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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 435)
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly 1.5.1

Thanks for the information. I've contacted MODDB staff to check the file on their mirrors.

Good karma+1 vote
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly 1.5.1

Thank you very much for allowing us to keep using your great textures with proper credits.

I also want to publicly repeat my apology here. It was not our intention to use your work uncredited and as the project founder it's my responsibility to make sure these things don't happen.

In this case I clearly failed to make sure our credits are complete.

Good karma+9 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

when it's done

Good karma+11 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

I disagree. You coming in here, ranting about how bad everything is and how much you dislike the mod without even trying to get help from anyone to solve the problems you have, that is disrespectful. If you ask for help and change things and then still don't like the mod, that is ok. But first throwing a fit and later coming back to get some help to try it again, that makes the criticism on your behavior a valid point.

I'm glad if you want to try the mod again and maybe even manage to change it to something you like. But if it still doesn't work, the mod is just not for you. In case I'd suggest you move on and play something you enjoy more. It is ok to dislike the mod, but don't expect other people who really enjoy it to agree with you on that.

Good karma+10 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

Hello and thanks for your feedback. If you don't enjoy the mod in the current form, I recommend taking a look at all the gameplay options we make configurable in the settings or at the addons that other players made and that can change the experience in many ways. If you still can't enjoy Anomaly with all these options, maybe it's just not for you. There are many other STALKER mods out there and you'll certainly find something that fits your preferred play style better.

Good karma+5 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ Players Choice - Mod of the Year 2019

Congratulations to every mod that made it on this list. It's an honor for our S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly mod to be a part of it this year.

Good karma+5 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

It's pretty obvious that Anomaly is not for you. That's ok, everyone has different opinions about what's fun and what's not. I recommend you to find something else to play now that fits your play style and expectations better.

Good karma+12 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly 1.5.0 Hotfix 7

Your crash is from Hotfix 6, please install Hotfix 7. You can find the download link to Hotfix 7 by scrolling up a bit and pressing the "Download Now" button.

Good karma+4 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly 1.5.0 Hotfix 5

We could not reproduce that crash so far and none of the reports on our bug tracker contains the required attachments to help us find the issue. So if you have a save where this happens, please report it on our bug tracker on and attach the files for the save there.

Good karma+6 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly 1.5.0 Update 2

Use hotfix 4 and it should not fail on those files anymore.

Good karma+4 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly 1.5.0 Update 2

That is mentioned in the update notes in the description of this download (that nobody reads, of course).

Good karma+9 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly 1.5.0 Update 2

If you are using any addons and get crashes, don't complain to us. Report those issues to the authors of the addons you are using! Only issues that happen without the use of any addons will be looked at from now on.
The amount of reports ("doesn't work", "crashes", ...) that were caused by addons makes it impossible for us to focus on the real issues for the next update.

If you have any other files in the `gamedata` folder than these 4, your bug reports can not be handled:
- configs\atmosfear_options.ltx
- configs\axr_options.ltx
- configs\localization.ltx
- configs\warfare_options.ltx

Also please open the directory `tools` that was included in Update 2 and run the script `verify-install.bat` by double clicking it, if any file is listed as `FAILED` instead of `OK` you need to reinstall the mod because something in the files got corrupted and can cause problems.
Please install Hotfix 4 ( ) before using the verify-install.bat script.

Good karma+10 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

Didn't I politely ask you to find something else to play that fits your play style better? Please don't spam the comments here anymore, unless you change your attitude there is nothing anybody can do for you.

Good karma+5 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

I'm serious. Stop playing something you don't like!
Edit: thanks for your understanding, I hope you can get more enjoyment out of whatever you play next.

Good karma+10 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

Ok, you made your opinion very clear. Now please uninstall Anomaly and play something else. If you are unwilling to accept help, we're unwilling to listen to your problems.

Good karma+10 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

It seems that Anomaly is just not what you are looking for. That's ok, there are many other great mods for stalker that fit your play style.
But if you decide you want to keep playing Anomaly, I recommend asking for help in the support channel on discord. I also recommend to do that in a calmer way, it'll improve your chance to find someone who is willing to help you.

