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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 35)
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Dawn of War (DoW) - A 1792 mod for Napoleon Total War

Hello. My Suggestions:
1- The land troops and naval units of the Crimean Khanate should be completely replaced by Ottoman units and a tatar mounted unit should be added. There may not be a navy, because in historical reality the Crimean Khanate did not have a navy, you can add an Ottoman merchant ship.

2- The state of Serbia and Moldova should be added.

3- There should be an option to play emergent states

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Dawn of War (DoW) - A 1792 mod for Napoleon Total War

I'm glad about that, I'm glad. emergent states should be in accordance with historical reality for example, in the vanilla game, the units of the Crimean Khanate are not in accordance with historical reality, whereas the Crimean Khanate was a Muslim state under the Ottoman Empire. If the Ottomans had won the Ottoman-Russian war of 1788-1792, the Crimean Khanate would have become independent again. I would also like to have Serbia and Moldova states that are not in the vanilla game. Will there be an option to play emergent states

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Ogniem i Meczem II - 1550 Campaign

there should be an English version and india Far East and America map Africa map should be global mode

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Dawn of War (DoW) - A 1792 mod for Napoleon Total War

hello, will you have any work on emergent states?

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ New Map 1793 Wissembourg

hello, will you have any work on emergent states?

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Half and Five

hello, will you have any work on emergent states?

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ INCOMPATIBLE with FiI: 1830 Startpos Demo

hello have you started the mod construction?

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Imperial Destroyer submod ver.1783/1800

Hello, I wish you would make an imperial destroyer-style mod for the napoleon total war game, a mod that covers the years 1793 1800 1812.

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Empire: Total War

i'm begging you, please napoleon total total war vanilla will fix the units of the small states, especially the units of the crimean khanate, please make a mode that will fix the units of the crimean khanate vanilla, because the crimean units look like Russians. whereas the Crimean khanate was an Ottoman vassal state, please

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Vanilla_Tweaked_Garrisons_AIO

i'm begging you, please napoleon total total war vanilla will fix the units of the small states, especially the units of the crimean khanate, please make a mode that will fix the units of the crimean khanate vanilla, because the crimean units look like Russians. whereas the Crimean khanate was an Ottoman vassal state, please

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ New AIO Release

i'm begging you, please napoleon total total war vanilla will fix the units of the small states, especially the units of the crimean khanate, please make a mode that will fix the units of the crimean khanate vanilla, because the crimean units look like Russians. whereas the Crimean khanate was an Ottoman vassal state, please

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Third Age Total War Extended (4.0)

Fatal graphics error has occurred and the game will now be shut down. This normally caused by having your game graphics options set too high please try running the game again and lowering your graphics settings before entering battle. i'm getting the error what's the solution.

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Dawn of War (DoW) - A 1792 mod for Napoleon Total War

Hello. The units of the Crimean Khanate have no historical reality. Their units look like Russian units. However, the Crimean Khanate was an Ottoman vassal Muslim state. Please change the units of the Crimean Khanate to all units of land and sea. Completely add land and naval units, Ottoman units to the units of the Crimean Khanate. Please. fix this error.

Good karma0 votes
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Erzya

Hello, have you started your mod studies yet?

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ meme's epic menu mod (released)

Hello. The mod is only replacing ground units. The naval units are not Ottoman. The mode works when I upload it to the game's data file. I installed this mod to which I added the Darthmod or Napoleon total War link. You can use it any way you want. But please, units of the Crimean khanate, I want you to make arrangements to delete all existing units of the Sea and land and add completely Ottoman units. Because the Crimean Khanate was a state subordinate to the Ottoman Empire, please make this such a mode. Or edit the "Napoleon Total War Crimean Khanate Erzya" mode, which I have already linked.

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ meme's epic menu mod (released)

Hello, can you work on this mode that I have installed, can you deal with

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Vanilla Overhaul (Vanilla MP compatible)

Okay, you said the game is vanilla. but all I wanted was to replace the Russian units with vanilla ottoman units in the Crimean units. Can't you do it? Because I wanted you to add vanilla Ottoman units to the Crimean Khanate. Can't you do that?

