Diablo II Extended Mod adds:

Full version

  • Unused map files made into 8 full of monsters locations in Act V, and restored Den of Evil Level 2,
  • Nearly all Unused (36) and all Guest (17) monsters in base game locations and in new ones from Act V (unused Skeleton Mages are not included),
  • Cut Quill Bears and Evil Wolves in base game locations,
  • 6 Super-uniques in new locations of Act V, based on monster types that didn't have a super-unique and with unused color palettes when possible,
  • Graphical changes like Fetish Blowdart, Mosquito Demon, Siege Beast, Reanimated Horde, Frozen Horror, Abominable variants and Uniques/Super-Uniques having different colors,
  • Enabled Uniques/Champions in areas that had them disabled on Normal difficulty (Canyon of the Magi, Worldstone Keep...)
  • Enabled Goatman monster type idle sounds and Diablo laughs,
  • Lysander from Act II sells miscellaneous, socket and crafted item Horadric Cube recipes,
  • Enabled Kick skill for players, Bestow skill for Greater Mummies,
  • Unused ring/amulet graphic for randomly generated rings/amulets and other small things.

Mod was created on version 1.13c (Original Diablo II: LoD) and is in English language.
BaseMod, PlugY, D2GL wrapper and SGD2FreeRes are included in it.
The mod has these two variants:

  1. Full Version: The main complete version with everything.
  2. Fix Version: Without new maps or monsters, only changes are the various fixes (including graphics and sounds).

It includes optional addons that are installed by placing the addon files on top of the similarly named folders in the mod /data directory.

This mod is the result of my 3 years work.

Installation (for D2SE Mod Manager)

1. Open the Diablo II Extended D2SE.zip file and place the folder in it into Diablo II/MODS directory, if it's not here then create it.
1.2. If it's not the Full-only version then move the Global, Local folders from the zip file into the "data" folder in MODS/Diablo II Extended.
2. Make sure that the D2SE Launcher has -direct -txt enabled.
3. Play.


1. I recommend to backup or copy the game folder. Place the content from "Essential Files" into your Diablo II directory (or a copy of it).
2. Put Global, Local folders into the "data" folder in Diablo directory, if it's not here then create it.
3. Create a shortcut for PlugY.exe and make sure that it has -direct -txt in the properties.
4. Play.

Have fun with my mod!

VixyPlaying - Diablo II Extended

andsimo - D2SE mod version and updating the mod with D2GL wrapper/SGD2FreeRes

devurandom96 - BaseMod

Y. Nicolas - PlugY

bayaraa - D2GL

rnd2k - D2GL adapted for D2SE
Seltsamuel - D2SE
Mir Drualga - SGD2FreeRes

Known Problems

  • Quill Bears don't make their neutral sounds for some reason,
  • A couple of new Super-Uniques (and base game ones) use purple color palettes and 2 shades of red that show properly in-game only if you have the Randtransform.dat file bug fixed (requires hex editing) If you don't have it fixed use the "Super-Unique Alternate Colors" addon for them to look different than the base monsters,
  • New entrances that are not a part of natural maze-level generation tend to disappear from automap if moving locations or using a portal,
  • Last quest shows up in Quest Log when entering new Act V areas, thankfully it's only visual,

Note for modmakers: please don't redistribute this mod and use it privately if you want to merge it with a different mod.

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RSS Articles

Diablo II Extended v1.08e


- Upgraded the new palettes for Act V monsters:
+ Snow Drifter is now like Abominable but without the "icy layer" on it's fur,
+ Chilled Froth is now like Abominable but with it's "icy layer" being the same dark blue as the Frozen Abyss,
+ Frozen Creeper shade is a bit more light compared to the Frozen Terror,
+ Frozen Scourge, Horror and Scorch have their ice progressively more black and white,
+ Gore Bearer now has a red armor with bloody spikes to fit the name better.

Over the monster name is the pre-1.08e color palette while to the right of it is the new one.

Abominable 1.09e color palette changes

Frozen Horror 1.09e color palette changes

Siege Beast 1 09e color palette changes

Diablo II Extended v1.08d

Diablo II Extended v1.08d


Diablo II Extended v1.08d - another small patch for the mod

Diablo II Extended v1.08c

Diablo II Extended v1.08c


Diablo II Extended v1.08c - a small patch changing a couple of things

Diablo II Extended v1.08b

Diablo II Extended v1.08b


Diablo II Extended v1.08b - a big update for the D2SE mod version and a small one for Full Version.

Diablo II Extended v1.08a

Diablo II Extended v1.08a


Diablo II Extended v1.08a - Quill Bears, Evil Wolves and so on.

RSS Files
Diablo II Extended v1.08e (D2SE)

Diablo II Extended v1.08e (D2SE)

Full Version 1 comment

Diablo II Extended Mod v1.08e with all planned features, including two versions: Full and Fix. This is the D2SE version by andsimo.

