Fight in some of the galaxies most crucial conflicts outside the main saga. Reign of the Old & New Republic.

Report RSS Update Part 2: Reign of the Old Republic v3.0.0

Part 2 of an overview of the additions that have been made to the sides & overall structure of the mod.

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Update Part 2: Reign of the Old Republic


v3.0.0 by yeyos300

Very excited to announce the next update! There is a decent amount of new content so updates will be highlighted in separate articles.

Part 1: Vehicles
Part 2: Sides
Part 3: Space & Galactic Conquest

Infantry Units

A brand new unit was added to every single side! Along with that, weapon and unit diversification also became a goal. The weapon loadout of some units have now changed as well. The intention is to have all units from a single faction have unique aspects.

  • Advanced Blaster: triple shot blaster (similar to the award rifle)
  • Blaster Carbine: powerful single shot blaster
  • Star blades: A deadly barrage of blades (Essentially Ventress DLC weapon)
  • Thermal imploder: "Sun like" explosion good for vehicles and will send units flying

imploder vehicle



  • New variant!

trooper 6

  • Officer is now equipped with an advanced blaster, sniper rifle, & thermal imploder
    • Remote droid (now mini pseudo class)
      • Increased health & weapons: blaster & shock arm
      • No longer self destructs!
      • Switching weapons as the droid will return you to the main class
      • Use ability again to return to the remote droid if not destroyed

remote droid2
remote droid

  • Captain NEW!
    • 4 variants
    • blaster carbine, rocket blaster, remote droid, & thermal imploders



  • War Droid
    • Advanced blaster & anti armor mortar
    • Star blades NEW!

weapon starblades

  • Bounty Hunter
    • Regular blaster rifle, advanced blaster, OR blaster carbine
    • Sniper rifle
    • Vibroblade, Vibroblades, or Vibroclaws NEW!
    • Be the most ruthless mercenaries in the galaxy!

vibroblade windup
vibroblade hit
v3 0 0 showcase3
v3 0 0 showcase7

  • Field Officer NEW!
    • Two variants
    • Blaster carbine, rocket blaster, & thermal imploders

sith admiral



  • Vanguard has a new model

new vanguard

  • Agent is now equipped with an advanced blaster, sniper rifle, remote droid, & thermal imploder
  • Captain NEW!
    • Stole the vanguards look
    • Blaster carbine & rocket blaster
    • Vibroblade NEW!

captain jcw2


  • War Droid
    • Rocket blaster, sniper rifle, & regular blaster
    • Star blades NEW!
  • Commando
    • Advanced blaster, anti armor mortar, & thermal imploders
  • Field Officer NEW!
    • Blaster carbine, rocket blaster, & thermal imploders

sith field officer

Force Units

There will only be two force units on every team and they are now randomized. The first unit (Jedi Knight & Sith Warrior) will always have a single blade. The second unit (Jedi Protector & Sith Marauder) is a dual wield unit, i.e., double blade or two blades.

  • Single blade units now have slightly varying attack animations
    • "Anakin" idle (saber by torso held with two hands)
    • "Cal" idle (saber behind unit held with one hand, other hand is in front)
    • Tentacle idle (for units with long ears or lekku) is rare
  • Each varying animation will now have a third force ability
    • Force suspend
    • Saber throw
    • Force Energy NEW!
      • Shoots a concentrated ball of force energy
      • (Essentially Kit Fisto's force orb from the DLC)

force energyy
force energyy impact

  • Original sprint animations have been buffed so they are much more deadly
  • Just like the jump attacks, a second sprint attack was added to all units

sprint force attack

  • Remember that you can charge force push, pull, & lightning to deliver a devastating blow to the enemy

force push

  • Single blade units can perform a secret combo


  • Jace Malcom has a new model
  • Republic Special Forces (GGW) NEW!
  • Darth Vindican (GGW) NEW!


  • Fixed voice overs. Male and female voices now come from appropriate models.
  • Localization in other languages
  • Award weapon bug fix

Stay tuned and Happy Holidays!


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LordVaderLumiya - - 242 comments

This is badass! :D

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loulou76100 - - 466 comments


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Rookie102030 - - 1 comments

This seems to be coming along very nicely! When do you think this update will be out in a general estimate? That way I can keep an eye out around that time! If you don't mind me asking that is. Either way, keep up the GREAT work!

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yeyos300 Author
yeyos300 - - 68 comments

I would say relatively early 2024. I need to finish vehicle/star fighter weapons/sounds and we are still working on space and galactic conquest. I wish to include everything in this next release

Reply Good karma+3 votes
LaPlantaMichay - - 1 comments

This looks sick!
Do you have a discord server or something where you post updates?

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yeyos300 Author
yeyos300 - - 68 comments

Not as of now but I am currently setting one up and will post a link in the near future

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AshBones - - 4 comments

My mouth is actually watering. I can't wait.

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FeistyFordo - - 51 comments


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bewarethepugs - - 6 comments

Man the tempo with these updates, all the customized animations never done to this degree or this beautifully by any modder (to my knowledge) and the close feedback with the community(not only on the discord but also here on moddb). I salute u once more dear modder.

Sidenote: Since you don't mind mixing different era heroes, would it be possible to use a starkiller sith stalker armor model for the dual weilding sith unit? I mean, if you havent already done so. Exams dont allow me to game atm so havent had time to thouroughly explore the latest updates.

Cheers keep up the good work!

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yeyos300 Author
yeyos300 - - 68 comments

I'll be sure to make the starkiller model a dual wielding unit as well!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
bewarethepugs - - 6 comments

Thanks alot! This mod is genuinly my most anticipated games rn

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Drakov64 - - 337 comments

After spamming the mod for dozens of hours now (yes)
AND deactivating the reward weapons so I could switch (curious I waited this long eh ?)

Diversification in units felt greatly needed !

I wondered, would the KOTOR's Republic's Vanguard be reworked in the future ? I mean, the Katarn armor Republic soldier from TOR with the chaingun is cool, but KOTOR's feels...outta place ^^'
About these units, it's just my opinion eh, but...they're not really to play as or against.
They feel unintuitive, the chaingun is very powerful with a very low capacity clip. But, there is also a time to spin the cannon before it actually fires, so, you don't have many bullets before reloading, but you don't want to waste your bullets missing your target, although the chaingun's role is generally to provide cover fire.
Just my feeling again, nothing to ruin the game or anything !

Also, about Force users, I see you'll change that. So, all 4 Force users on the battlefield will have different combos now ? I admit, I don't understand the combo system of the mod completely yet ^^'
It feels great, but redundant on all units. Mixing it with classic combos (Mauls, Ani's, Vader's for Malgus maybe ?) may be a good idea.
Same with Force powers, maybe changing Force powers for all units, including Heroes, to make them feel unique would be cooler !
Same would go for the hero Force using units, as they just all have all Force powers. It makes them really powerful, but less unique between each.

Gun wielding heroes could use a change too. Right now the Moff and the Elite Sith have the same equipment. While it's very versatile, they deal low damage with the main weapon (blaster carbine), although they should have a better DPS to maintain their healthbar high. Making such a versatile equipment is great idea, keeping this low DPS, but one may use a much more agressive, although less versatile equipment to make it more unique.

In fact, the diversification issue is the only one I've seen so far, and most of it will be addressed in the next release, it's pretty much a perfect shot for a first mod ! (it's your one right?)

Now, I'll be redundant myself but...if figure out how to add astromech for both Republics and war droids for both Empires as independant classes...
I don't know. I will do something, but I don't know what. Yet.

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