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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 132)
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ Artefact Hunters, Last Dawn, Operation Monolith Storylines 4.5 (UPDATE!) [DLTX]

Hi, I've got a weird thing going on with the scientist NPC who gives quests through the scientist chain :)
His model is not there, you can not talk to him, but he goes somewhere and has a collision, in general an anomaly :) All this is funny, but because of this I have broken the passage of the quest.

Good karma+1 vote
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ [UPDATE 1] Enhanced Recoil - Gold Edition

Hi! The mod is great! I want to ask, can you make an optional choice to disable the camera movement to the bottom, after a single shot? I play with MP Rex and SKS, after each shot my character is like a toy dummy on the torpedo of the car, swinging. at first it was interesting, but when attacked by a pack of dogs I shot anywhere but at them :)

Good karma+1 vote
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ RE:TUNE: Anomaly FootStep

Hi! The sounds are awesome. but like vanilla anomaly or any other mods for footstep sounds - the footsteps on the water are absurdly loud. Could you release an optional patch for quieter water footsteps ? or tell me how to do it myself. Thanks :)

Good karma+1 vote
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ Artefact Hunters, Last Dawn, Operation Monolith Storylines 4.5 (UPDATE!) [DLTX]

I have a suspicion that it doesn't work with RE:DONE Collection. The old church in the swamp doesn't have the right NPC.
The character Cold also does not tell me anything interesting :)
I realized what the problem is! the mod is not installed correctly. gamedata - gamedata :) Plz fix

Good karma+1 vote
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ Shaders Look Better v1.1.0

SSS онли - не пашет мсаа, Твой пак н�� тени - не пашет msaa, Es - пашет мсаа. ну или просто аномали без всяческих шейдеров - пашет мсаа. что еще забавно - в всех других играх где есть мсаа - он работает. К тому-же если в диспетчере нвидиа включить Mfaa для аномали - видно что он пытается накинуть пикселей на мсаа , которого нет. Так что даже драйвер видит что мсаа есть, но его нет. как в том фильме - видишь суслика? вот и я не вижу, а он есть :)
В общем хрень твориться странная. я уже удалял драйвера в 0 через DDU, удалил кеш в игре, в DX и в инвидиа. До сраки кари очи, осталось только переустановить шиндовс :)

Good karma+1 vote
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ Shaders Look Better v1.1.0

Можешь более подробно описать как мне - дефнуть? Я не программист, я понятия не имею что и как там клацать :)
И да, конечно я юзаю мсаа с альфатэстом

Good karma+1 vote
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ Shaders Look Better v1.1.0

Привет добрый человек. У меня возникла проблема с Msaa в игре. наверное она не относиттся к твоему моду, но я заметил что у тебя и мода SSS одинаковый фаил ( в котором есть код для оптимизации Msaa. Я написал автору SSS , но он давно не отвечает на ModDb.
Проблема вот в чем - у меня работал Msaa с модами ES+SSS+SHADERS LOOK BETTER V1.1.0.
Однако не давно просто перестал!
Я чистил шейдер кэш, я переустанавливал драйвера на видеокарту, я удалял user.ltx, но это не помогает. помогает отключение SSS и твоего мода - и о чудо Msaa работает.
Поскольку у вас файл ( может ты знаешь в чем проблема ?

Good karma+1 vote
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ Screen Space Shaders [ Update 20.2 ] [ 1.5.2 ]

Hi ! I had a strange thing happen. My Msaa stopped working. It used to work before, now it stopped working. I tried everything. The only thing that helps is disabling SSS. What's strange is that I had no problems with it before. Do you have any idea what's going on?

Good karma+1 vote
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ RE:TUNE ambience sounds (new update)

I really enjoyed your sound addon! But why does the crow scream with two voices? As a crow and an owl at the same time ? :)

Good karma+1 vote
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ Artifact Spawn Rebalance: Improved [1.5.2]

Do I need a new game? To properly spawn artifacts?

Good karma+1 vote
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ Temporal Anti-Aliasing [1.5.2 vanilla+DLTX]

You can try to enable 4x msaa + in Nvidia manager enable MFAA (they only work together) the result will be better than x8 msaa. However it may seem that TAA shows better FPS - quality, but it is not so :) Msaa is a bit trickier than just blurring neighboring pixels, Msaa processes geometry 2-4-8 times larger than it really is, then compresses the result into the screen size! The conclusion - distant objects or thin objects do not turn into dotted lines or pixel mess. TAA unfortunately can't do that. It just effectively blurs neighboring pixels.

Good karma+1 vote
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ RE:TUNE: Anomaly Weapon rattle

it's great when a gun made out of a piece of metal sounds like a $10 toy :)

Good karma+4 votes
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ Complete Gunslinger Pack [1.5.2.] - DLTX,FDDA,MODIFIED EXE'S

Бротхер, а можешь указать в описании приоритет в МО ? шо за чем идет. пжлст.

Good karma+2 votes
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ Screen Space Shaders [ Update 20.2 ] [ 1.5.2 ]

Hi. I'm just getting familiar with patch 20. It's super mega duper!
My little bug report, if you'll excuse me.
in settings_screenspace_SSR.h.
If enabled - #define G_SSR_CHEAP_SKYBOX.
In reflections on puddles and other things the sky is not reflected at all.

