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Comment History
Nuka-Planet - - 11 comments @ Rome: Total War: Antiquity

I no longer lead this mod.

Good karma+1 vote
Nuka-Planet - - 11 comments @ Rome: Total War: Antiquity

We have one more space since we added Epirus. I did want to add someone in central europe or Britannia maybe. For now I have no more plans while we balance out the game a bit more and finish placing territory ownership. It's a maybe. Thank you for your support.

Good karma+1 vote
Nuka-Planet - - 11 comments @ Rome: Total War Mod Launcher

Definitely Positive:

This launcher continues to deliever excellence for launching without messing around directing with steam, I have and continue to recommend it to people I meet or come to work with in one way or the other as it is OUTSTANDING.

Possible Critism:

My game does seem to have SOME (but not neccessarily a lot) of lag, especially when in the army builder menu bit.

Overall Opinion:......(well, I DO recommend it on my mod page lol!)

Good karma+1 vote
Nuka-Planet - - 11 comments @ Rome: Total War: Antiquity

Because I expect etruscans to be the most liked faction out of my mod because of the effort being put towards them, I will release a brief statement on the units you can expect without revealing too much! The Etruscans will be divided into "classes", more so then the Romans too who have recieved minor updates. You have the Class I units, Etruscan Hoplites etc, Class II, class III, class IV and V being the peasantry based units, levied spearmen etc. We will also add cavalry to them (class V)and possibly archers, but do not expect the Romans to be easily swept aside and you liberate the Italian paninsula. Oh no, you will have to use your army wisely in every engagement, they're farmers at the end of the day. Your hoplites, your greatest asset, they can turn the tide of defeat into victory. With each class of unit is a specialist who will only help you if used where they excel. The Class 4 units include javelinmen and levied "cannonfodder", maybe they can where down the Romans while you destroy their elite units? Or maybe they will cause a mass rout and your army will flee? The fate of the Etruscans is in your hands, but as the not expect the Etruscans to be annihilated quickly either!

Good karma+2 votes
Nuka-Planet - - 11 comments @ Rome: Total War: Antiquity

Right, I have added two new images for everyone. I hope you enjoy the progress so far. One image also include the famed Etruscan Hoplites (we are also in the process of changing them accordingly). I'd like to thank everyone for their support and interest. Stay tuned for more!

Good karma+2 votes
Nuka-Planet - - 11 comments @ Rome: Total War: Antiquity

We combined them into a single Roman Republic and the Etruscans. We need the space to add more factions. We have to consider many things, the factions ARE limited unfortunatly. We aim to be "as historical, as possible", so I take that into consideration as well. So far technically there ARE 4 greek factions, More factions include the Caledonians for Britannia (scotland), possibly Belgica to break up the gauls who will be renamed themseleves etc. What factions or nations do you think are missing and should be added? I'd be more then happy to give you a shout out for it.

Good karma+2 votes
Nuka-Planet - - 11 comments @ Rome: Total War

Well, with my new mod you can kiss FOUR roman factions good bye and HEELLLLO, to the Etruscans and the new Republic.

Good karma+2 votes
Nuka-Planet - - 11 comments @ Third Age - Total War

You must have uninstalled wrong or are not using the 4g patch for the med exe and kingdoms exe. Make sure you've created kingdoms.exe obv, then installed part 1, then part 2 and then the patch. Then that you have also used a 4g patch on both the exes. You can find a 4g patch on modb by searching it alongside moddb obv. Hope that helps but THAT is your issue, one of those.

Good karma+1 vote
Nuka-Planet - - 11 comments @ Rome: Total War: Antiquity

Thanks, I will GUARENTEE, authentic Etruscan names ratified by a professional historian. We have MORE settlements we will add at a later date, some will be implemented before release, Corsica and moving londinium to a better more accurate location with a different name is going to be implemented as well. We have a WORKING "Roman Republic" with no senate button to crash, I believe we have another system for Senate ranks in place. We are also looking for new people to join the team, currently as I've said there is two of us, I am learning to bridge the gap myself but anyone who can map make etc is welcome to send me a DM. Any more questions I will be more then happy to answer as always! Thanks!

Good karma+2 votes
Nuka-Planet - - 11 comments @ Rome: Total War: Antiquity

Right, I CAN confirm new regions for you mate. We are making progress now that I've fixed a number of crash related bugs, happens sometimes. Are there certain areas you feel settlements are required? Maybe I've not got some on my list that you can help with, I'll even give you a shout out in my credits for assistance of course. So far ones I will confirm are, Corsica, another below Leptis Magna, a few by the Bosporus (Crimea). We might be hopefully extending the map to include the Persian gulf, Scotland (Caledonia) which will also have a new settlement of course. Yes new nations, We breaking down "Britannia" into the Iceni whilst adding another nation in either Ireland and or Scotland area. I think we are also adding one to the Balkans to spice things up as well, maybe even Bosporus as it's own faction and possibly, another nation for Gaul area. Stay tuned!

Good karma+1 vote