Diablo II Extended v1.08e (D2SE, Full-only, all Addons)

Diablo II Extended v1.08e (D2SE, Full-only, all Addons)

Full Version

Full version only with all addons enabled. This is the D2SE version by andsimo.

Unused Maps and Presets images

Unused Maps and Presets images


Images of unused maps and map fragments (.bmp format, 856mb size when unpacked)

Diablo II Extended v1.08e (Full-only, all Addons)

Diablo II Extended v1.08e (Full-only, all Addons)

Full Version

This is the Full version only with all addons enabled.

Diablo II Extended v1.08e

Diablo II Extended v1.08e

Full Version

Diablo II Extended Mod v1.08e with all planned features, including two versions: Full and Fix.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 163)
BearAndTheMaidenFair - - 8 comments


I have been referred to You by the creater of the BaseMod, for I have a very particular request, which might be in-line with the spirit of Your mod.

I play Diablo II LoD 1.13 with Pluggy and newly also a little slice of BaseMod. I am basically trying to craft the greatest 'vanilla' D2 experience for myself, and there is but one missing piece.

Act V is, in my estimation, far more ambient and meaningful during normal difficulty, and loses much of its magic when the guest monsters become a thing. The fantasy is broken and it's just skeletons all over again anyway. This is one of the many odd changes of post 1.10 D2, and the only one which truly bothers me.

Would You by any chance be willing to include a new possible feature in your mod, that is the restoration of Act V nightmare and hell difficulties to their pre-1.10 state, but with 1.13 appropriate monster attributes?

If this were possible, and if Your mod allows for individual selection of active components, then I would be able to include this Act V restoration, together with few other features from Your mod (including the unique ring visuals, which I love, or perhaps the unique colors for previously colorless super-uniques), but keep the game intact otherwise - and play the greatest variant of original D2 LoD, that I wish to play.

I know this is a hefty request, but believe me that both I and plenty of other lovers of pre-1.10 D2, who otherwise enjoy most of 1.13 on single-player, would absolutely adore You for bringing the real Act V back!

Best wishes

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VixyPlaying Creator
VixyPlaying - - 68 comments

Sure, Im going to sleep now, but when I will be on the PC, I will try making it as an optional addon.

As for selection of active components, my mod only has options for disabling or enabling the 4 addons that it has right now by overwriting files on the normal versions (all-addons versions already have their files overwritten by all the addon files).

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VixyPlaying Creator
VixyPlaying - - 68 comments

Alright I ran into a problem already: before 1.1.0 the monsters were chosen using a "Basic" and "Unique" table.

The first table worked in the way that the monsters in it appeared on every difficulty as their basic non-Champion/Unique version.
The second table worked in the way that monsters in it also appeared on every difficulty but only as Champions/Uniques.

This brings me to the problem - the game now works by having three different monster tables:
"Normal" - used for basic monsters on Normal difficulty,
"Nightmare/Hell" - used for both basic and Champion/Uniques of these difficulties,
"Normal Champions/Uniques" - used for Champion/Uniques of Normal difficulty.

From what I understand it is possible to create a custom .dll file that would change this behaviour to the original but I don't have any knowledge on the matter of creating such files.

I will make this addon as close as possible to 1.09 but unfortunately the Nightmare/Hell difficulty will just have the basic monsters as Champions/Uniques.

(4/17 update) I included the addon in two .zip files, it's not in the "All-Addons versions" as these are meant to include ones that don't revert or delete anything.

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BearAndTheMaidenFair - - 8 comments

What exactly does it mean that the champ/unique monsters on N/H are the same as the basic ones? They have the same attributes as if they weren't champ/unique at all? They look the same? Or they still use the guest monsters?

Regardless, I wish to thank You so much for Your willingness.

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VixyPlaying Creator
VixyPlaying - - 68 comments

Before 1.10 there was a Unique monster roster that was separate from the Basic monster roster.

Monsters from the Basic list appeared on every difficulty but never as Champions/Uniques.
While the monsters from the Unique list also appeared on every difficulty but always as Champions/Uniques. The Act V areas often had different monsters in both lists.

After 1.10 it works the same way but only for Normal Difficulty. The Nightmare/Hell difficulties have just one list for monsters that makes them appear as both basic monsters and Champion/Unique ones.

Which means that I couldn't make it so that there are different Champion/Unique monsters from the basic ones like it was before 1.10 (for example Frozen Horror as a basic monster only and a Snow Yeti exclusively as Champion/Unique in an area) as it requires code editing and the knowledge of making custom .dll files.

No problem, though it's unfortune that I couldn't replicate the old monster spawning behaviour as it requires a different kind of modding.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
BearAndTheMaidenFair - - 8 comments

Now I understand precisely.

It's quite a pity, seeing how cool it is, that the Crystalline Passage is filled with the Frozen Creepers, Succubi and Frenzy-taurs, but the entrance to the Frozen River is suddenly guarded by a champion pack of Snow Drifters.

