A full Realism overhaul of Total war Three kingdoms.


[Working with new DLC, "Not a requirement" beta patch] [Do not use with any Beta updates "Unless i say so" as I wont be patching for most beta's

Invis All In One [Totalwar 3kingdoms Realism] *Updated 12th Aug*
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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

[Update - 11th]

Settled on a "Neutural" stat change for character skills.

:Lu bu is somewhat un-effected- but the more ****** he gets, the less melee defense he has.

-Still trying to find a way to remove the "Splash attacks" for all generals on romance mode.

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

Once unit editing is in place I aim to fully redo- generals and units to add detail and depth to them.

- Expect them asap as unit model tools are released

Desperate to get rid of these ****** blue/red/purple/yellow crap uniforms...

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments


after making all research units available from go- I've decided to limit each unit to individual factions "That would use those units"

aka- cavalry
melle- archers- crossbows etc etc -

Caa cao - Heavy cavalry and heavy crossbowmen.
Lui bei/ lui family Melee focus,Militia, Archers
Sun family - Lightweight units and archers

full list and pictures coming --

Total rework. "Will effec your game massively"

Full army composition rework -

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

[Does not work in custom battles "Yet] Camp only-

*SAVE COMPATIBLE* -Total rework of unit's for each factions.

Cao cao [exclusive heavycrossbow] heavy cavalry +mercs + yuan shu/you units + raider units from west

Luibei - some yellow turban units +merc+ a massive array of archers. + Liu family units + exclusive repeaters.

Wu- exclusive repeaters. [MAY ADD SOME MORE LIGHT UNTIS]

YUAN- Given his brothers units. + mercs -Exsclusive heavy cav

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

[UPDATE] 14th june-

-Added Xiliang cavalry to SHU/WU

-More infantry to WU

-Added merc/bandits/ some infantry to Daddy Dong

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

[UPDATE] 17th june -

* Re buffed some skills- Zhou yun - and removed strategist buff of -80 armor and couple other missed things.

-Sorted some other skills alittle-

[Gameplay/ army changes] -army recruitment

All units no longer are recruitable by elemental type- aka metal-wood-water

so -> ""All units can be recruited by any general, for any army. ""
Strategists can now recruit elite spearmen- vice versa ect ect.

[Was always pretty dumb that] -Never understood the logic - unless ofc it creates giant mob armies of spam units. - "IF this happens i will revert the units back to vanilla elements"

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

[Incoming update to campaign]

After much fiddling with stats, I will release a separate "Patch" that can be used with/ without my changes to units, as i no doubt people would like to choose themselves as to wheater they wish to use these changes.

"It mainly focuses on"
:more officers for administration
:more detail on spy's
:general life -

-Wont be released for awhile yet as I'm still tweaking it for each stage of gameplay->

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

[Update live]

Brings with it, full changes to units and tweeks to campaign

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

[Update] comming -

I have found the color pallet of all units =)

-Changes incoming- Problem being- "Editing all shu units green insted of yellow.

-removing the weird purple from yuan elite units-

-Removing the crap colors of generals- to more historically accurate garment colors.

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

[WORKING] update live in a hour.

Removed dumb colours for generals- aka - "blue-green-yellow- red"

Now replaced with faction colours.

-Final testing-


also removed some unit's non faction colouring.

"Looks mutch better" will update asap.

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments


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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

[Incoming faction reskin- in next 20 mins

[Lui bei to green]
[Cao cao to Blue]
[Sun jian to Red]

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

Cao cao's vanilla Red uniform --> Goes to Sun jian [Wu faction]

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

Kong rong's blue to Cao cao [wei]

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

[will tweek cao cao to be a little darker and lui bei a little darker green tomorrow-

-"Realistically though" most armies were the same colour and were only separated by different armor styles and flags.

So- i'm going for the middle ground here. -Why lui bei was yellow default god knows...

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

..Realistically Cao cao- "Like most" mainly wore black. aka - Dong style
I think il make stick to the green/blue and red, but il darken the blue and green more. /Make it alittle more opaque...

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KKarlsoNN - - 46 comments

Thanks for working on this, haven't gotten the game yet, waiting for more work to be done on the A.I.. I will be checking here every day. Looks like this is the biggest mod so far, from my searching anyways. You got discord set up?

