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Comment History
lukaszek444 - - 7 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

there is a newer mod that seems like a spiritual successor to this mode

Good karma+2 votes
lukaszek444 - - 7 comments @ Korean War 2 V013

ummm is this the full version really? It is less then 30mb while the older file is almost 700mb??? o_O

Good karma+1 vote
lukaszek444 - - 7 comments @ Rise of the Reds

was 1,87v ever released?

Good karma+2 votes
lukaszek444 - - 7 comments @ EarthFall

really fun game... shame it died prematurely but the content that there is can still entertain for dozens of hours

Good karma+1 vote
lukaszek444 - - 7 comments @ VSWAT 3

this looks amazing - when do you plan to release it?

Good karma+2 votes
lukaszek444 - - 7 comments @ Heroes of Might and Magic 7,5

does this work with the expansion?

Good karma+1 vote
lukaszek444 - - 7 comments @ TemplarGFX's ACM Overhaul

is there any hope the DLC 2nd map will be fixed and work in coop?

Good karma+1 vote