Developer of the New Zone modpack for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly. I can't share link here because of rules, but if you search Stalker New Zone, you'll find it on reddit with download link

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Hello fellow stalkers

Today I'll preset you New Zone modpack for our beloved S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

For this day modpack comes with 251 active mods, additionaly not all enabled (as optional addons)

Warfare mode somehow works, but isn't fully supported so if you prefer warfare and will find i bug or ctd, let me know

I made New Zone for hardcore gameplay, but it's still WiP state

What you can expect now:

- Random chance for every item in traders supplies to be available after restock

- Random and limited money values for traders

- Compatibility with most mods you can find

- Custom starting loadout

- More durable mutants and controllers are the most dangerous from them because of their abilities (thanks to Hades@DK, Arszi, EricSol addons)

- Much more weapons

- Knife kills when NPC's didn't spotted you, they simply can't see you behind foliage

- Changed repairs items slightly

- Food, drinks, drugs and meds rebalance

- Some mutant parts have changed prices

- Almost every mutant skin have buff

- Bartering with New Zone options (thanks to Ahuyn)

What can you expect in the future

- Traders rebalance from the scratch

- New side quests

- Much more bartering options for every faction

- Compatibility with mags redux

- Better sounds for every weapon

- Rebalanced outfits

and much more

Here you can find Modpack, also updates. If you'll need help, join New Zone discord server

It comes with MO2 because it's needed

How to install:

Simply unpack it where you want and in MO2 set you S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly directory with anomalylauncher.exe as managed game

How to update:

Small updates

- just unpack where you have MO2 folder replacing all files

Huge updates

- Make a backup of your addons you downloaded additionaly (optional)

- Optionally delete your MO2 folder (sometimes i can rename some addons, delete them or merge, but it's optional step)

- Unpack where you have MO2 folder replacing all files

And some screenshots

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