A xp/rank/reward/mobility modification with visual/sound/text notifications. Custom "Doom Exp Settings" menu, Improved Sounds & effects and More Gore!


Doom Exp has tons of adjustable settings to customize the gameplay to your personal preference. The gameplay mod focuses on high mobility, arcade style gameplay and mainly just be a lot of fun. Gain experience by destroying everything that crosses your path. The experience is then utilized as currency to buy upgrades. Upgrade your character and become a blade wielding, dash attacking, super stomping, gun crazed maniac.

Doom Exp - 2.5.1
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Guest - - 699,630 comments

this is perfect 👍

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OhNoesBunnies! - - 1,212 comments

There don't appear to be any upgrades in the store. Enter doesn't do anything?

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Officer_D Author
Officer_D - - 284 comments

That is an issue with your mouse options.
Go into "mouse options" and switch "Enable mouse in menus - Yes" to "Touchscreen-like"

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ManBearGuy - - 10 comments

It crashes a few times while I'm playing with this error:

Execution could not continue.

Attempt to execute CCMD 'SlowMo' outside of menu code

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Officer_D Author
Officer_D - - 284 comments

I already answered this in the article and in the description:

⚠ Important : GZDoom 4.6.1 will cause your game to crash to console when requesting the store, initiating slow motion or picking up a time freeze. Due to the developers choice of getting rid of calling console commands from outside the menu. It is recommended to use GZDoom 4.6 which you can grab from here. Forum.zdoom.org

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LucidBandit - - 21 comments

Does this work with doom 1

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Officer_D Author
Officer_D - - 284 comments

Sure! Although it was mostly tested with Doom 2. So let me know if you run into any problems.

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Guest - - 699,630 comments

I'm new to gDooming and messing around with wads so sorry if the answer is really obvious. I'm having a great time with your mod, btw, absolutely love it - I'm a huge fan of RPG elements in a fast-paced game like this.. Not sure what happened in the middle of a level, though, but I can no longer attack or cycle through weapons. I've tried all the keys on my keyboard and my mouse and nothing will show. I collected a powerup while playing Tricks and Traps and that's when it happened. Really don't want to have to start over and lose progress, but I will if I must!

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Officer_D Author
Officer_D - - 284 comments

You might of softlocked, which can happen in rare occasions. In Doom Exp Setting, try the "Fix Bugs" option. Most of the time that fixes it.

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DQGamer - - 95 comments

nice update. but i got this error when i use fist.
Attempt to execute CCMD 'SlowMo' outside of menu code
all the weapons and stuff works like it should work. any fixes? didnt had this problem in the 2.5 version.

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Officer_D Author
Officer_D - - 284 comments

It's a GZDoom issue.
GZDoom 4.6.1 or higher will cause your game to crash to console when requesting the store, initiating slow motion or picking up a time freeze.
Due to the developers choice of getting rid of calling console commands from outside the menu.
4.6 is the latest version that will still work with Doom Exp.

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Guest - - 699,630 comments

work w quest z doom? Wondering since youve mentioned it crashing w newer gzdoom..

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Officer_D Author
Officer_D - - 284 comments

No idea what that is, so I wouldn't know.

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Guest - - 699,630 comments

It crashes everytime i glory kill

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Officer_D Author
Officer_D - - 284 comments

I can't help you if you don't report it properly. At least give me the GZDoom version and the crash log.

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R&R - - 168 comments

Latest version of GZdoom 4.7.1
if you summon the store
then try to use the store, the game crashes.

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Officer_D Author
Officer_D - - 284 comments

You can thank Graf for not making his source port backwards compatible and breaking tons of mods. There was a way to call ccmds from scripts and it already didn't allow melicious commands. For some reason he decided to not allow anything at all anymore to be called from the ccmds unless you are doing it manually. To awnser your question, you'll have to use GZdoom 4.6 for it to work.

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Guest - - 699,630 comments

Nice mod with an awesome amount of customization!

Now playing Episode 4 with it, so far worked very well, the "Fix Bugs" in the menu works perfectly too.

There is only one thing i was not able to understand; looks like there is a problem between E2M7(Spawning Vats) and E2M8(Tower of Babel).
I mean, i saved the game next to the Exit in E2M7, most of times i was not able to play E2M8, as it directly skipped to the final screen: "You've done it!".
I had to reload and try many times to make it load E2M8, any clues?
(running with "doom_complete" made with the original files, if this matters).

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Officer_D Author
Officer_D - - 284 comments

Every monster is replaced with a radomspawner which will choose a monster depending on your monster management specifications. It might of just taken too long to choose the boss type or it only accepts og cyberdemons.I never really designed the mod for Doom 1 since it utalizes the additional monsters and ssg. It happens to work with Doom 1 but you might run into minor issues.

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Guest - - 699,630 comments

Is there a way to disable the hud without deleting the .o files so I can still use the store?

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Officer_D Author
Officer_D - - 284 comments

You could replace all the images with an invisible translucent texture.