Good karma+1 vote
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ Shaders Look Better v1.1.0

Знаешь, я скептически отнесся к этому моду, просто потому что из скриншотов и видео мало что понятно. Но решил установить, просто потому что мне интересны шейдеры. Что я могу сказать - определенно твой обновленный шейдер теней теперь должен иметь пометку - must have! Просто буквально потому что отдалённые тени стали настолько заметны и чёткие что это СРАЗУ бросается в глаза. Это буквально то что делает движок Аномалии более объемным для восприятия. Спасибо Бро! Выпью 50 грамм водки за твоё здоровье.

Good karma+1 vote
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ SHADER BASED BODYCAM LIKE EFFECT MOD 1.2.1

Too bad there is no adaptation to SSS. Also as I realized need vanilla EXE, because just pure Anomaly but with modified EXE just gives a black screen. Eh, too bad. will wait for a kind person who will bring all this in order.For mod 12 snorkels out of 10

Good karma+5 votes
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ The extinguished fire doesn't flicker (update 1.1)

Мелочь, а приятно :)

Good karma+1 vote
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ red forest kryiron

FPS decreased by 5-10 on average
У меня и так там 30фпс на 5800h и 3060m.Вот был бы мод который повышает фэпэс в лесу :)Но всё равно спасибо, мод красивый.

Good karma+1 vote
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ Screen Space Shaders [ Update 20.2 ] [ 1.5.2 ]

I found an interesting bug with volumetric rays and the light of the flashlight.Some incompatibility of volumetric rays and high quality lighting.Observed only in the location overpass Pripyat-1.Not critical, but still. Mods on the flashlight or its texture are not installed

Good karma+1 vote
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ Get out of my way, you stupid NPC (up 1.2)

Оу бро! Это то что нужно ! Спасибо

Good karma0 votes
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ Tosox Mini Mods Repo v2024.05.28 (35 Mods)

"Mysteries of the Zone Unlocker"
This mod is a special thank you! You would know how many times I started the game again, not understanding why I broke the main quest! Turns out it was MotZ. I'll drink vodka for your health!

Good karma+2 votes
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ Beef's NVG, Improved (upd. 5)

That's interesting! I've tried every possible option. ES+beef,Es+SSS+Beef,Just Beef. With and without SSS adaptation. Only Beef or nothing works correctly :)
But your rewrite version is interesting! What is your order of shader mods in MO2 ?

Good karma+1 vote
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ Beef's NVG, Improved (upd. 5)

Since the adaptation files for Es and SSS are vanilla Beef, the same bug with tone mapping remains? That the sky brightness stops changing as the r2_tonemap effect increases or decreases.

Good karma+1 vote
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ fixing the brightly colored bushes in the redwood forest

Спасибо Бро. Идешь такой заряженный ES ,sss,решейды, всё по кино и голливуду. и тут бац кусты светятся!

Good karma+2 votes
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ Beef's Shader Based NVGs v1.1.1

Hi. I encountered that - when turning on your mod with ES mod, tonemap stops affecting the sky, which increases or decreases (depending on the scene) only the game world, but the brightness of the sky remains the same. Separately ES or separately NVG work perfectly tonemap correctly increases or decreases the brightness of the whole scene. In place of these two mods - the sky stops responding to tonemap.Yes I have installed a patch for ES.

Good karma+1 vote
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ lootboxes BaS patch

Внезапно по прошествию сотни лет, нашелся не ленивый, добрый человек, который скрестил два популярных аддона :) Находишь оружейный кейс , таскаешь его на горбу пока не соберешь отмычки, открываешь , а там - ванильный м16, с модельками из CS 1.6 :)
Выпью водки за твоё здоровье :)

Good karma+1 vote
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ Screen Space Shaders [ Update 20.2 ] [ 1.5.2 ]

Hi :) installed the latest version and I have a couple of questions. first - ssfx_shadow_bias by standard was 4,3,1, I tried to change these values, but the console told me that the maximum values are 0,0,0 and 1,1,1, - which is strange. And the second question - pseudo PBR stopped working from ES shader set ? Picture herd through moderately contrasty and changing albedo values do not bring any changes :)
update - oops, strong contrast is so the LUT was turned on. Only shadow bias question remains . upd2 - the new update just blows my mind! thank you :)
addition - could you, of course if you want to listen to random dude - add the influence of the sky color on your fog shader? I would then in the weather configs just set the neutral color, and the fog color would be controlled by your shader. So - just my thoughts.

Good karma+1 vote
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ [MCM]ally safe hud 1.2(Anomaly 1.5.1)

Hey there! Great mod! There is an interesting thing with the mod .
My body is marked as an ally too :)

Good karma+3 votes
xaer3d - - 132 comments @ Dynahud Hud Manager

I don't know if anyone has posted or if it's just me with this problem. Every 2-3 seconds I get a message that BHS is hidden, then not hidden, then hidden again. It literally kills me. in the settings - show notifications does not solve the problem. Is there any way to remove the notifications completely????

Good karma+2 votes