I MY NAME IS Ernie brown ANDI LIKE tutles, i wanted to be on rolling stones mag so i started devolping a talent so i started catching turtles, i learnt talent from my uncle. at age seven i caught a turle and at age 17 i caught my biggest tutle weighing 55 pounds, i called her The Loch Ness Turtle. i worked at a lumbing farm, dairy farm and construction site. the reason why i lost my teeth is because of a chainsaw incindent, i broke my jaw in car crash and explosion. my wife leftme becuase i had no teeh, she said 'I’m not being married any longer to a guy that’s got no teeth.' I didn��t take her seriously, but evidently she was serious. Debbie has custody of my two children, my daughters Courtney and Megan, and i maintains a cordial relationship with them.On the same day that my wife left me, my house was robbed of all my money and my arrowhead collection. Later that day, i began a six-month, self-imposed exile in the woods near my home. "Everyone thought I died in a pond catching turtle

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