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Vanilla Overhaul (Vanilla MP compatible)

Thank you. Your problem with the flag has improved. Hello, my last 2 requests from you. 1- The Crimean units related to the Crimean Khanate in the game, which is not the original Mode, are similar to those of the Russians. The Crimean khanate was a Muslim state like the Ottoman Empire. It was a state connected to the Ottoman Empire. Can you make a package file that completely deletes the Crimean Khanate units that look like Russians and adds the Ottoman Empire units completely instead? This was also a mistake peculiar to the Crimean khanate. 2- The problem with the music and the anthem is that some Ottoman-Mamluk-Bedouin units play the flute as an anthem. This was followed by the mehter anthem in all Ottoman and Crimean units, if the Mamluk and Bedouin Units (which may also be Crimean Khanate units) had an eastern-style drum sound while marching.

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Vanilla Overhaul (Vanilla MP compatible)

The Ottoman republican rebels have the Austrian flag on top. It comes out when you play with the Ottoman as a republic. Unfortunately, the Ottoman flag with the crescent star should be seen on the top of the Ottoman republican units, while the Austrian flag is seen. Play the Ottoman Empire as a republic, the Austrian flag is seen in error. this is the mistake that needs to be corrected. in short, if you remove the Austrian flag standing on the hill and replace it with the Ottoman flag with the crescent star

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Vanilla Overhaul (Vanilla MP compatible)

hello, in the Ottoman rebels, the Austrian flag appears on the hill. can this error be fixed in the next version

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Imperial Destroyer submod ver.1783/1800

Is your hello mode compatible with imperial destroyer 6.2 or should I install the latest version 6.3.

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ All factions for Custom & Multiplayer Battles

Yes I want you to fix the dirty crimean khanate units and solve the Austrian flag problem on the hill. Can you do it? Please.

Good karma+2 votes
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Egyptian version

Hello, I will have 2 requests from you. 1.napoleon the units of the kirim khanate from the small states in the total war are very similar to the Russians The Kirim Khanate is the complete replacement of the units of a Muslim Kirim Khanate affiliated to the Ottoman Empire with Ottoman units.2. Fixing the Austrian flag problem in the Crimean Khanate and making the Crimean Khanate and other emergent states playable. Please do these things.

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Egypt Campaign - All-Playable Startpos

Hello, I will have 3 requests from you. 1.Napoleon Total War the units of the Crimean khanate, one of the emergent states in the total war, are very similar to the Russians The Crimean Khanate was a Muslim state connected to the Ottoman Empire. If you delete units similar to the Russians and replace them with completely Ottoman units. 2. There is the Austrian flag at the top of the units of the Crimean Khanate. 3-Let the Crimean Khanate and other emergent states be playable. I demand that you correct this mistake. Please.

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Wind from the East

hello can you make a bear mod in the wind of east style for napoleon total war as well napoleon the units in total war look like russians and have the austrian flag instead of the crimean flag on their tops will fix this napoleon can you make a total war mod? amir timur napoleon had previously made a total war ottoman realism mode, but it was incomplete. can you make a mode to fix your crimean khanate like this? Please

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Foothold in India: The Great Game

only new muskeeter and nizam i cedid provincial cannot be taken. Maybe the general is watching too, but I can't reach the general because Crimea can't be played. There is no problem in other units. It looks like it. There is also an error of the Austrian flag on the units during the war. there were only 2 errors that I asked you to correct.

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Foothold in India: The Great Game

At least if there was a tool material lesson video view that teaches me that I should do this, I would study this mode. Maybe I'll wait for you to study in the future when you have time. But if there was a material picture and video that taught me to mod, I would do it. Please help me. Or complete it at your convenient time. Which one do you think is appropriate?

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Foothold in India: The Great Game

Thank you. :D. The mode you sent me is working. But I started playing with Russia. I couldn't play directly with the Crimean Khanate , wouldn't the fact that Crimean soldiers have the Austrian flag on them in the war environment be corrected by an additional flag mode? I could not look at some units in Crimea completely, I could not see the Beylik Janissary Muskeeter and Provencial nizam i cedid units in the purchases. I wonder if I didn't see these 2 units? you to make the Crimea and ottoman playable. I did not see his general, who was added to the Crimea Khanate from the Ottomans. Please solve the Austrian flag problem during the war. Please make Crimea and Ottoman should be playable.

Please,I'm waiting for your response.

Good karma+1 vote
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Foothold in India: The Great Game

Thanks. i'll check if it's working and let you know.

But for users here to also try, the mode must be moved to napoleon mods. It may not give an error on my computer or I may not notice the error, so other users here need to try the mode as well.

Good karma+2 votes
Mehoni - - 36 comments @ Foothold in India: The Great Game

I don't want much from you, I just want a small mod for Napoleon Total War, in which all the Crimean units are Ottoman units and the existing russian units have been completely deleted. Please

Good karma+2 votes