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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 77)
supra107 - - 77 comments @ Snitch jew

What happened to your boulder goy?

Good karma+1 vote
supra107 - - 77 comments @ Better Bizon Weapon

Big Black Woman? You mean Motifa baby

Good karma0 votes
supra107 - - 77 comments @ Anomaly's Name Update for Stalkers [ANUS]

"Welcome to my ANUS."
"The Zone just got a new flavor."

I don't know if I want to taste it thought. :D

Good karma+7 votes
supra107 - - 77 comments @ [DLTX SUPPORT] Authentic Names

Oh, of course, I always wanted a bit of virtue signalling in my game! Can't wait for a mod that removes all Russian-made weapons from the game!

Mods like these will only hurt the already divided STALKER community even more. People should stop antagonizing each other and simply enjoy the game.

Good karma+6 votes
supra107 - - 77 comments @ Open backpacks 1.3

You should consider making a DLTX version of this mod considering it only adds stuff to existing .ltx files, would help out a lot with various mod conflicts for people that are deep enough in the Anomaly addon rabbit hole to have DLTX installed (like me). It's not even that hard, there is a tool that can convert any mod into a DLTX mod. ;)

Good karma+2 votes
supra107 - - 77 comments @ Hellblau's Saw-Able Shotguns [DLTX]

Should've used a screencap from the movie Brat. ;)

Good karma+3 votes
supra107 - - 77 comments @ Auto Zoomed Out Scope Aim Draw (UPDATE 2)

Alright but where you can find this binocular overlay though

Good karma+1 vote
supra107 - - 77 comments @ Better Rain FX

��усть твой дорогой Путин отключит тебя от интернета и запрёт в твоём собственном российском дерьме, потому что твой бред невозможно слушать. В конце концов, вы настолько отвратительно относитесь к Западу, что, вероятно, вам не повредит, если вы будете полностью отрезаны от мира, верно?

Good karma+4 votes
supra107 - - 77 comments @ Screen Space Shaders [ Update 20.2 ] [ 1.5.2 ]

Would it be possible to make a patch for Glossy Surfaces' water shader, so that it uses SSR from this mod and not Glossy Surfaces? Not to mention that applying both at once result in over-glossiness and decreased performance. Your SSR looks nicer, but it cannot be used alongside the water shader which adds a lot of visual fidelity.

Good karma+1 vote
supra107 - - 77 comments @ 🌺[1.5.0] Bigger Stash Icons🌺

Was getting caught part of your plan?

Good karma+2 votes
supra107 - - 77 comments @ [DLTX] Scho-Ka-Kola (UPDATE 1)

Извините, я из Польши и мой российский очень плохой.

Good karma+1 vote
supra107 - - 77 comments @ [DLTX] Scho-Ka-Kola (UPDATE 1)

I only showed a relative example of how my MO2 instance is set up. The base directory in MO2 in my case is D:/Games/Utilities/Mod Organizer 2/Anomaly. You'll have to navigate to the one which you've specified yourself, and in it you should have folders like downloads, mods, overwrite. Extract the .LTXDiff folder to the mods folder, as the script is designed to run from that directory and operate on folders in that directory. Basically extract the .LTXDiff folder as if it was an addon folder. After you run the script and it ends up running properly, the DLTXified mod should show up in a folder with the same name, but with "_DLTX" added to the end of it. Oh yeah, and don't turn the .LTXDiff folder on in MO2, it's not meant to be used in MO2. Drop it at the very end of the list and ignore it.

Good karma+1 vote
supra107 - - 77 comments @ [DLTX] Scho-Ka-Kola (UPDATE 1)

Sounds like the script isn't finding the file that's supposed to be in the same directory as the script. Check if everything is extracted, if it matches the following tree hierarchy, and also check if the script's working directory is the same as the folder in which you're running the script. The folder "Anomaly" is the Base directory as stated in Mod Organizer 2.

Good karma+1 vote
supra107 - - 77 comments @ [DLTX] Scho-Ka-Kola (UPDATE 1)

The way I do it is that I make a standard LTX mod using extracted files and then run it through DLTXify, which is a tool given by the creator of DLTX to convert standard LTX mods into DLTX ones. I have set up a simple PowerShell script that resides in the Mod Organizer 2 folder, which takes a name of a standard mod, finds the folder with that name, and turns that mod into a DLTX one. This can also be used to turn existing mods into DLTX ones, or at least their LTX part.

This is the script and the tool with all the default 1.5.1 configs. Extract the .LTXDiff folder into your Mod Organizer 2 mods folder, the one in which MO2 actually installs the mods. Then you run the ltxdiff.ps1 script and enter the name of the mod you want to DLTXify.

Good karma+1 vote
supra107 - - 77 comments @ [1.5.1/1.5.2] Banjaji's Realistic bodily needs v3.8

DLTX only replaces and/or adds the lines you explicitly state to change, and every type of mutant meal has three separate items with separate stats. So if you want to change the stats of all Dog chops, you need to change the values in all three items separately. :)

EDIT: Oh yeah, same goes for LTX replacement, all DLTX does is it replaces specific parts of the file instead of the entire file, which helps with avoiding conflicts.