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

yeah so far the ai are pretty meh at best- I'm hoping the blood dlc will add better animations and by the look of it "It will"

and yeah I do but it's not strictly for "Modding" - More of a discord for me, family- mates etc

-I Am trying to stay away from uploading edits to the main mechanics for the mod so when radious gets his thing going wont overlap with his work "aside the realism on the unit side" But I have made the edits for myself, but not put them with the mod yet as I am trying to focus on the battles/gameplay side of things and feels, leaving room for people to have custom camp settings/ other mods running parallel.

Time will tell, but I might need to separate "Realism" and "hardcore romance versions down the line" It's easy enough to do.

-Once steam workshop is up, il be uploading anyway.

-Right now this mod only covers about 70% of what I've changed for myself- the rest is edits that would almost 100% conflict with anyone else's mod.

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

Think il apply a neutral overlap faction colour scheme for all factions aside wu-wei and shu/yuan/ yellow turban.

Everyone else to my knowledge all used roughly the same colors

-will play about with colours till I find 3 that I like and then apply them based on region of china.

Most likely or "Common colour" was-grey/black/browns"
will do alittle research again first then decide.

"Hard to find" but i want to folow the realism trend ->

-will be updated tonight most likly-

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments


I am now working on buffing the spawn chance of items and trying to edit the armor codes so that vanguards can wear heavy armor insted of this terrible looking leather crap with bowl hat.

- ontop of that I have found the hardcode for item loot and will be buffing this asap. -

"If i can create a situation were you get loot alot more commonly- it solves the problem of such slow weapon/armor items being found. ^ Testing this now^

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Guest - - 699,828 comments

Not working.
Crash in start up.

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

yeah that was because of a bad edit to 1 line when I was editing loot amounts-

Happend to me too. Fixed now.

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Guest - - 699,828 comments

using Invis_AllInOne_Totalwar_3kingdoms_Realism.15

still same issye

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

Was Campaign_variables- it somehow disabled itself in the file while I was playing about with loot. Just re-uploaded should be fixed- say if it is still not working. Cheers

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Guest - - 699,828 comments

using Invis_AllInOne_Totalwar_3kingdoms_Realism.16
Same issue.

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

I'm not getting any crash on startup, just tried it myself.

Do you mean battle? or game load or?

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Guest - - 699,828 comments

Game load

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

are you using any other mod?
and correctly installed etc?

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Guest - - 699,828 comments

Yes, using Radious. But I delete his file and using only yours. But maybe because I'm using game beta version ?!

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

Yeah do not use the beta as it's unstable and i have no way of knowing what is conflicting..as for Radious, It will always conflict with my work over unit's and stats/features because he goes for casual gameplay over realism and I go for realism over casual gameplay as I like the game to be as hard, but as realistic as possible-I dont get a kick from winning easy, but when I win hard- I expect a reward. ...It's why I usually use his work myself, but over-paste my changes and run that as my current game. [But that's my private mods] not what I upload -if you get me.

My mods are usually made to overlap other peoples work and add a hardcore spin on the overall gameplay. I usualy leave the money and other things that effect Camp difficulty as we all have different preferences to how hard we want the campaign. I find radious too easy myself so I often edit his work massively before I use it.

Most of us fall into the "Casual player" or "Hardcore"
and I always focus on battles primarily as I dont really give a **** about the story/ plot, just the pleasure of fighting and everything associated with it.

-I would rather have one or two epic 20-40k battles that decides the fate of multiple settlements, than multiple smaller skirmishes that have little to 0 outcome on capturing a city or region- given the state of settlement garrisons currently being crap to say the least-

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Guest - - 699,828 comments

Yes, I always prefer realism and hardcore. I conquer all china in 100 turns with Radious mod.

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

With radious currently, it's just a spam army fest- great if you like constant action, but I like serious consequences to loosing my main army and being limited to a few "Huge" armies moving around - "Like they really did"


Downside is- you cant play this way without a good pc. -
but you can sorta get half way with a alright pc.

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Guest - - 699,828 comments

I'm using beta version

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

I'm not- So there might be your issue.
[Will be my issue once the game updates too eh ;)]

-Until it does I have no clue whats causing it, but if it's a crash most likely will mean they have changed the coding that I've edited somewhere in my mod.

"Usually means camp variables or something else" -I wont be able to fix it, or find the cause until they update it or someone finds what edit is causing it.

"This is why i dont edit anything thats in beta" - 7 days to die editing drove me up the wall with their constant updates so much i only ever update stable versions lol.

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

changed my mod description to highlight this issue, thanks for pointing it out and the forewarning.

-You will want to revert to stable then for the time being.