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Guest - - 699,630 comments

Buddy, i'm getting addicted to the "kill chains", can't stop to reach and spam the "holy sh*t!" comment xD!
What i don't get is why sometimes it stops while i still kill lots of monsters (experience boost from multikills stop as well, is not just the vocal sound).
Looks like it easly stops if you hit many monsters togheter, with SSG and Rocket Launcher barely start and then stop.
Chaingun and Plasma Rifle are probably the best ones to keep the chain active, but soone or later it happens with them too.

Another thing, idk if it intentional, but looks like during "Freeze Time" the player can't hook/climb walls (by spamming "E").

Also, is there a way to lowering the amount of Pyro Demons required to get the "infinite ammo"? Let's say 2-3, the code is pretty complex and i was not able to find it lol.

The mod is well made filled of high quality.

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Officer_D Author
Officer_D - - 284 comments

Currently I have no means to work on the mod, due to my PC being shipped overseas. Once I get my hardware back, I'll be able to look into it. For now there is a newer version available on my discord. I can give you a dl link but the changelogs are listed there.

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Guest - - 699,630 comments

Hey, so i keep getting a divide by zero error? any clue what is causing that?

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Officer_D Author
Officer_D - - 284 comments

What version of GZDoom are you using? The mod is not compatible with versions above 4.6.0

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DoomSlayer. - - 22 comments

Game crashes randomly whenever u open the crate or find something else wth

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Officer_D Author
Officer_D - - 284 comments

Which version of GZDoom are you using?

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ektropion - - 8 comments

i have an issue, i can't switch ammo from the shotgun, i bought the multi shots, then i bought the explosive shots, and now can't switch it back to normal or multishots?

any help is much appreciated <3

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Guest - - 699,630 comments

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Officer_D Author
Officer_D - - 284 comments

The "Ammo Type" keybind is only for switching between certain primary upgrades. You'd have to use the "Change Weapon Mode" keybind to switch the altfire modes.

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Guest - - 699,630 comments

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Guest - - 699,630 comments

Bruh, when i kill 2 zombies with super S, game crashed and i see "Attempt to execute CCMD 'SlowMo' outside of menu code". Help me pls

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Officer_D Author
Officer_D - - 284 comments

You need to use GZDoom 4.6.0
Newer versions of GZDoom don't care about backwards compatibility and have already broken hundreds of mods.

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LuistheDoomMarine - - 182 comments

cant you try to fix it or something

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Officer_D Author
Officer_D - - 284 comments

Fix what?

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duodynamo2 - - 2 comments

Is there any way, or are there any plans to make this mod fully compatible with newer versions of GZDoom (above 4.6.0)? I understand if not, it'd just be more practical.

Either way, this is an amazing mod and I've been having a lot of fun with it. I really hope Graf fixes the backwards compatibility issues.

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Officer_D Author
Officer_D - - 284 comments

This version basically has the store tokens and physical store removed. Also no more random slow motion events.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
duodynamo2 - - 2 comments

Works like a charm. Thanks!

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Guest - - 699,630 comments

uh an state of the zombieman crashes the game

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Officer_D Author
Officer_D - - 284 comments

It's probably slowmo trying to initiate while you are using a recent version of GZDoom. Use the Dropbox link from my previous comment or use GZDoom 4.6 or lower.

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Guest - - 699,630 comments

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erafox - - 15 comments

theres no a chance to make this compatible with others monsters mod like "variedDoom" this mod give points but also can use any monster mod

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Officer_D Author
Officer_D - - 284 comments

Was that a question? I've seen people use custom monster mods along with this.

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erafox - - 15 comments

i check custom monster mods.... simples mods ... dont work.... cant use customs monster or customs weapons after 1.3

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Officer_D Author
Officer_D - - 284 comments

Well obviously custom weapons won't work, because the upgrades affect them specifically. This video shows someone using custom monsters and he is still getting XP for killing them. Youtube.com

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Morter - - 44 comments

Silly question: What exactly ARE "glory points"? When I look them up, I can just see the most recent update about being able to earn them by chainsaw alt kills.

There's a toggle option just called 'Glory Points' but I can't tell what it does whether I have it on or off--in my recent playthrough I turned it on 8 missions in, did some glory kills, and I don't seem to notice a difference. What am I missing?

Great mod. Always fun to come back to.

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Officer_D Author
Officer_D - - 284 comments

With glory point enabled, you will notice numbers displayed at the center of the ability icons e.g. 0/5
It's an option to limit your ability attacks, rather than having an unlimited recharge. So if you have 5/5, that means you can do 5 ability attacks. To get more, you just need to do glory kills. Or if some people disable glory attacks, you can enable the chainsaw alt to give players glory points.

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Guest - - 699,630 comments

"Attempt to execute CCMD 'pukename storeinfo' outside of menu code" it gives me this message when i try to interact with the store, could someone please help ?

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Officer_D Author
Officer_D - - 284 comments

The physical stores don't work with newer versions of GZDoom. There is an updated version on my Discord. No official release but it works.

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Guest - - 699,630 comments

Hi,cool mod but i have a guestion. Where i can find magazine menu?

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Officer_D Author
Officer_D - - 284 comments

There is no magazine menu. I don't know what you are referring to.

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