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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 649)
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ Turn Aeon of Ruin into Aeon of Fun with this mod!

Yeah I know what you mean.
You'll never hear a professional reviewer say something like,
“Yeah on paper everything is great but it's just not fun.”
And yet that's how I feel about it.
I'm trying to tell myself I'm enjoying it but my brain just isn't feeling it.
And yeah I especially like this style of art direction too,
but the the devs have misunderstood the principles of what makes games like this fun.
Given how lazy and crooked Slipgate Ironworks are in everything they do, I'm inclined to believe the few good things about this game are the work of KillPixel and everything else is Slipgate's mess.

Good karma+2 votes
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ RealRTCW 5.0 - Finally Released!

i don't mean to nit-pick
but a lot of those firing animations,
have the kick-back coming quite a lot later than the flash.

Good karma+3 votes
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ Weapons of Mars Destruction 1.9.3

Any chance of a CstDoom3-style no-reloading option?

Good karma+1 vote
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ No Demo 3 but...

Do you mean “nucleus” ?

Good karma+2 votes
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ CstDoom3-BFG v2.0

That sucks.
The biggest problem for me with Doom 3 as a game (not including all the other problems you can fix by tweaking a few lines of code) is the massive lack of enemies.
It's not until like the last 3 levels that things kick up to where they should have been in the first place 20 years ago.

Good karma+1 vote
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ CstDoom3-BFG v2.0

• Could you add an option for 2004 reserve ammo maximums? With the Plasma Gun (for example, but applicable to all weapons) a clip/max of 50/450 just feels more sofisticated to me than 50/500. Also the ammo capacities are too high anyway.
• With auto and instant reload enabled, while in the middle of a clip, you still have to hit the [R] key to bring your reserve ammo down, so you can fill it up again, and thereby hold more ammo. With these settings enabled, could you change the maximum reserve to [old max] + ([full clip]-[current clip]), if you get my meaning?
• Where's the Super Shotgun in v2.0 ? It used to be in Mars City after turning off the flame, but it's not there this time.

Good karma+1 vote
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ CstDoom3-BFG v2.0

Were enemies removed vs. the 2004 edition?
Where can I find out more about this?

Good karma+1 vote
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ CstDoom3-BFG v2.0

Heeeeey, and only 1,353 days later!
Long time no see!
OK, after playing for a couple of hours, I've a few suggestions:

• There really needs to be a way to remove the crosshair, or replace it with a minimalist one. The Doom 3 BFG crosshair is perhaps the most obnoxious in the history of PC gaming, and takes you right out of the game.
• While we're here ^^^ a way to get rid of the name of your current location off the HUD would be nice as well.
• Speaking of crosshairs, I made my own using AHK and I usually lay it over the top of windowed games, but with this, even in windowed mode, nothing is allowed to appear on top of the Doom 3 window. Is that a Vulkan thing?
• Most of the weapon sound effects sound like they're coming from under a thick blanket, in particular the shotgun, machinegun, chaingun. I think that's a BFG Edition thing.
• Does this work with the Doom 3 BFG Hi Def mod? If so, how?
• Does this work with RBDoom3BFG? If so, how?
• Can we get a toggle to stop corpses disappearing? I was able to figure it out myself in vanilla (2004), but I don't know how to here. Should be relatively easy if you know how.
• If auto and instant reload are enabled, can you disable the ammo counter going red when the clip (or whatever) is almost finished? Because it's now unnecessary, not to mention distracting.
• With auto and instant reload enabled, I think instead of the machinegun (for example) dropping to “0”, I think it would make more sense for it to go from “1” directly to “60”. Same for all weapons.
• Can we get an option to disable fall damage? Dropping like 2 metres will take off 10 HP. It makes Doom Guy feel like a snowflake. Not very consistent with the “Earth's toughest marine”.
• I'm running 1440p with 16x antialiasing... and jaggies all over the place. I'm not even sure if it's working. Maybe an FXAA setting or something is in order. -EDIT- I figured it out. Yeah 16x doesn't work. Using 8x gives a much better result.

Good karma+3 votes
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ Phobos - Episode 3 release

Nope, no effect.
It's a shame to tie a mod like this to 20-year-old tech.

Good karma+2 votes
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ Phobos - Episode 3 release

That uh... doesn't do anything to improve the 60 fps situation.

Good karma+1 vote
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ Phobos - Episode 3 release

I know you said before that it doesn't work with BFG or Dhwem3,
but is there ANY way to get it running more than 60 fps?
60 fps just feels totally jank to me now,
and seems like such a waste of your hard work.

Good karma+1 vote
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ Quake II: Heavy Metal 2.0 - is officially launched!

I like most of them.
But some of them are a little much, like the health pick-up.
And some of them don't seem to match, like bullet pick-up.
A few gripes like that which will get annoying the >100th time.

Good karma+1 vote
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ Firestorm 1.8 Update

I wish someone would make a mod for C&C3;,
which, all it does, is change the game to old-school C&C sensibilities, i.e.
1. The game goes as fast as the RA2 “faster” setting,
2. There's no Fog of War, only Shroud of War.
3. All cooldown abilities are monetarily free.
4. It runs at 60fps (or higher).
5. You can zoom way out.
6. It doesn't get foggier the further you zoom.
7. Infantry are stronger but are trained/selected one-by-one.
8. Units can't be magically upgraded while in the field, at all. No upgrades.
9. Everything relating to structures (except constructing/paying) happens pretty much instantly.
10. Everything is more colourful/visible.

