The next mod in 'The Hell' series. Aimed at just being bigger and badder version of the previous mod in the line.


Full version of "Diablo: The Hell 3" mod. The mod is released, and is playable now.

The Hell 3 mod, v1.017
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Guest - - 699,597 comments

hell yes

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warif - - 94 comments


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Guest - - 699,597 comments

i am currently playing the hell 3 in torment difficulty right now. Its an amazing mod. Heres what i think should improve.
1. Unique items are absolutely trash. Im literally selling all of them
2. Unique or rare items are not dropping very frequently.
3. Im all wearing blue magic items. Because crafting is not great, Akara item enchanting is providing trash result 99% of the time, rare and unique drops are too low and when it drops, its trash.
4. I would like to deposit my gold in the stash.
5. Id like to be able to share some stuff i loot with my alts. Shared stash maybe?
6. Only 1 slot for ability make the gameplay clunky. Why not have left click and right click like diablo 2 or Diablo HD mod ?
7. Golem AI is pretty bad. Make him attack nearest mob ?

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Mordor_XP Author
Mordor_XP - - 576 comments

1. unique items were not added yet for thrid part, only TH2 uniques exist and they fall short right after Doom diff.
2. ok
3. Enchanting also stops at Doom level, im not sure what to do without it yet.
4. dont think it will happen
5. ditto
6. hotkey system was invented just to be able to switch between spells quickly
7. ok, i will check it

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

The path for the treasure map quest does not open.
Is she unfinished?

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Mordor_XP Author
Mordor_XP - - 576 comments

it is in a bugged state right now, check back later. it will be fixed asap

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

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Yuanjin2046 - - 55 comments

Totally agree!!

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

Не запускается, пишет вставьте CD.

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Mordor_XP Author
Mordor_XP - - 576 comments

ну так мод не работает сам по себе.
ему нужна сама игра для работы. иначе не запустится.
где приобрести игру, думаю, сами знаете

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

is it possible to make gamepad support? <3

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Mordor_XP Author
Mordor_XP - - 576 comments

they did add controller support, i think. attach it and the mod will use it.
i dont have one myself, so my knowledge about this is limited

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plazma82 - - 71 comments

this mod is so fun and thank you
is their a way a walk speed adjuster could be added line 20% 30% so on and so forth? And also the left right movement is a tad faster than all other directions.

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rosegun - - 1 comments

Can start to set a right mouse button ordinary attack mode skill icon? You can right-click common attacks

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parovoibuldozer114 - - 1 comments

Hello. I liked your mod, it's addictive. Usually when I like something in games, I talk about the shortcomings of the game, and think of how I could do better.
I went through the first difficulty and tried different classes, mostly melee fighters.

1) Change the experience system.
Experience escalation results in uneven experience gain in the game.
I suggest making the level up fixed. For example, you always need 1000 experience to gain experience.
Levels (dungeons) will be the limiter. The deeper the level, the stronger the mobs. Therefore, in any case, you need to clear the current level in order to advance further.
Experience for mobs is independent of their strength, but varies depending on the strength of the mob at the current level.
For example, you always get 0.5%-1.5% per mob on any level, depending on the strength of the mob. Bosses give the most experience.

2) Remove swift learner.
This skill is too broken and with the current experience system, it is simply necessary for survival in the future.
In addition, this will allow you to balance the characters more correctly, since the experience is always fixed for everyone during the course of the game.
Keep items with affix.

-Star alignment.(Swift learner replacement).
Now it's a perk and not a synergy.
40 levels of development.
Gives +1 to all attributes as a blue bonus.
Butchery/Grace/Negation/Bolster/Here and now!/Ostentation now require Star alignment.

Requires Star alignment.

-Gain attribute.
10 levels of development.
No longer leads to Star alignment.

-Golden suns.
Now gives a percentage of gold mined.

-Silver tongue
Now requires Haggler and Gold fever.

3)Maybe it makes sense to use ice hell cosmetic mod in higher difficulty levels instead of as an option.(purgatory)

4) Remove part of the escalation of skills, but make certain level levels more powerful - that would be an incentive to continue taking the skill.
For example health regeneration:

7) Change the chance of dropping things.
Make unique items more frequent. For example, 1 item per 2 levels.
Weakening the benefits of these items, but making the drop chance more frequent, this greatly diversifies the game.
There are very few affixes in the game.

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

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warif - - 94 comments

Посмотрю, что там наворотили)

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

Is it possible to modify the sound volume ? When i am at the lowest level like 10% (first step after being muted), it is already loud. IS it possible to make this 50% less loud on the first step to the right ?