Good karma+1 vote
supra107 - - 77 comments @ S.k.I.n - Skinning Improvement

Make it so that it's possible to loot crows without needing to take out the knife and I'll never have to equip it again, the knife slot will become a genuine pistol slot. And for the context, there are a few mods in the DLTX MiniMod Repository which make crow looting actually useful. There's one which allows for looting the crows again, and another one that adds a recipe for The Beak, which needs Mutated crow beak that you get by looting crows. Still, your script is much better than the one I was using, that one had the issue where after skinning the game would force me to equip the pistol, great work. :)

Good karma+1 vote
supra107 - - 77 comments @ [DLTX REQUIRED] DLTX MiniMod Repository (UPDATE 52)

I have come here to donate a tiny little thing. Cr3pis recently released brand new icons for essentially all consumables, so I've made textures for the Fillable Canteens patch to fit the new style. :)

Good karma+3 votes
supra107 - - 77 comments @ [1.5.1/1.5.2] Banjaji's Realistic bodily needs v3.8

Not sure if this was on purpose or not, but in the DLTX version some items like Pseudodog chops (stewed) have 4760 kcal, which seems to be caused by the fact it uses the vanilla satiety value. It seems that at least two items are missing the corrected satiety value.

And some values for things like Metal bottle or Russian chocolate seem oddly large compared to the rest of the items, but that might be a deliberate design choice.

Good karma+1 vote
supra107 - - 77 comments @ (DLTX) Cr3pis Icons

Ah, I see. Also the issue with icon alignment I was talking about earlier was caused by an older version of Sorting Plus. It seems that there was a conflict between the script used to replace the icons and the older sorting script. :)

Good karma+2 votes
supra107 - - 77 comments @ (DLTX) Cr3pis Icons

Will there be an indicator patch for artefacts in the near future, both with vanilla stats and Artefact Renovation stats?

Good karma+1 vote
supra107 - - 77 comments @ 🌺[1.5.1][ENG/RU] No Loading Tips v3🌺

Yeah I'm pretty sure it's just because you're a weeb lmao

Good karma+3 votes
supra107 - - 77 comments @ [DLTX] Scho-Ka-Kola (UPDATE 1)

I have tried to make a basic in-game model for the item in Blender, but after trying to load the item with the changed .ogf the game crashes. If anyone knows how to make a new item model and properly add it to the game, please let me know how to do it, since that's the one thing that this mod really misses from being a complete package. :)

Good karma+2 votes
supra107 - - 77 comments @ (DLTX) Cr3pis Icons

Do you have any recommendations on mods that alter the trading tables then? Faction Based Economy perhaps?

Good karma+1 vote
supra107 - - 77 comments @ (DLTX) Cr3pis Icons

The new version seems to have issues with grid sizes of non-standard items, as can be seen here with vodka and pistol ammo:

EDIT: It turns out this was an issue related to an outdated version of Sorting Plus. After updating it the icons align properly.

Also a patch for Artefact Renovation stats would be nice, the one I have is just spliced from some other mod.

Good karma+1 vote
supra107 - - 77 comments @ (DLTX) Cr3pis Icons

Outfit icons from the Complete Trader Overhaul mod in the Cr3pis Icons style. :P

Good karma+1 vote
supra107 - - 77 comments @ (DLTX) Cr3pis Icons

Will there be a compatibility patch for Cr3pified CTO's custom outfits when the new vanilla armor icons come around?

Good karma+1 vote
supra107 - - 77 comments @ [1.5.1/1.5.2] Zone Customization Project (AZCP) 1.5e

Damn, too bad it took me this long to find out why I had duplicate NPC's, I'm way too into the current game to start a new one, and I was using 1.4a, the version right before it got patched. I just hope that no additional duplicates will spawn now, the ones that did I killed off with debug mode. :D

Good karma+2 votes
supra107 - - 77 comments @ RPR 1.0 [ARCHIVED]

I'm sorry, but these look like **** and do not fit STALKER at all. You should consider making more subtle and fitting skins, like with camo as the person above me mentioned. Consider using more toned colors, so that the PDA's don't look like CS:GO skins. You could do it so that PDA v1 has a silver/dark gray color scheme, PDA v2 has a silver/olive drab or olive drab/dark gray color scheme, and PDA v3.1 has a camo scheme. No crazy patterns, just the kind of stuff you can find on real PDA's.

Good karma+8 votes
supra107 - - 77 comments @ EOA [EXTENDED OFFLINE] 1.0.5 Russian Text

Am I glad that Stepan Bandera is burning in hell right now. :)

Good karma+10 votes
supra107 - - 77 comments @ Hip Kardashian

A dummy thicc Sidorovich mod is a mod I would gladly pay for.

Good karma+4 votes