God I miss the old school games.
I wish they'd hurry up and remaster RA2.

Good karma-2 votes
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ Toggle HUD

It'd be nice to get a mod that just removes the reticle.

Good karma+1 vote
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ Half-Life 2 Rebalanced Released!

I tried it, and... honestly didn't like it. It's frustrating.
There's nothing awful about it, but I just found it slightly decreased the fun factor of the combat just about everywhere it was applied.
More difficult? Yes.
More fun? No.
More like Half-Life 1? No.

Good karma+2 votes
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ Field Intensity v1.6

I haven't tried those parameters yet,
but the new .dll fixed the problem for me.
Thanks, and good job.

Good karma+1 vote
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ Field Intensity v1.6

By the way, I found out what the problem is:
The game is secretly enabling “Enhance Pointer Precision”.
Here's another video.
Make sure to read the description again:

Good karma+1 vote
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ Field Intensity v1.6

Windows 11.

Good karma+1 vote
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ Field Intensity v1.6

I haven't tried -noforcemaccel. I'll check it out today.

I didn't take notes of the examples of off-sounding English while I was playing through. Most of them were just weird little things said by your team, which would require more voice acting, so probably won't get done anyway.
Like for example, the guy torches open the door for you, and says something like, “I'll guard this area, you go there.”
A native speaker would never say “you go there” when referring to a door they've just opened. They'd say “you go in”. It's mostly stuff like that.
Or when it's HUD text or subtitles, it's usually just a missing punctuation mark or something.

I tried that launch option. No difference. I'm almost certain that it was already enabled.
Here I've made a YouTube video demonstrating how Field Intensity can't be using raw input. Read the video description to understand what's going on.

Good karma+1 vote
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ Field Intensity v1.6

The mouse movement doesn't feel as raw and natural as Half-Life after the 25th anniversary update. I can switch between the two games and feel the difference quite clearly.

Also, there's numerous places during the mod where I got lost. Like after I cleared out the dormitories early on and my objective changed to “Leave the dormitories”, I wandered around in circles for half an hour. The objectives aren't always specific enough.

And could we get a list of what the weapons are referred to in the console? For binding purposes?

And do you want me to clean up the English in the mod for you?

Good karma+1 vote
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ The Dark Mod 2.12 is HERE!!!

Is there any way to play the Thief 3 campaign using this?

Good karma+2 votes
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ PROJECT HL2 (MMOD)

Alright, thanks. I refuse to believe there's really no way to make a cvar stick,
but I'll admit defeat for now. Also I wanted to ask,
I modified this file before (wanting to play HL2 Update MMod):
E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life 2 Update\hl2\cfg\skill.cfg
and it had the desired effect for both HL2 Update and Update MMod,
but now for some reason it's only affecting HL2 Update and NOT Update MMod.
Do you know why? Or which file I should be editing instead?

Good karma+1 vote
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ PROJECT HL2 (MMOD)

Thanks, you seem like a knowledgeable modder-sort of person,
so there's a couple more questions I'd like to run by you if I may.
I'm playing MMod with Half-Life 2: Update,
and I want to run a bunch of console commands every time when I start the game.
-EDIT- I've since realised that I need to have “-autoexec” in my launch parameters, which has solved one problem,
but it seems certain commands won't seem to load on launch,
will work after typing in the console “exec autoexec”,
but then will revert after a load of any kind.
Commands such as, “sk_manhack_health "1"”, for example.
Is there any way to get such commands to permanently stick?
Thanks again.

Good karma+1 vote
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ [ Half-Life 2 : MMod ] Version 1.3

I want to play this MMod with Half-Life 2: Update,
but I'm not sure which files to alter now
to mess with enemy health and ammo capacities, etc.
Changing this file used to do it:
E:\Steam\...\Half-Life 2 Update\hl2\cfg\skill.cfg
But now for some reason it has no effect on MMod Update.

Good karma+1 vote
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ PROJECT HL2 (MMOD)

I like all of them except the pistol,
which looks too big and too close to the camera for my tastes, so I prefer the MMod model.
Can I pick and choose which ones I want?
Also this is an MMod question
but does anyone know how to disable the stun stick in-game?
My binding picks crowbar or stun stick seemingly at random and it's pretty annoying,
especially since I already configure my game so the crowbar has triple damage.
Great mod, btw.

Good karma+1 vote
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ Improved Animation Pack

Can you upload a video?

Good karma+1 vote
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ Entropy : Zero - Uprising (Episode 1)

I just played through again,
and you guys should seriously upload your combat modifications as a standalone mod.
They're that good.

Good karma+1 vote
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ Half-Life 2 2004 Pack Version 1.2

I just tried your mod for the first time on [2023-10-22]
and I can't seem to get any of these FOV commands working.
None of them seem to do anything.
Any ideas?
It looks like it just needed a reload of some kind.

Good karma+1 vote
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ DOOM 64 CE 3.8.0 (Full Version)

I'm occasionally getting some very bad hitching,
where the game logic keeps going but everything is frozen,
sometimes for even up to a second before returning to normal.
I've never had this problem before. Maybe it's the new fog settings.

Also I'm very rarely getting weapons auto-targeting corpses on the floor,
making it impossible to fire straight.

Good karma+1 vote
naryanrobinson - - 649 comments @ Sneaky Upgrade 1.1.11 released

wow. did NOT see that coming ;)

Good karma+1 vote