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Mordor_XP Author
Mordor_XP - - 576 comments


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Guest - - 699,597 comments

I'm trying to execute the program, but an error pops up: "please insert Diablo CD". What can I do to solve this?

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Mordor_XP Author
Mordor_XP - - 576 comments

try asking in discord

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

I have the GOG version, will it work?

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Mordor_XP Author
Mordor_XP - - 576 comments


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Guest - - 699,597 comments

Windows 10, started to report dh3.exe as a Trojan:Win32/Phonzy.B!ml, it was not detecting this in TH3_v0.690, it started with TH3_v0.698
False positive ?

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Mordor_XP Author
Mordor_XP - - 576 comments

it's been doing that since 2022.
add the mod folder to windows exclusions and the problem will discontinue

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traxsatana - - 5 comments

Подскажите пожалуйста в чем разница между Hell 2 и Hell 3 ?

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

Formula for Hp monster is incorrect. At least, in Crucible. Goblins have 4K hp in easy mode, but they must have 24K hp
Crucible: XP * 120 + 40.000
Oops, It's experience formula. My mistake

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solrakmg - - 2 comments

Is there a way to improve the graphics or HD?

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Colorlessnight - - 11 comments

Siege Beast damage display error. The book contains one value, and when called and hovered via alt, it is reduced by 2 times. Even almost 3 times.
Some mobs will not aggro until you get very close in quest locations.

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

Вхожу (к примеру) в Зал Костей и мне отображается соответственная картинка, но на выходе из зала она же, логичнее чтобы отображалась картинка катакомб, ведь я в них возвращаюсь. Сделайте платный второй инвентарь, даже если дорогой, было бы очень удобно.

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

Может сделать новые разновидности камней, чтобы более была очевидна разница с Hell 2? Или заменить некоторые старые виды на новые.

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

Почему убрали вещи на прокачку опыта? Это большая ошибка. После 40 уровня персонажа накрутить опыт получается ужасно медленно.

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Lordic - - 1 comments

Похоже баг нашел. Пошел к кузнецу вставить камень в сокет. Все положил, нажал. Денег у меня было 1282. Пишет мол стоимость 1600. Ну ок вышел. В итоге камень вставлен и ни копейки не забрали.

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

Хорошо бы перк на то чтобы камни встречались чаще...

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

Может сделать Коровий Уровень, как в Diablo 2, раз в Hell 3 стали появляться новые локации? Как раз коровы стоят в Тристраме, просто как элемент дизайна... А так будет еще уровень, игра станет интереснее...

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Mordor_XP Author
Mordor_XP - - 576 comments

это высмеивание игры, а не элемент дизайна. это хоррор, я не хочу превращать его в комедию. то что это сделали в Д2, не отменяет убогости таких решений

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

Очень неудобно, что только 1 ряд для восьми бутылок на поясе. Если бы вверх выдвигалось меню с дополнительным местом под бутылки, допустим только начиная с более-менее крутого пояса, было бы очень хорошо - в бою удобно и инвентарь на захламлять, который желательнее держать для вещей, необходимых в игровом процессе.

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

Как включить сложность после первой? Так и не понял, даже у персонажа 40 уровня следующая сложность в игре недоступна...

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

Нужно убить Убердиабло на 24 уровне.

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

the latest patch contains a trojan in the exe file

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

После обновленного задания "valor" на 5 уровне зачистил оба уровня подземелья. Куда пропала броня?

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kombasha - - 1 comments

Когда будет адекватная генерация монстров?, потому что нереально играть уже на 3й сложности, когда делаешь шаг и сразу 40-50 монстр ин батл. А еще часто стоят 2-3 пачки друг на друге, а еще бывают в разных местах из одной пачки. И магазин у некоторых персонажей слабый, теряет смысл собирать голду, а еще наверное было бы неплохо понерфить Тундр Демонов

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

What about a new game modifier that allows normal monsters to drop unique items? I have been playing for almost 2 years now and this game claims to have thousands of unique items, but I haven't seen hardly any of them. It is pretty annoying.

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Zhlobster - - 1 comments

That's a good one! :)
Am I the only person here who considers the Repair and Telekinesis skills to be useless ones and Seeing and Identify to be imba ones? '^^
I haven't found Educated perk at my Sharpshooter's available perks list and that's a bummer :(

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

>is this installed the same way as TH 2? folder create > diabt.mpq > add these files to it and done or is it added to my existant TH2 folder?

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r154 - - 2 comments

Create separate folder

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Guest - - 699,597 comments

Антивирусное ПО пишет про Trojan:Win32/Wacatac.B!ml в TH3.exe

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r154 - - 2 comments

Проверил Касперским. Угрозы не обнаружены

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