Fight in some of the galaxies most crucial conflicts outside the main saga. Reign of the Old & New Republic.


Release v2.1.0 which adds two new eras to all stock maps & ~20 maps made by the community! Protect the Old Republic alongside it's Jedi defenders or tear it down with the menacing Sith Empire and it's infamous Sith.

Reign of the Old Republic v2.1.0 (Outdated)
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Guest - - 699,955 comments

will this be compatible with 1.5 graphics?

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yeyos300 Author
yeyos300 - - 68 comments

Yes it should be. If you happen to run into trouble, I will happily help you figure out what is wrong

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loulou76100 - - 467 comments

Feedback :
- every republic trooper has a female voice, as far as I've seen
- the rigging on some torsos is a bit weird, especially on some GGW Republic troopers and women's breasts in JCW
- hunt mode on Mustafar is kinda broken, since the heroes team keeps scoring points despite not killing the enemy (I think they are killing each other but I'm not sure)

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yeyos300 Author
yeyos300 - - 68 comments

Sound is difficult to work with in BFII, but I am definitely going to continue attempting to fix those errors. I think some troopers have Han's voice lines as well.

I was having trouble scripting on Mustafar, may just move that mission to an entirely different planet.

Thanks for the feedback!

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LordVaderLumiya - - 250 comments

Damn, that is amazing.

Sadly, not localised! :(And another sad thing, at least for me, having Heroes as standard units takes away from the Mod being authentic imo.

I dunno how possible it is to make a version where heroes are normal? Like, not having "two" heroes.

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yeyos300 Author
yeyos300 - - 68 comments

Ah thank you! I have only localized in English so far

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LordVaderLumiya - - 250 comments

All good! :D
Thanks for creating such a great mod!

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LordVaderLumiya - - 250 comments

Or, to phrase it better, having as the Saber-unit not heroes, like on Malachor you have both Sion and Traya; that is what I mean :)

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yeyos300 Author
yeyos300 - - 68 comments

oh yes! I have only done this on two mission I believe. If I am not mistaken in one of the KotOR games the Jedi Exile fights the Sith Triumvirate on Malachor. Just a little nod to the source material!

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LordVaderLumiya - - 250 comments

Ah, makes sense! Still, having on other maps multiple Darth Phobos running around is a bit strange XD

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LordVaderLumiya - - 250 comments

Also, no hero on Coruscant?

Sorry for all the comments, I really like the mod XD

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yeyos300 Author
yeyos300 - - 68 comments

No please! all feedback is welcome! Which era and side seem to have the problem?

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LordVaderLumiya - - 250 comments

It was on the Empire side :)

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LordVaderLumiya - - 250 comments

Havin multiple Darth Phobos walking around is also a bit strange :)

But, don't think that I mean anything in a bad way; I absolutly love the mod and the work you put into it! :)

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RainPain478 - - 11 comments

Yeyos, you have created a fantastic mod. I've been looking for a mod like this from the old republic for so long! I'm enjoying it a lot!

I have sent you a private message with all the problems I have found in case you want to make arrangements. Most of them are from the Jedi Civil War. There are two or three that are annoying like Coruscant, Tantive IV and Svolten.

You have done a magnificent job, you can feel very proud of it. The movements of the saber units and the heroes are great with those pirouettes they do in the air. I have also found few errors in the sound but in general it works really well.

Amazing mod friend, keep it up. Looking forward to seeing how you surprise me with the other mods ;)

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yeyos300 Author
yeyos300 - - 68 comments

Thank you for your kind words! I have noted all the problems you encountered and will update the mod accordingly

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bewarethepugs - - 6 comments

Some feedback from a fan:

Let me start by saying you are a god when it comes to custom lightsaber moves. From what i can see you've added even more sprint attack finishers than in the the 1.0 update and that cant be commended enough. Seeing booth ventress moves and kit fisto melee as well as alternate jump attacks is almost unheard of now a days, and to the degree you have done it, applause mate! I also personally apretiate the custom overpowered force powers(these jedi and sith lords should be this powerful so it is only right). Its also wonderful to see all these bad *** legends old republic characters with a huge variety get the love they deserve.

