Dark Alliance tries to offers you an unique gameplay, and story. Some of what Dark Alliance offers is listed down here. Completely new skillsystem (no information about that is added yet to the website), A lot of new monsters (many old diablo1 monsters will make a comeback), New variation of monsters: New monster classes are added, new monster abilities, and monsters wears its own equippment, Extended world: You will play three different campaigns (each campaign contains 5 chapter each with total of 15 chapters), each chapter has added a lot of new overground & underground areas, the two other campaigns will have a completely new story, New subquest system: You are able to get new quests that are additional to the Main quests. You get this quest even randomly. Each class has its own Book of Story that keeps important events and current quests and more...


A small bug patch is released that fix a major crash issue.

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