF like a mode where a player has to steal the enemy's database computer ;) (backpacks with computers would be cool.

One of the main things i want to add into the mod is the clarity of command and important people. i want the commander to stick out like a Sore, Luminescent Green, Neon light surrounded thumb... :)

So any snipers know when they see him.."right i have the commander in my sights. need reinforcments" or "i have a Sergeant (Squad Leader) here left of the *** ****, send an H.A.P.C" (acronyms and dingbats ftw)

But yeha i have lots of ideas to put into the game just nowhere near enough people to do it. To me, with my experience in BF2142, reducing lag is THE most important issue. Titan mode (especially when in the titan) kills my family computer so therefore i am saving £1500 to build a new one that is kick *** just so i can run it without lag... If i were to add in an equivalent mode involving battlecruisers/battleships/cruisers etc then the game would jsut die. Finding a balance is perfect but speed is at the top of my list cos lag = anger = quit game... :P and thats not what i want, i want people to enjoy this game.

anyways gotta get back to work on it :P

Peace ,|,,|

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Bagahnoodles - - 160 comments

And stations!

Station raids would be awesome!

I see a 1 flag CTF idea coming on........

akin to UT2K4's Assault mods mebbe?

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Snakebloke Creator
Snakebloke - - 10 comments

*signed* i agree that static carriers are going to be better especially considering what other game elements are going to be implemented ;) (sshhh secret). I would LOVE to get 'bigger ships' into the game at some point, maybe towards the end.

at the moment i am working on the models for various asteroids (omber and bistot included < carebear) along with the Firbolg (im finding this one quite hard), Chimera and Thanatos models. Then after all that, and some internal modelling etc, game mechanics and enless hours balancing an coding...we SHOULD...hopefully...probably...have the first map up and running. i stress the word HOPEFULLY.

Still taking me ages as im starting back in education in september and so will have a little more time, but still not much :P.

Anyways wish us luck and pass on our cries for help to any and all people you know who can model. Thanks guys'n'gals :)

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