Now to my personal critiques. I would have much rather seen all these fun to play heroes with custom moves spread out over all the different maps, instead of the same moves on every tier 1, 2, 3 hero. If all of them have the same moves/abilities, none of them feel that unique anymore sadly. Every tier you have made has varied moves enough to be an exclusive unlockable hero for different maps. Lets say tier 3 malgus unluckable hero exclusive on mygeeto, tier 1 on kashyyk, etc etc.

Another thing would be to decrease the number of lightsaber infantry to 1, and then have 1 lightsaber unit as an unlockable hero, with increased health so they can last longer against infantry. As it stands now, the map is too overcrowded with lightsaber heroes and for me personally, that kills the power fantasy as a sith/jedi im looking for. I'm not sure how it would be done, i can only think of ansem darkseer who managed to increase the hero health somehow.

So to sum it up: Decrease lightsaber infantry to 1 + 1 unlockable hero, and spread them out over different maps, make them more durable.

Don't get me wrong, you have built something incredible here. I'm only being critical(and maybe a bit greedy) asking for changes since this mod has qualities i want the most, and cant really find anywhere else. Either way keep up the great work, looking forward to the future of this mod.

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yeyos300 Author
yeyos300 - - 68 comments

Thank you for the feedback and kind words! I will take your suggestions into account

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Drakov64 - - 337 comments

I had posted a long comment days ago, but it turns out I didn't pay attention, I wasn't logged in...

I just said everything be cool.

Custom lightsaber sounds and combos are a winning move, mod of the year just thank to that.

I also said that most of the my points on the comment section of the previous version of the mode were fixed :D I don't know if it is because I was read or it was planned anyway, but I love it :D

Also, custom weapons and sounds for most units is a winning move too, it gives both eras their own identities while keeping the vanilla game's identity too, and that's a mod of the year again.

I see spact battles are going to happen, and, for God's sake, I can't wait !

Now...just a few points :

-I rarely see these in mods, but custom musics based on each eras would be so cool, like the main, vanilla game ! I may be asking to much for such a detail but...y'know, here it is.

-Still missing ground vehicles. It's not a bad point I'm pointing out, I know the mod is being worked on a lot, but now I'm wondering : are there even any armed ground vehicles in both KOTOR and TOR eras ? Because on big maps like Geonosis, Tatooine Dune Sea and Hoth, it's REALLY lacking. While starfighters may be added with a space battles update, attack ground vehicles may not even exist, so...

-A small inconvenience : Tusken allies on Mos Eisley, either BF1 marvel's version and vanilla version are taking way too many spots from republic troops, and it makes the battle much more difficult for the Republic. The AI sucks ***** enough already, and now keeping command posts with 2/3 of the republic AI gone is a pain.

-Not a bad point, more a suggestion : T3 units for KOTOR Republic side and droideka like war droids for TOR Empire side would bring much diversity to both sides. I really enjoyed playing as T3-M4 from Convo pack Kotor era. If ever this may become a reality...^^

-One last thing : I think I read somewhere that you're working on other era mods, like post ROTJ era ? Is that true, or did I dream it ?

Here's for my post.

Once again, it's mod of the year for me. Sure I won't play the game again without it, it completes the base game really well with both eras and without changing the main game's elements. All changes just give both eras their own identity like both other eras have (sounds, classes, heroes...) and you do it great.

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yeyos300 Author
yeyos300 - - 68 comments

I am glad you enjoy the mod! Your feedback on the previous version was really helpful so thank you for that.

After initial due diligence, vehicles can only be added to stock maps and MAYBE some custom maps. I have found plenty of assets that would certainly enrich the experience.

v2.1.0 sees the Tuskens removed from Mos Eisley maps

Not sure if a T3 unit asset was ever made public. Try checking out the remote T7 droid equipped by the republic officer and republic agent. I may increase the health and blaster damage so that it is not destroyed as easily. I could retry skinning a stock droideka, I have seen that before in another mod set in this era.