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Guest - - 699,828 comments

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments


games been updated- haven't tested yet to see if still works as i was playing this morning, before update was released.

- only thing I suspect caused the "beta" crash was related to this ->

•Babies are now more likely to be born from marriages asI edited "Camp_variables" Which this falls under- Will copy paste the new patch one into the mod and see if this fixes- if not- trial and error and could take alot longer to find the cause of any issues.

will update the mod when all is working again - untill then "Disable encase" - but i'm yet to confirm it is no longer working my end.

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Guest - - 699,828 comments

Thanks. Which better, Record mod or Romance mod?!! I mean base in your mod.

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

this makes romance,abit more drawn out and battles more gutsy. makes records mode more brutal -

"Until the blood update things wont go full hardcore and I can start working on that side of things too. -animaation edits and unit changes until l the mod tools come out.

"Unit editor etc" dont get me wrong,I can copy paste unit styles onto other units and make new units, but whats the point if they are not historically accurate and serve a purpose or change battle dynamic

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

"If it's the unit changes" - or some other dumb thing, id have to remake that part of the mod from scratch using new code- could take awhile as I spend a couple weeks perfecting this to how I wanted it -

-Currently 6 mins until the download is done for the new patch-Then I can start looking for the problem via- elimination.

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

Not good- wasn't in the camp variables- just tested- May be units or projectiles... testing now

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

Not in the projectiles- Could now be the Technology changes or unit armor/shield edits. -

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

Worse- It's not in the shields or unit's recruitment- or armor or technology.

-Means it could be in multiple things.

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

Not ******* impressed tbh. So far removed 70% of the mod and it's finaly working.

..il have to re-add the other parts now "each one at a time" part separately to find whats broken and whats not - then write it down and -start from scratch -_-


-> Expect it to take a good hour to find the ones at fault- and 2 houres to fix.

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Guest - - 699,828 comments

Good luck. Thanks for your good time.

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

It's all good- I want to get back to my campaign lol -Cant untill this is fixed now =)

Good news- It seems to be about 20% of the mod- nerly reduced it down to 2-3 offending parts.

[Update] Seems to be just one thing.

"Melee weapon" -> now that I know its not most of the mod and the last blody thing I expected it to be,you can cut that time down, "right down" to 30 mins or less now =)

"To put it in context" This effects weapon ranges, stats and bonuses like damage v cavalry/infantry- and their individual dps.

""It's very unusual that this would cause this problem"" -Never seen this before, even when once they added more weapons to atilla after relese it would not crash the game

"I can easily say this is probably directly linked to the incoming blood mod" and it's new animations. -> "Good news" it more than certainly means battles will be more detailed as they pre-load the changes - "The dlc just "Unlocks" the code- but the code is uploaded before the dlc.

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

[FIXED] -Adding some other changes I've made over time too along with the update 07

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

[If money becomes far too easy, I will reduce the buff- but I made it so you should be able to support a semi-elite army with 1 City.

Vanilla was a little short given the increased recruitment capacity.

-Farming is now profitable.
-Money changes and farming.
-Gain farm now boosts farming massively-
-City farming now covers up to a small regional city food costs, to compensate a imperial city food costs are doubled.

-Cities now provide a stable net income. "You should be able to support 1 medium army" with 1 city.A elite army will cost around 3-2 cities with a focus. Overall money becomes less of a issue,

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Lordzarmack Author
Lordzarmack - - 296 comments

Tweeked, let me know if your finding yourself overflowing with cash - I wasnt and had 2 armies. 1 city and 1 jade trader. "Most buildings maxed near- and a regional city"

-Also fixed/ changed the repeat events granting items and reduced by half the rate. -In the future i will lower the value of items alot to balence out the spawn rate.

I was sick myself of not having armor or weapons for my generals that made them look actually respectable, however they could be abused to bring income in for the player at a unrealistic amount. -Weather people want that or not- I dont know - "Let me know in the comments.

-Next update will be to unit sizes, Planning on increasing general unit sises as I find cavalry very underwhelming late game and currently they struggle to take archer units out as fast as they would. -Give or take 10 horses. I think would fix that.

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solam - - 4 comments

Hi Lordzarmack. As I was the one who was the guest communicate with you since "Jun 23 2019". I forget that I have account here. Anyway, I will try your mod today for version "Invis_AllInOne_Totalwar_3kingdoms_Realism.26". I will report back. By the way, why you don't have Discord account ?! better and easy to communicate with you. Thank you.

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