Hi there, I'm a gamer... My favourite games are: 1 - Deus Ex (trilogy)/2 - Silent Hill (0, 1, 2, 3, 5)/3 - Half Life (1, 2 complete)/4 - Civilization III /5 - The Suffering (1&2)/6 - Hidden and Dangerous (1&2)/7 - TNM /8 - MYST (the original!)/9 - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (SoC) /10 - Duke Nukem 3d and Forever /11 - Serious Sam FE, SE, BFE /12 - Splinter Cell series.

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Oh yes, the program is techno4 and is not a bad app, after all. Yes, I'm a newbie 'bout that prog!