A post ROTJ era is a work in progress currently! I have found a decent amount of models I like but still need to format and maybe retexture some for a more holistic experience. Using feedback and experience with Reign of the OLD Republic in order to craft a Reign of the NEW Republic!

Thanks for being a supporter (-:

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Drakov64 - - 337 comments

Ok so my comment was read, this was no coincidence ^^ And yes, I LOVE it, there is so much work in it, many details give it an identity...It's just great, what else ? ^^

Assets ? Can we have a glimpse? :) And...damn I hope that that "maybe" means, we MAY have some for Rhen Var Harbor, Tatooine Dune Sea and Geonosis Spire :s

Ohh I understand, I thought it was installed, but it's the 2.0 that I have ^^ ok I'll update my install :)

Ah yes, the convo pack T3 wasn't made public...Teancum didn't publish these droid units yet ?

Well, for this either, I can't wait ! I love legends canon, I grew up with it for 25 years (yeah I'm an old kid :D ) and love to see it playable on one of the greatest Star Wars games.
Then...if Legacy/Yuuzhan Vong eras ever come to the table...Mmhh :3

You're welcome. And thank you for providing the community for such quality content

May the Force be with you.

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CosmonautStin - - 2 comments

Hi this may be a silly question but does this work on a jailbroken ps3? I’m very new to modding (literally 2 days) so I am still learning. Any help is greatly appreciated

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yeyos300 Author
yeyos300 - - 68 comments

Hello! to the extent of my knowledge, this mod is only compatible with PC versions of the game

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CosmonautStin - - 2 comments

Got it :( thanks for your help!

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Guest - - 699,955 comments

Magnificent mod. One of the best i have tried.

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yeyos300 Author
yeyos300 - - 68 comments

Thank you (-:

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Red_Returns - - 9 comments

An absolute improvement on the already amazing first version. Lightsaber units are PERFECT-custom animations are incredible and force moves are really fun to use. Infantry units are also very well made, nice outfits with the new update. so far only bug i found is some weapons still dont switch back to primary after changing to secondary, probably something to do with award weapons. Other than that, very great mod with some of the best Jedi units i have seen in mods

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yeyos300 Author
yeyos300 - - 68 comments

I appreciate your compliments! I worked hard on the force units.

Yes, it is likely freezes come from an award weapon bug. Do not worry! That will be fixed in the next update

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Guest - - 699,955 comments

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Paul1232 - - 30 comments

Wait, is this a new one? I remember a mod like this WAY back in the day on Filefront, I think.

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Guest - - 699,955 comments

I would love to have Space battles in the future

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JediMasterNicolas - - 126 comments

I 2nd this

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yeyos300 Author
yeyos300 - - 68 comments


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AshBones - - 4 comments

Will you ever add the Mandalorian Wars/ Hunt mode for Republic Vs Neo-Crusaders? The Mandalorian wars was my favorite Era

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yeyos300 Author
yeyos300 - - 68 comments

yes! I will shift focus on Reign of the New Republic once v3.0.0 is released but I do plan on doing a smaller "DLC" release with Mandalorian Wars and Knights of the Eternal Empire content in the future.

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JediMasterNicolas - - 126 comments

it would be interesting if we saw some SWTOR planets like Voss, etc, regarding maps

wishing somebody would make it happen

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nosequecosaes - - 1 comments

There's a bug involving the award weapons. When you get them, if you switch, the basic weapon gets deleted and you don't get any award ones, and if both primaries become award weapons, they crash the game if you switch.

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FuzzyOtterPaws - - 17 comments

I made a new account in game just to play with mods just because award weapons and mod weapons don't mix well haha😂

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SSJ_Dre - - 6 comments

Hi. I downloaded the mod and installed it accordingly, but the game crashes upon trying to start up. I'm assuming it's because this mod is incompatible with some other mod I already have on my game, but if not, do you have a fix for this?

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yeyos300 Author
yeyos300 - - 68 comments

Hmmm it should work just fine with other mods. Send me a message on discord and I can help you see what is wrong.

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