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Comment History
ThePunKing - - 10 comments @ XRPG Fighter Guide

No problem. I also added a video guide to the Videos Section:

Good karma+2 votes
ThePunKing - - 10 comments @ XRPG Fighter Guide

Open the automap with tab, click a shield in the inventory row (that will pick it up), and click the grey'd out falcon shield icon on the bottom right of the hud.

Try to click towards the center of things. The pixelated icons are not the best pointers.

Once it's equipped, if you are wielding a 1 handed weapon, use alt attack to hold out the shield. I don't remember zdoom's default button but I think alt fire is right click.

Good karma+1 vote
ThePunKing - - 10 comments @ XRPG Version 2.3

Thanks. I'm glad you're having fun. The throwing hammer only fires when you are moving forward or backwards. This is so that berserk works as expected.

Sounds like the readme needs updated with this information. Must have been removed by accident over time.

Good karma+1 vote
ThePunKing - - 10 comments @ XRPG - A hexen RPG

Glad you got it fixed.

I took a look and the version string in zscript is wrong. Updated the download.

Good karma+1 vote
ThePunKing - - 10 comments @ XRPG - A hexen RPG

Thanks! Can you paste the error and what version of GZ Doom? If you run it with the command line argument -stdout it will dump any console logs to a terminal to copy and paste.

Feel free to post this in the forum if that makes it easier to share:

Good karma+1 vote
ThePunKing - - 10 comments @ Betatested tonight...

That has to have been really awkward when RailWolf first saw the message "You are the wolf!"

A positive motivational moment. LOL

Good karma+1 vote
ThePunKing - - 10 comments @ Darkzard

I'm friends with paril. I'll ask him today when he logs on.

Good karma+1 vote
ThePunKing - - 10 comments @ CTM Mod

YAY thanks. I've got LUA integrated, now I just have to add in some useful callbacks.

I'll update more once I've made some relevant changes.

Good karma+1 vote
ThePunKing - - 10 comments @ CTM Mod

I've been looking into this and python seems to be the best bet, so I'm playing with it now. I'll update with progress if there is any.

Good karma+1 vote
ThePunKing - - 10 comments @ CTM Mod

What are the chances that someone can start a Quake2 Scripting Language project?

I could help, I just couldn't be lead or anything.

The concept is quite simple. You create an interpreter (which is the extremely hard part) and then make entry points that expose sections of the code to the scripting language.

Good karma+1 vote