I will beg other creators and perhaps procure that .dll somewhere.

Nevertheless, I want to thank You so very much. Thanks to Your mod, I have already figured out how to fix the randtransform bug, then I have used Your palette files and Your unique-unique jewellery, and now my Diablo is in full colour!

I'm also using every single add-on from Your mod's fix variant, other than the super-unique recolours (no longer necessary) and the Summoner buff (Blood Raven, Nihlathak etc. are also 'bare').

I've even transitioned from ddraw to glide and installed 'IndirectSound' emulator, and now the game looks and sounds beyond gorgeous. Diablo II is still unsurpassed in my heart, to this very day, and You've helped to cement that even further.

Again, thank You.

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VixyPlaying Creator
VixyPlaying - - 68 comments

It's possible that the Diablo II developers did it unintentionally, they made a new monster table for Nightmare/Hell so that Guest Monsters appear as both basic and Champion/Unique monsters, but this resulted in the exclusively Champion/Unique monster table working only on Normal difficulty.

Aside of Act V the change also affected the Unique Balrogs from Outer Steppes of Act IV, and the Unique Undead Stygian Dolls in Durance of Hate Level 3, making them appear only on Normal difficulty.

I always though that the Blood Raven, The Summoner and Nihlathak are too easy as bosses (aside of Hell difficulty, barring The Summoner). Though in the files only The Summoner has a stronger version that uses Extra Strong/Extra Fast and extra modifiers depending on difficulty.

I was also amazed how the original Diablo II can be "upgraded" to run and look so much better. It improved the gameplay so much for me. Anyway, Im happy to hear about the randtransform bug being fixed and so on. Good luck with the .dll file.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
devurandom96 - - 427 comments

Is this newer 1.10 monster table created in memory only from the monstats files?

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VixyPlaying Creator
VixyPlaying - - 68 comments

Mostly? I know that after 1.10 the game uses the txt file columns in this way: "mon" column is for basic monsters on Normal difficulty, "nmon" for basic and Champion/Unique monsters on Nightmare/Hell, and "umon" for Champion/Unique monsters on Normal.

Im sure that by changing something in one of the .dll files the game behaviour can be switched to keep using "umon" fields in Nightmare and Hell too, but then the basic monsters/guests exclusive to Nightmare/Hell won't appear in Champion/Unique form, so that's another problem.

I think the best way would be if the game would still use "nmon" for basic and unique monsters on NM/H and additionally keep using "umon" for every difficulty, though Im not sure if it's feasible at all as these two monster tables would probably have conflicts if overlapped in the spawning of Champions/Uniques.

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DoubtFuLMind - - 106 comments

This mod constantly errors.

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VixyPlaying Creator
VixyPlaying - - 68 comments

This message isn't telling me anything and nobody said anything about errors since 4 months.

If you are sure that you did everything correctly in the instructions then tell me what message appears when it errors.

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DoubtFuLMind - - 106 comments

Upon entering Cave 1, my game/screen freezes.
And i have run the *Diablo2_DefaultGamma (Run me if u have blackscreen)*

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VixyPlaying Creator
VixyPlaying - - 68 comments

There can be a lot of different problems causing this.
Which of the four zip files did you download?

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DoubtFuLMind - - 106 comments

Diablo II Extended v1.08d (D2SE, Full-only, all Addons)

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VixyPlaying Creator
VixyPlaying - - 68 comments

I downloaded the zip to another folder, made sure that the -direct, -txt is enabled on D2SE.
Then I first completed the Den of Evil, closed the game and gone to the Cave Level 1. After this I completed Den of Evil on another new character and gone to the Cave Level 1 without exiting the game.
Sorry but it works for me so no idea what makes it crash for you.

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DoubtFuLMind - - 106 comments

-direct and -txt enabled when u lunch D2SE? or inside the D2SE_SETUP.ini?
Nvm i did it. TY.
I know the name itself implies but the mods goal but is it possible to add a small description with the most important changes of the mod? Like: How many new uniques/sets? any changes to base items?

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VixyPlaying Creator
VixyPlaying - - 68 comments

Well the description on this page already lists the biggest things that this mod changes.

There are no new Unique items/sets or changes to items as this mod is intended to not shift the balance, or the item hunting of the game. The only item changes are the unique Ring/Amulet graphics and also the unused Ring/Amulet graphics appearing in-game.

However the unused Black Soul variant of the Willowisps are in the Chaos Sanctuary which makes this place more difficult but I don't have any other place to place them in.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
DoubtFuLMind - - 106 comments

Ok but compare to vanilla mini bosses/bosses do a lot more dmg (i like it btw). So i guess u increased the difficulty.
Ok Thank you.

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VixyPlaying Creator
VixyPlaying - - 68 comments

Nope. I only gave statistics to the Quill Bears, Evil Wolves and made the 6 new Super-Uniques in randomly appearing Act V locations. Everything else has it's statistics unchanged.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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