Good karma+12 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly 1.5.0 Update 1

It makes no difference if Hotfix 1 is installed or not. It's included in Update 1 so it will be ignored if it's installed and all fixes from it are still applied if only Update 1 is installed.

Good karma+4 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

We've started internal testing of the first patch. It will contain hotfix 1 and many new fixes. If the internal tests turn out to be successful, we will release the patch shortly after. Earliest tomorrow, later if we find new issues introduced by the patch.

Good karma+20 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ ZoneExpanded - Road To The North

Congratulations on the release. Reading the description and seeing all the great things in this mod, I'm looking forward to try RttN as soon as I find some time.

Good karma+5 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

The first update preview of the upcoming Anomaly Repack 1.4.0 Update is now available on

Please post feedback and bugs in that forum thread. And read the information posted in the thread so you are aware of the changes and don't reports "bugs" for intentional changes to the game :)

Good karma+10 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

Just a quick update because I didn't post anything here for a while. I've been on vacation for a while and didn't have time to work on Anomaly for roughly a week after that. But I'm now back to working on the next update.

Update 1.4.0 will integrate the amazing Anomaly Overhaul that Tronex made during the past few weeks. It will require a new game, unfortunately the amount and scope of changes makes that necessary, but it's totally worth it.

I've missed a lot of posts here in the comments section, but I don't want to spend the time to go through all of them. If anyone posted anything important, please re-post it on the forum, it's much easier for me to see what's new there.

Good karma+11 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly Repack Update 1.3.3

But I'm right here, can't you see me? ;)
Some stuff is being prepared behind the scenes right now and a new update is coming soon. If you are not already aware of the amazing Overhaul that TRX is working on, you'll probably get a nice surprise when all the new cool stuff is ready for release.

Good karma+3 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly Repack Update 1.3.3

No, unless it's explicitly mentioned in the update notes you can keep playing existing saves after installing an update.

I'm surprised to see you are playing Anomaly, you made it very clear that you didn't like it.

Good karma+7 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ ZoneExpanded - Road To The North

The engine is perfectly capable to run mods on PC's with 4GB, the main reason you may think it needs a lot more is probably that Anomaly has a ton of HD assets. But with the "Back to the Roots" addon for Anomaly, it has proven to work great on lower spec PC.

Good karma+3 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ ZoneExpanded - Road To The North

If you PM me and send me some details about the broken developer options, I might be able to help with that. Always interested in improving the engine.

Good karma+3 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly Repack Update 1.3.3

Losing Goodwill when way is declared will be optional in the next update. It'll still be on by default but you'll be able to turn it off.

Good karma+1 vote
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

I've seen the activity on the forum and on Discord, but the weather here is so warm today that my brain stopped working shortly after lunch. I'll come back to your questions and feedback tomorrow.

There's also a vacation coming up for me this weekend. I'm planning to release a small update before the weekend that fixes some minor issues in update 1.3.2 and then I won't be online for about 2 weeks. The next update after that will be much larger but also take a bit longer to finish.

Good karma+16 votes
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

Post your PC specs and game configuration on the support board of the forum, maybe we can find that cause by taking a closer look.

Good karma+1 vote
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

Trees and bushes were not changed. They are also completely unrelated to Two-K.

Good karma+1 vote
seargedp - - 435 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

Some points about Anomaly, they may sound harsh, but I need to make some things clear to keep the workload with Anomaly manageable for myself. I'm currently spending more time on supporting Anomaly than on improving Anomaly and that needs to change!

I recently see the question "Should I play Anomaly or Dead Air?" a lot. The answer is easy, play Dead Air. If you have to ask, Anomaly is most likely not what you are looking for.

I also see bugs reported here on the comments section. They are hard to track here and should be reported on the support board of the forum instead. I'll not
reply to bug reports on this comment section anymore.

If question are asked that are already answered in the FAQ on the forum or in the release notes for Anomaly, I'll also ignore them from now on. If you can't read the information there, you'll most likely also not read it here.

Good karma+19 votes