Name: Steven Ramirez Age: 27 DOB: November 6, 1994 Sexual Orientation: Gay as F*ck Group: Overwatch(Combine) Relationship Status: Single(for now) Games: Plants vs Zombies 2 Events Being Held: Favorite Quotes: Good News Everyone!, Bad News Everyone! Hobbies: I'm an artist I draw clean(normal) or dirty(porn) pictures I take requests ..... MORE TO COME

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I want to create mod and need help

stevenr380680 Blog

I want to create a Half-Life 2 mod that revolves around me being able to choose to join the rebels or combine from a choice in the first map. But I wouldn't know where to start. For now, I'll start uploading concept art.


stevenr380680 Blog 1 comment

I will post concept art soon since I bought a printer/scanner. The story I will write out too. But I want it to be a three separate campaigns thing where in the first map you have to pick between joining the resistance or overwatch or going solo like freeman.